A Guide to the Afterlife


The Afterlife in this universe is divided into three different sections based on a cats beliefs and how they hold themselves in life. Below explains each section and the requirements for a cat to be placed there, keep in mind staff do not make this decision for you - it is up to you as the player to correctly place your character based on how you've written them and portayed them though we are happy to offer help and suggestions if requested and we will step in if you try to set a serial killer with no remorse loose in StarClan obviously!
At the end of the day you are the only one who knows your character well enough to make this call!


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StarClan is the afterlife specific to the clan, it is where their warrior ancestors from years past reside and it is the source of power that bestows leaders their lives and mortal cats unique abilities. StarClan played an accidental part in the clans being unable to escape their tragic fate prior and as such have taken a more reclusive stance interacting with the current clans out of fear of leading them astray. They will offer cryptic warnings and advice, but will never deliberate push a choice on the clans unless they fear they have no choice. StarClan cats are not all powerful and all knowing despite their ability to oversee the forest territories, they are simply cats who have passed and watch over the clans to the best of their abilities; flaws and all. While mostly benevolent this does not mean StarClan is not without its own problems and struggles and the cats there may not be 'evil' but they aren't necessarily all good either.
  • The cat must know about StarClan, whether it be learning from a clan cat or being one, or a former one.
  • The cat must not have done malicious acts for the sake of self-fulfillment. Dangerous ambition can be forgiven in some cases if the cat shows remorse later.
  • While there is no Warrior Code currently and cats have broken it before and gone to StarClan, a line is drawn at senseless murder. Murder for self-defense or for no other choice is acceptable.
  • A cat must WANT to go to StarClan, StarClan will not force a cat to join.
  • A cat in StarClan will look like and be named as they were happiest in life, even if that was a future ideal they once hoped to claim. The exception to this is a cat may not have a '-star' in its name, but they can die an apprentice and be a full warrior in the stars if that was their greatest wish.


The inbetween, limbo, the void, it has many names but overall it is a place that accepts all spirits of the deceased from clan cats who refuse to join StarClan to kittypets and loners of all kinds. The inbetween brushes alongside StarClan, allowing the two sections of the afterlife to engage with one another and Purgatory acts as a barrier between the stars and the darkness below. This nomans land of the afterlife is a place where both StarClan and normal spirits may roam, the Dark Forest is kept at bay with a barrier of light but sometimes...a crack might form. Rumor has it when such disruptions occur an odd little cat wearing a white sheet over his head and upper body will appear to fix it.
  • Can not be 'evil' enough to be sent to the Dark Forest. Nonclan cats who are 'Dark Forest' aligned will be chased out to the Dark Forest.
  • This is neutral ground, a cat in Purgatory may be taught about and join StarClan if they so wish and even be sent to the Dark Forest if they commit harm in their afterlife existence. While not looked upon as fondly as StarClan it is still a place of peace.
  • Similar to StarClan cats will look like they were happiest in life here.


The place of no stars, dark and foreboding where only the cruelest and most vile cats are sent upon their death. It is an expansive forest with hardly any prey, wreathed in thorns and decay and acts as an endless maze that traps the souls of the damned within its coiled and rotting vines. Cats can spend years in its depths and some have the chance to be redeemed, lamenting their actions in life and seeking penance in any way they can, but others thrive in the rough and violent environment. Cats are sent here for committing heinous acts in the pursuit of self-glory, killing on its own is not enough. Breaking the Warrior Code (when it properly exists) is not enough to warrant a cat being sent here, they must also do so deliberately, callously and for their own self-gratifiction.
  • "Evil" is something that is generally up for debate. The world is not just black and white, good cats can do bad things with the intention to help others or save a life and we leave it to the player to make this call.
  • That being said, murderer, serial-killer types and those who abuse or torment other cats are very likely to come here.
  • Staff will only step in to make the call to send your cat to the Dark Forest if we deem it necessary, though a discussion can be had over the topic.
  • Dark Forest cats will look as they did on death, gruesome wounds and all. If they died in a particularly violent or messy manner they will be 'reformed' to be in a cat-shape still, so no headless cats or missing limbs!