General Site Rules


Please note that our rules exist to ensure everyone's comfort and enjoyment in this environment and are subject to being adjusted and having additional rules added. You will be informed when this list is updated.
  • Kindness and consideration for others is a must. We are adults, we expect you to behave and avoid squabbling like children, please communicate with one another and remain courteous even if you and another member are not on friendly terms.
  • This roleplay is meant to be a fun hobby and as such please remember we have lives/jobs and to be patient with one another.
  • Trashing or otherwise talking poorly about other sites/people/groups is not allowed. We would like to avoid the spreading of such negativity.
  • Any Art and writing shared on our Site/Discord must be of your own creation or work you have commissioned with a credit/source to the original artist!
    • The use of F2U (or paid if you have done so) bases is acceptable and encouraged in our community, make sure you are crediting the base creator when sharing them!
    • Referencing is fine, make sure to source your inspiration if the reference is fairly direct.
    • Tracing is not allowed under any circumstances. Tracing to learn and for personal studies is a perfectly acceptable way to improve your art but it should not be shared and you should not attempt to pass another's work as your own through lying or lying by omission.
      • (The exception to this rule is obvious meme/joke trace overs for open source content and large IPs such as using the Neko Atsume cats to make your own or drawing your cat in the dead!Yamcha pose etc...)
    • Photo manipulating photographs must also be clearly called as such, please credit the original photographer and don't use assets that aren't F2U unless you purchased the rights.
    • Plagiarism is not permitted. Your writing should be your own.
    • Under no circumstances are AI Art/AI Generative Text Tools or anything relating to either permitted to be used.
    • For artists who find their work posted here without their consent please feel free to CONTACT US to have it removed and we will ensure the member is punished accordingly.
    • For our stance on plagiarism involving coding/fancyposts specifically please see Coding Rules & Guidelines
We take creative property and the rights of artists extremely seriously and will only allow a single warning for instances of these rulebreaks before you are removed.
  • We are an LGBTQA+ Friendly Roleplaying Community!
    • Hatespeech, racism, sexism and other forms of bigotry will not be tolerated!
  • Please be mindful of terminology you use on the site as some things are considered slurs and have negative connotations with various cultures.
    Below we've included a spoiler of censored terms we do not allow used on our site, please don't feel bad if you were unaware of their status as a slur but going forward aspire to educate yourself and others politely to not utilize them! Our list will grow as we learn more and strive to educate ourselves as well!
    These are still censored for comfort sake, but a simple googling will educate the exact spelling!
    For obvious reasons well-known racial terminology with a negative history are not listed but also not allowed!
    Spook (Spooked) - When referring to our mascot please ensure you do not shorten his name and use Spooky as the non-y variant has a racist history!
    Pikey - is an ethnic slur referring to Roma and Traveller people.
    Gypsy (in addition the term gypped) - is an ethnic slur referring to Roma and Traveller people.
    Retarded - Derogatory term to those with autism/mental disabilities (we do not allow the excuse to reclaim.)
    Faggot (and it's shortened variant) - Derogatory term for the LGBTQA+ community (we do not allow the excuse to reclaim.)
    Batty Boy - is a derogatory term for the LGBTQA+ community
  • Regarding off-site matters - We will only enforce our rules on our site and discord, we do not intend to extend our moderation to other sites nor do we care what people do in their own servers, social media and private places unless it specifically compromises our community's comfort and safety.
  • Please refrain from bumping your threads with filler posts as due to our FK system this can be considered a form of spam farming and is not allowed. If you wish to remind others to post you may ask them in their channels in the Personal Server discord or throw the thread back into thread-share for that clan once again!

x x x

Purrgatory is an 18+ Roleplaying website, not because it has explicit content but because most of its member base are adults and would prefer to work on our collaborative writing in adult only spaces where we do not have to worry about our language or discussing our problems in the presence of minors. While the site IS 18+ that does not mean you may post explicit or NSFW material on it or in the Discord. Sexual content, mature graphics and depictions and mentions of illegal substances should be avoided.