Clan News | Updated: 03/07/25


Congrats to RiverClan's first deputy Frost played by Carat and its first set of Life Guards: Russetfall (Shinyotachi), Peachtrot (Taru), Pigeonpearl (Chuffera), Adderfang (Scarlet), Foxtail (Vvinsol) and Pine (Teddy)!

In SkyClan Flowercloud is demoted due to an altercation with Hawkcloud (Deidre is stepping down for a temporary plot due to taking a brief break!) Congrats to Pastelskulls with Cometglow who will be playing the new deputy during this and will join the SkyClan team as a Sun Guard after!

WindClan's plot kicks off near the end of the month, prepare yourselves as the HP tryouts will begin shortly around the same time!


In the navigation to the left (or above in 'Navigation' if you're on mobile) you'll see each individual clan's news listed out! To read back on the history of the clans check the SITE HISTORY! Which also lists each individual clan's history as well as those being listed below!