Congrats to RiverClan's first deputy Frost played by Carat and its first set of Life Guards: Russetfall (Shinyotachi), Peachtrot (Taru), Pigeonpearl (Chuffera), Adderfang (Scarlet), Foxtail (Vvinsol) and Pine (Teddy)!
In SkyClan Flowercloud is demoted due to an altercation with Hawkcloud (Deidre is stepping down for a temporary plot due to taking a brief break!) Congrats to Pastelskulls with Cometglow who will be playing the new deputy during this and will join the SkyClan team as a Sun Guard after!
WindClan's plot kicks off near the end of the month, prepare yourselves as the HP tryouts will begin shortly around the same time!