NonClan & Unofficial Group Info


Outside of the clans there are other cats, cats who live various different lives ranging from the easy to the constant struggle for survival. While the clans are the main focus of the roleplay, we also want to allow any character not part of these groups the opportunity to be played as well and will attempt to offer them plots and events as well to encourage their existence!

LONERS & ROGUES- You can play a rogue or loner in LONER LANDS.
Loners and rogues are cats without a set territory, they often roam from place to place to find food and shelter and rarely are seen in groups. In fact, large groups of loners and rogues are hardly sustainable without a solid territory or guidance - as the colony cats learned the hard way. The distinction between the two is in the air though most agree loners, as their name dictate, want to be left aLONE and will keep to themselves and avoid trouble. Whereas rogues are the opposite, willing to do what it takes to survive even if it means getting their paws dirty; this does not necessarily make them villainous - just more inclined to desperation.​

KITTYPETS- You can play a kittypet in TWOLEGPLACE.
The posh, spoiled and well-fed cats owned by twolegs. Kittypets are pets, something the clans and many feral cat look upon in disdain and perhaps some jealousy. With all their needs met and no need to worry over survival and keeping warm in the harsh leafbare, kittypets tend to have a lot of free time for frivolous things and are likely to pick up strange habits and hobbies from their twolegs that the clans would regard as a waste of time. Rumor has it there is a group of kittypet who meet up and like to play pretend that they are a clan of cats ruling over twoleg place like the clans do the forest territory.​

BARN CATS (MOUSERS)- You can play a barn cat in HORSEPLACE.
While not as pampered as kittypets, barn cats (or mousers) have a rather easy life compared to feral cats. They reside in twoleg barns, eating their fill of mice and being offered little more than shelter or water in exchange for their service of dealing with the vermin who spread destruction and plague. Twolegs and cats can all agree on one thing at least: mice and rats need to go and the farmers are usually happy to let the cats stay if they can offer their aid in that.​


We here on Purrgatory are happy to allow people to make their own loner/rogue and kittypet groups and even encourage it as the clans are not the only focus of this world and the rest should also be fun to play!
To encourage this further we have a few things we give unofficial groups to help them with their roleplay endeavors!

A group with a minimum of 10 characters (played by different members) and at least 50 collective in-character posts by said characters can have a PINNED THREAD & a PREFIX to apply to their threads. This prefix can only be claimed by the group's leader. Please request it HERE!

The Unclaimed Lands OOC board is where your group information/guides and census will be pinned, you may request a thread pinned HERE!
  • A group may only have ONE pinned thread, utilize it how you like. We suggest a basic guide in one post and a census in the other for organization and easy editing!
  • Groups that go inactive for longer than 3 months will need to reapply for both the pinned thread & their prefix as both will be removed.

As your group grows so too does what you are able to do, we want to allow the roleplay to develop organically and if other clans and groups form as a result of this then we'll allow it!


Can my unofficial group have a badge event?
Once your group hits the status of being able to have a thread pinned and a prefix made then you may request a badge for an event!

Will unofficial groups be allowed to earn official status?
Yes, eventually! As of right now were are working on other things and this is a low priority but we do want to discuss it properly and figure it out for the future! The answer is not no!

Will unofficial groups be allowed a board?
See above for : also eventually! It's something we would need to discuss more and figure out the specifics for but as the roleplay grows we want to give groups the chance to grow with it! For the time being the answer is no, but that will change in the future once we've grown more and have sorted out the finer details!

Groups made prior to this being posted were grandfathered into being allowed a prefix/thread pin. Maintaining it is up to them.