ShadowClan News



"Your star guide isn't the only secret in these woods. -- she told me what had to be done for the good of the forest, so I did."

Shadowclan is beginning to settle into clan life, and adapting to the marshy land they now call home. Most cats have been given their warrior names by Sablestar, but no Deputy has been chosen, and no Mentor/Apprentice system has been put in place. Many cats are still upset at being chased out of the better hunting grounds of Fourtrees, and several are skeptical of Sablestar's leadership.

Cats are given Warrior Names across the course of several weeks
Wolfpack and a group of other cats discover a Dead Monster stuck in a tree.
A sinkhole opens beneath Smogmaw while hunting, but he's rescued.

No IC promotions have occurred, but a deputy and council members are chosen, and will be promoted in character sometime during Febuary! Wolfpack as deputy and the following cats as Night Guards: Possumgrin, Smogmaw, Charcoalstrike, and Mothbite.

The Kittypet Joseph is found on the outskirts of the territory, and brought back to camp by Mothbite.

The kittypet Cleo is found on the outskirts of the territory, and brought back to camp,

A Group of cats have unwittingly gone into territory claimed by Thunderclan looking for food, lead Jadethorn, and a fight breaks out.