Closed SkyClan π˜πŽπ” 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐘 π’π”ππ’π‡πˆππ„ | 𝘴𝘬𝘺𝘀𝘭𝘒𝘯 𝘭π˜ͺ𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳


may you look up and meet tenderness
Character Hub
  • f859496ebb9b51852e734c968ba07785.jpg
    -ˏˋβ™₯Μ©Ν™β™₯Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™β™₯Μ©Μ₯Μ© β‘… collapse into me. just once. i promise you'll never have to fall again

    β€” unknown
  • ❝ i look at you and i just
    love you
    . and it
    me . it terrifies me what i would do for

    before joining skyclan, lostmoon was known as yingjie, having come from the city in search of something more when he bypassed zhiqiang's twolegs - battered and bruised wearing a northern star smile. since that fateful day, their fates intertwined the moment their eyes locked, not that either realized it.

    a painfully slow burn for moons would have had cats gripping their fur in agony, for yingjie was romantically clueless, and zhiqiang couldn't properly show his love but through silent actions of utter devotion.

    they were co-dependent in the worst way possible, destined soulmates to walk these lands for the rest of eternity together - side by side to brave the new world.

    zhiqiang's twolegs eventually adopted yingjie after noting how infatuated the older tom was with the pink-eyed feline - even getting the moggy a collar when they ventured outside.

    you see - zhiqiang thought they were mates already, and yingjie was so ungodly oblivious that zhiqiang had to outright proclaim yingjie was his mate. did that help? no. yingjie cackled, assuming it was one of zhiqiang's awful jokes until he realized the tall-legged male rarely joked.

    the rest was history. the couple joined skyclan in their late twenties alongside wolfstorm and lionfire, newly named as lostmoon and jaggedstorm.

    unfortunately, jaggedstorm was killed by rogues days after they realized they were going to be first-time parents.

    lostmoon wouldn't be the same since his mate's death, only truly carrying on for his unborn kits and close friends guiding him through the muddy waters.
  • i. this is not fcfs
    ii. this litter is casual activity, so 2-4 posts per month is sufficient
    iii. this is a 'wiggle worm' litter! you'll be rping them as tiny babies for the first two months! aging realistically on the 1st of every month once they reach a moon old
    iv. on nov. 14, lostmoon will be 4 weeks pregnant and moving into the nursery ( the day skyclan hp try-outs end ), meaning these kits will be born on the journey
    v. apps are free for all, just include basic info like name, appearance, persona, etc
    vi. i will be picking apps on nov. 15th
    vii. when chosen, don't forget to check in
    viii. if there is a name that isn't on the naming list, please message me beforehand to see if it's something ic for lostmoon to name his kits
  • lostmoon considers wolfstorm and lionfire as godfathers if something were to happen to him while keahi and acheron are lostmoon's adoptive brothers

    duskpool is lostmoon's adoptive father, oakflame is lostmoon's adoptive uncle, and flowercloud is lostmoon's adoptive aunt

    rosepaw, lavenderpaw, and cygentpaw are lostmoon's adoptive nieces / nephews
  • there are no set genetics for this litter as long as they're legal according to purgatory guidelines, all i ask is for you to follow these specifically

    lostmoon's description a small black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera w/ pink eyes and vitiligo + bio

    jaggedstorm's description a tall silver oriental longhair ticked tabby mix w/ low white and light blue eyes + bio

    i. must be long-furred
    ii. kits may develop vitiligo as adults
    iii. kits will be 25% oriental longhair and may display breed traits
    iv. kits can display mackerel or ticked tabby patterns
  • flower themed names hibiscus, chrysanthemum, sunflower, peony, orchid, aster, daffodil, spiderlily, lotus, plum, lily, primrose, poppy, daisy, peach

    halloween themed names bone, skull, shadow, ghost, echo, nightshade, foxglove, moon, screech

    weather themed names rain, drizzle, mist
  • i. open
    ii. open
    iii. open
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wip still!

ALT ;; Rain-, Mist, or parent pick!

Echokit is covered in gorgeous, almost curling long fur. They are proud of it, and keep it clean as possible. They are on the smaller side, even as a kit, and won't grow very tall or broad, making them dangerously athletic and light on their paws. Often times, Echokit is seen with a grin on their face, like they are telling a personal joke to themselves.

The smoke carries on in their fur.. for the most part. Lighter in the body, and darker upon their back, they are painted in mostly blue tones. Cream accents almost everywhere blue-gray touches white, a touch of warmth within the cooler tones on their body. Across their body is hints of black spotting, similar to the dam's splotches of smoke. Across their visage is a 'mask' settled between and over both eyes.

Their eyes are forest green, earthy in tone and often mirthful or judgemental.

KIT - BOLD, JUDGEMENTAL, SHARP-TONGUED. Early on in life, Echokit thinks most will be handed to her- she is quick to judge, sharp-tongued, and unafraid to speak from her chest. She's a regular 'girl-in-the-cookie-pants' in the making, and that fact is undeniable. Echokit will likely collect friends like trading cards, while not so two-faced in her early life, and seeks popularity.

APPRENTICE - BOLD, SHARP-TONGUED, SECRETLY JUDGEMENTAL, A HINT TWO-FACED. During this part of her life, the intent behind collecting these friends has grown. Echopaw finds a love in working either for or against certain cats. She picks her battles wisely, and sticks close to a core friend group. She is still bold, and speaks from her chest, head held high. She is sharp-tongued and can often be more harsh then she means. With all of this in mind, she knows that some cats are not to be picked on, especially if they cannot defend themselves. She makes a point to 'protect' these cats.

WARRIOR - TBA. We'll see how she develops that far out. See note below.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // LOSS - She fears losing her parent and siblings the most- as she knows the journey was difficult, and doesn't want to have to repeat it.
  • FEAR // THE NEW TERRITORY - While they don't remember the first one, she will know that there are others in the forest the clan will settle in, so she'll be afraid of having to move again.
  • INSPRIATION // HAWKSTAR - The cat lead them through the journey, with kits, elders, and whatnot, and will come out the other side stronger for it. An inspiration to all.
  • COOKIE MONSTER PANTS GIRL // The vibes of this archetype is what I am going for here! To start, anyways.
  • VI - ARCANE // To a point, this shows their fighting style, and also how I styled her hair.
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Black self smoke carrying mackerel tabby with blue eyes (will develop vitiligo)

Anxious daddy's girl, more interested in herbs and politics than fighting cause she thinks they're more "logical"
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[appearance] lh silver ticked tabby w/ low white/albino chimera, in appearance, aside from more prominent white donning her form compared to her dam, mist primarily takes after her sire's coat. She is a skinny thing in her youth, all thin, lankiness that she also got from a father she'd never met. Physically, that's where the resemblances end, as her large pink eyes and petite build are all her dam's.

[persona] (mostly concepts since starting as worm) despite never meeting Jaggedstorm, her natural personality seems to mirror his. She is a quiet, soft-spoken child who keeps to herself and her siblings. She's naturally calm despite her youth, lacking the typical high energy that seems to commonly come with kits her age. She is heavily observant and inquisitive, constantly curious about the world around her and trying to discover why things are the way they are. She is very affectionate, showing most displays physically by snuggling her siblings and dam. She can be very protective of her siblings, coming off very aggressive if she feels threatened. She, around those she's comfortable, can be kind of snark, something that can easily be seen as something she got from her dam.
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congrats to @euphoria @dallas @AnemoVictorious !!!! i will be making a group chat on discord so look out for that ! but go ahead and get your itty babes checked in ^^

for those of you who were not picked, i am offering an alternative if you'd like to be part of the family / play a wiggle worm on the skyclan journey ! the synopsis is lost finding a dying mother while on the journey 3-4 days before he gives birth and takes them in to raise them as his own ! if you are interested, go ahead and message me here or on discord ^^
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bumping with one slot reopened! litter has not been born yet and will be backwritten, but because this is short notice, i'll be closing apps on 2/10/2024 at 1pm mst