TW: Sensitive Content Open Camp a flightless bird | waking up again

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.



Tw: description of wounds is an ever present companion in these days. Days that feel much too long and much too harsh. It feels like her head is trying to tear itself a part as she comes to from the depths of her consciousness. She doesn't remember much after the battle besides laying in a puddle of her own blood, holding on to life as much as she could. Being helped back to a camp she doesn't recognize by Hazel and then emptiness. She must have passed out and now she tries to peer at a world that is much too bright for her. Her only eye is barely open as she tried to fight through the pain of her own body. Gasping in harsh pants as she tries to remember what she has been told when she woke up the first time. Something...something about a meeting. Things changing so fast and...she has a new name. She tries to swallow but her throat and mouth are so dry. Something is on her face and she reaches up to grab at it. Brushing against something but that isn't what disturbs her. It is what she doesn't feel and the resounding pain that slams into her afterwards. "Oh....ugh..." Words won't form but blood tinged tears leak from scarring emptiness as she fully closes her eye.

On the verge of panic the molly struggles to right herself. To stand up or something but her balance is off, her legs feel like jelly and she collapses on her haunches. She can't seem to catch her breath. Her eyes opening only to catch the healing and jagged wounds on her body. Smell the blood, old and new as she makes them open anew. But she forces herself into the open, forces herself to look at the truth.

Honestly, Thunderflash had been keeping an eye on some of the other den-mates he had while he healed to ensure they didn't wander off. Ironic, right? By the time he had gotten himself back to the medicine den after being named, he had an earful from a certain cat, he was ready to stay settled while healing. Others, however, had the same idea that he had. (Not to mention, he had nudged kits back into Serpent's nest once or twice.) Thunderflash's ears perked, however, as a soul that had been slumbering tried to move, to speak. He watched intently for a minute, but when she tries to stand- "Hey! Wai' a minute!" He says.

Stay put. No, he couldn't do that. She was in a worse state then him, Thunderflash reasoned. He pushed to his paws, grimacing as his side screamed in pain, moving to follow her into the sunlight. Thunderclan's camp stared back at them, as he came around to her side, staring at Harrierteeth. "Y' need to lay down. Serpen' is gonna have yer hide otherwise." He says, trying to keep his voice quiet, gentle- concern was writ on his face, similar cobwebs sparsely decorating the left eyesocket.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

maybe it could be called intuition... that drags her towards the roosting spot for all the injured...

Harrierteeth practically stumbles to stand, not so different from a fawn learning to walk for the first time and immediately panic surges through her like lightning. her strides are hurried, unbalanced, eager to reach the injured cat's side as Thunderflash also scrambles to stop her from hurting herself. "Harrier!" the chocolate she-cat searches the half-present gaze that washes over camp with barely present thinking, hoping for a sign of recognition. "You're alright, you're safe- don't... don't move so much... I'll get Serpentberry- you must be in pain..."

sea-glass stare glances around for the fire-freckled molly, "Don't move," she repeats.

  • @serpentberry summoned
  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
    ignore me

Luck would have her by the tail if it thought itself a funny prank. She had left her den for all of a few moments, either to make dirt or check out the fresh kill pile, when Harrier wakes and tries to stand. The fur on her spine begins to spike as if she's being watched, and a quick glance around camp proves as much as she catches the gaze of worry and fret. Whatever she has busied herself with in the interim is swiftly abandoned for her quick return to her den, and there to one of her longer-term patients.

"I've never helped someone who lost an eye," Serpent remembers saying, still round with kits, exhausted and frustrated. Had Harrier replied then? Had someone else given her instruction or suggestion? She doesn't recall, even now as she stares down a single wide, pained eye. Her jaw tenses.

"In what world do you think, 'Hey, everything hurts, I should stand up?'" Her tone is exasperated, nose wrinking with her own brand of confusion-frustration. Have her hide, alright. Serpentberry thinks she'll take the muscle and bone, too. Make this headache worthwhile. "C'mon, Harrier. Sit back, I'll find you something that'll take the edge off. It's..." as she speaks, the terseness of her tone wears away. Not entirely, but she does afford the other an ounce of care to say, "It's good that you're awake. It means you're getting better."
(🜲) hazel has ducked into the medicine den a few times, excuses thick on her tongue, just to get an eye on harrierteeth. it is another of those times that she pads into serpentberry's sacred space, preparing to claim she has come to bring water to the patients, when she hears the commotion. golden eyes adjusting to the gloom of the newly woven den, hazelheart spots the now awake warrior, surrounded by her leader and medicine cat. sliding in beside juniperstar, the brown tabby reaches to touch her nose to the one eyed woman's head, hoping to calm her with familiar presence. "it is good to see you awake," she admits, tail tip twitching.

if she's honest, she hardly remembers dragging the injured femme back to their new camp. just remembers the smell of blood, the screams from the girl she had always looked after, the fretting of serpent. all she knows now is somehow, miraculously, the medicine cat has domne her magic, and harrierteeth is awake. alive. thank the stars.

  • // " #b8a300"
  • 67608181_Pzlyogx6nX3tvRQ.png
    a stocky, medium-haired brown tabby with hazel eyes. this is a large cat with a rippling musculature. hazel's frame is wide and tall, shoulders broad, muzzle and eyes heavy in her skull. chestnut and chocolate fur swirl across her pelt, sliced through with tabby stripes of shadow. her eyes invoke images of a sweet summer's day, honey and brown mingling into a soft amber gold