By the time they reached the shipyard, the silver tabby was wheezing. WOULD IT HAVE KILLED YOU TO SLOW DOWN?! As soon as Adder yowls for everyone to gather, his limbs have decided to check out for the day. He immediately collapses to the ground, limbs stretched out in a strange manner. His flank rising and falling as he struggles to catch his breath. He tries to listen as best as he can to what Adder relays to the group as his lungs suck in as much air as they can for his aching lungs. Eventually, the report is finished and he lifts his head up to those who have gathered to give them a strained smile.
Wave, while having her reservations about leaving behind this place she called home voices her support. He expected as much. Wave and Adder were always together. He doubts there is a place they would go, if they weren't together. They love each other alright. I wonder what it's like. Having a mate who would go anywhere if it's with you? And that you'll do the same for. They're happy, so I guess I'd be happy too... Awww, man. Now I'm getting sad about it. Remember you got something to do first !!! While exhaustion still clings to him, he manages to rise to his paws. Albeit, a bit slowly. Maybe he should have stayed laying down if he had known what Knot was going to say.
Wh-WHY? He can't stop himself from looking at her with shock. If you just don't want to get wet, then you're gonna get wet regardless... If not by the river, then by the stream. Or how... Damp- BLECK that place is. How would we even get to the same island without getting wet. A silver paw to brought to his black chin as he begins to figure out if there is indeed another way. However, from what the scouting patrol saw, the river stretched a good distance. There were spots that were thinner, which was they had swam through in order to get across. He had no intention of leaving Knot behind, but it was difficult to figure out a way that required no swimming. They could travel up the river to find some patch of land where they didn't need to swim, but there was no guarantee that they would find such a path. He had no idea what was beyond. Maybe somewhere more dangerous. Who knows? We have kits coming with us. It's already hard enough to take care of them here. We want to get to our new home as soon as possible.. UUUUGGHHH WHY DON'T YOU WANNA SWIM KNOT!!!! GAH, YOU'RE MAKING THINGS HAAAAAAAAAARD.
In the middle of his internal whining, it is Russet who shocks him. He even flinches while fur bristles, green eyes looking at the molly. Uhhhhh, do... Do you not get along with Knot? Of course he doesn't voice his thoughts, not wanting to be next in Russet's wrath. There she makes two things known. The first, even though she is among the injured she would prefer a short swim compared to a longer trek (as if getting to the island wasn't a journey itself). The second is that she has the same concerns he does. The concern being, what if there's no easier path to take after spending days of travel. Note to self. Thank Russet. Thank her for being real with Knot. His eyes slowly trail over to Knot. I'm so sorry queen, but Russet kinda ate you up with that one. Your argument of the injured not wanting to swim fell flat. WAIT. Do... Do you not know how to swim? It hadn't crossed my mind. Just like Downy not knowing how to swim either. He grimaces at the memory of Willow helping Downy. While he is grateful for his friend for helping the other molly, things could have turned for the worse quickly. Looks like there are cats here who don't know how to swim. For some reason? We... We live next to the water though...
Before he can even manage a response, it is Torrent who cuts in. His earnest nature had only grown in the short time he had left. He really took what I said at heart, huh? A surge of pride stirs in his chest as the younger tom offers his help to someone much older than he and is respectful about it. He even voices the opinion that maybe there are cats in their group who hate being wet, but will travel with them regardless of the fact. What he means to say and reiterate is that Knot will not be left behind. Torrent is more than willing to ensure everyone comes along. What he is not prepared for is the same tom to look at him in fondness. He can't help it when a smile is curled from his lips as Torrent mentions wanting to help.
Yeeesssshhh, I can barely get a word in. It would be funny if I yelled freeze and all of them just stood silent and still. Actually, how long would they even stay that way... I should try it. Someday. Anyway, PAY ATTENTION! The first cat who interupts is frost, who offers to teach cats who are unable to swim a paw. I believe in Torrent teaching, but he's just one cat. I have a hard time believing some older cats would listen to him. SO! Frost! you're gonna help him out, yes yes. This will work out. As for Frost's trust in him, well... He can't say it doesn't make him queasy. There are so many cats who are placing their trust in him and if he thought about it for a while, he would throw up here and now. All he can offer is an awkward smile.
The next cat is Fox. A cat who reminds him of well... Himself. They are both rather awkward and shy. The only reason why he didn't appear to be his usual self was because of the mess he'd been thrusted into because of the ghost cat Seabriar. I wonder how much different would my life be if they did pick someone else. Would I offer to teach cats how to swim? Or would I help gather the kits with Pine? He shakes his head. There's not a really a point in thinking of that, huh? In any case, he is happy to hear that Fox can indeed swim and will swim if it's for their survival.
Finally, he is given a chance and he takes it.
With that he turns and goes to Adder. He can't help himself from feeling as though he shouldn't interrupt a man reuniting with his wife. I'll make this quick. I dunno if Adder will claw my ears off, but I DO NOT wanna test the theory. Besides, he looked so miserable away from Wave. He practically sprinted the whole way, I swear I almost passed out a couple of times! I really gotta get in shape if I want to keep up with him.
Silver paws lead him away from the family and back to the group, in which he clears his throat (taking a note out of Adder's page, huh).
// @FOXTAIL @Frost @Torrent pike has put you in three in charge of swimming lessons! Feel free to make a thread in which they host a swimming class or teach cats one one privately if preferred!
Wave, while having her reservations about leaving behind this place she called home voices her support. He expected as much. Wave and Adder were always together. He doubts there is a place they would go, if they weren't together. They love each other alright. I wonder what it's like. Having a mate who would go anywhere if it's with you? And that you'll do the same for. They're happy, so I guess I'd be happy too... Awww, man. Now I'm getting sad about it. Remember you got something to do first !!! While exhaustion still clings to him, he manages to rise to his paws. Albeit, a bit slowly. Maybe he should have stayed laying down if he had known what Knot was going to say.
Wh-WHY? He can't stop himself from looking at her with shock. If you just don't want to get wet, then you're gonna get wet regardless... If not by the river, then by the stream. Or how... Damp- BLECK that place is. How would we even get to the same island without getting wet. A silver paw to brought to his black chin as he begins to figure out if there is indeed another way. However, from what the scouting patrol saw, the river stretched a good distance. There were spots that were thinner, which was they had swam through in order to get across. He had no intention of leaving Knot behind, but it was difficult to figure out a way that required no swimming. They could travel up the river to find some patch of land where they didn't need to swim, but there was no guarantee that they would find such a path. He had no idea what was beyond. Maybe somewhere more dangerous. Who knows? We have kits coming with us. It's already hard enough to take care of them here. We want to get to our new home as soon as possible.. UUUUGGHHH WHY DON'T YOU WANNA SWIM KNOT!!!! GAH, YOU'RE MAKING THINGS HAAAAAAAAAARD.
In the middle of his internal whining, it is Russet who shocks him. He even flinches while fur bristles, green eyes looking at the molly. Uhhhhh, do... Do you not get along with Knot? Of course he doesn't voice his thoughts, not wanting to be next in Russet's wrath. There she makes two things known. The first, even though she is among the injured she would prefer a short swim compared to a longer trek (as if getting to the island wasn't a journey itself). The second is that she has the same concerns he does. The concern being, what if there's no easier path to take after spending days of travel. Note to self. Thank Russet. Thank her for being real with Knot. His eyes slowly trail over to Knot. I'm so sorry queen, but Russet kinda ate you up with that one. Your argument of the injured not wanting to swim fell flat. WAIT. Do... Do you not know how to swim? It hadn't crossed my mind. Just like Downy not knowing how to swim either. He grimaces at the memory of Willow helping Downy. While he is grateful for his friend for helping the other molly, things could have turned for the worse quickly. Looks like there are cats here who don't know how to swim. For some reason? We... We live next to the water though...
Before he can even manage a response, it is Torrent who cuts in. His earnest nature had only grown in the short time he had left. He really took what I said at heart, huh? A surge of pride stirs in his chest as the younger tom offers his help to someone much older than he and is respectful about it. He even voices the opinion that maybe there are cats in their group who hate being wet, but will travel with them regardless of the fact. What he means to say and reiterate is that Knot will not be left behind. Torrent is more than willing to ensure everyone comes along. What he is not prepared for is the same tom to look at him in fondness. He can't help it when a smile is curled from his lips as Torrent mentions wanting to help.
Yeeesssshhh, I can barely get a word in. It would be funny if I yelled freeze and all of them just stood silent and still. Actually, how long would they even stay that way... I should try it. Someday. Anyway, PAY ATTENTION! The first cat who interupts is frost, who offers to teach cats who are unable to swim a paw. I believe in Torrent teaching, but he's just one cat. I have a hard time believing some older cats would listen to him. SO! Frost! you're gonna help him out, yes yes. This will work out. As for Frost's trust in him, well... He can't say it doesn't make him queasy. There are so many cats who are placing their trust in him and if he thought about it for a while, he would throw up here and now. All he can offer is an awkward smile.
The next cat is Fox. A cat who reminds him of well... Himself. They are both rather awkward and shy. The only reason why he didn't appear to be his usual self was because of the mess he'd been thrusted into because of the ghost cat Seabriar. I wonder how much different would my life be if they did pick someone else. Would I offer to teach cats how to swim? Or would I help gather the kits with Pine? He shakes his head. There's not a really a point in thinking of that, huh? In any case, he is happy to hear that Fox can indeed swim and will swim if it's for their survival.
Finally, he is given a chance and he takes it.
"Knot, you're not going to be left behind. You are going to swim. And if you don't, then I'll grab you by the scuff and drag you over to the shore. If you don't want that, then I suggest learning from others."
He looks at Torrent, then to Frost, and finally, Fox. "I would like it if the three of you could work together and teach cats who don't know how to swim, to... Well, swim. Try not to fight with each other, this isn't about who is better. This is about or survival. We need to swim in order to survive. Our chances of getting across safely depends on all of us working together, after all."
We can grumble the whole way about it and be sad about leaving this place. That's fine, but when we get back to the island... I hope we can all look at it and think of it as a decent place to call home. Or... We can rest there for a bit before we find somewhere else. If... that's what everyone wants.With that he turns and goes to Adder. He can't help himself from feeling as though he shouldn't interrupt a man reuniting with his wife. I'll make this quick. I dunno if Adder will claw my ears off, but I DO NOT wanna test the theory. Besides, he looked so miserable away from Wave. He practically sprinted the whole way, I swear I almost passed out a couple of times! I really gotta get in shape if I want to keep up with him.
"I'm going to ask others some favors. To uh, get us ready for the move. Thanks for coming with me, I uh, know that you, missed your mate and kits a lot. And thanks for telling everyone about the place. I'm n-not really with that stuff, but uhm... Anyway! I'll leave you with your family and get everything else done."
Silver paws lead him away from the family and back to the group, in which he clears his throat (taking a note out of Adder's page, huh).
"We'll be leaving soon, so say your goodbyes to this place... And yeah, that's it. We've got work to do."
Awkwardly, he begins to pad away in search of particular members of the group to ask some favors for. They may ask for something in return in the future, but that was a problem for the future.// @FOXTAIL @Frost @Torrent pike has put you in three in charge of swimming lessons! Feel free to make a thread in which they host a swimming class or teach cats one one privately if preferred!