What has changed from the books?
One of the first things you might notice is we replaced the Queen rank with 'Caregiver' as oftentimes the primary parent of a litter may not want the feminine term of 'queen' to be applied to them. You are welcome to still refer to your cat as a queen, as a den dad, as whatever you like! But the rank itself is known as Caregiver to remain gender neutral.
By virtue of being a sequestered group of feral cats fighting one another there will be varying degrees of xenophobia within people's characters and the world as a whole. We ask this be played respectfully and not be portrayed as something overly positive OOC.
The Tribe of Rushing Water is not and will never be present in the roleplay due to it's poor handling and how it leans too close to indigenous stereotyping.
In a similar vein feathers may not be worn on the head or behind ears, the neck and below is fine! Bones and animal skulls are not permitted as accessories as well though your cat may collect them.
After a lot of discussion and researching several sources we are keeping the term Medicine Cat for the rank, though we allow them to be referred to as healers, medics, etc at your discretion!
The books were not very good at keeping track of family lines, often allowing accidental incest to closely related cats. This is not something we want to allow to any degree, please be mindful of your character's lineage and double check before committing to a ship. A mass site ran family tree may be something we consider in the future to help…
Things to be mindful of when shipping:
- Please avoid shipping cats on the same family tree! This means no second-cousin ships period.
- Adopted/Step relations are, for all accounts, considered family as well - we do not humor the 'not related by blood' aspect. They are still family and thus unshippable.
- When using reincarnation, please keep in mind this will prevent said reincarnation from being able to ship with anyone in their former life's family to avoid uncomfortable scenarios.
Given the vague location of the warrior's universe and this being essentially an AU of the forest territories, we allow most any name options within reason and as long as they can be justified in universe. (Ex. A cat who traveled from the ocean would be allowed to name their kits Sealkit, Dolphinkit and Sharkkit.)
We do have a two prefix limit rule. Which means only two cats may share the same prefix at any given time and these two cats must be in different clans to avoid confusion. Check the PREFIX CLAIM thread to see availability.
Things that would not be allowed:
- The word 'Star', sorry - no Starstar for you!
- Current Leader/Deputy and Medicine Cat prefixes.
- Any prefix that has already been used twice.
- Flora/fauna located outside North America/Europe (ex. zebra, panda... )
- The exception to the above is nonclan cat names/SkyClan Daylight warriors.
- Twoleg items. (ex. spatula, pancake, plastic etc...)
- Scientific terminology (ex: canis, panthera)
- Names in other languages, words no longer used in modern vernacular.
- Specific species of animals such as a Monarch Butterfly are only legal as their species name itself 'Butterfly' rather than the use of 'Monarch' unless specifically said species typing is legal on its own without the species attached.
In this case the answer is no as Monarch is a human term relating to a hierarchy of kings and queens.
- The exception to this rule is when a species is more commonly referred to as their specific species name rather than the species itself or as a whole. (Example: Junco are allowed, as are Sparrow, the species they are derived from being a type of sparrow, they are commonly called Junco on their own to distinguish them.)
Names you CAN use:
- Names from the books so long as the cat themselves is not a 1:1 recreation or the same cat.
- Most plants/produce that can be grown in multiple areas as its not unrealistic to assume they might exist somewhere near.
- Invasive species.
- The exception to the North America/Europe locale rule are the following for lore purposes: Lion, Tiger, Leopard
We have an
OFFICIAL NAME LIST we will be keeping updated as a spreadsheet you may reference at any time! For questions regarding legality please ask us in the Discord or the