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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


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Fleakit's voice might be grating to listen to when her voice rises and she yells all sorts of profanities at someone simply for breathing, but Mirepurr supposes they can't exactly blame her for the sort of behavior she displays on the daily. They can paint the picture in their mind, just based on what little tidbits they've heard of her flimsy upbringing (if it could be called that): crowded yet somehow still cold with no proper caretaker in sight, forced to remain aggressive in hopes of making it until another sunrise. Mirepurr remembers the state those kits had been found in... if Fleakit's name is anything to go by, it has certainly set a precedent.

Spiky exteriors have never been enough to deter Mirepurr however. They are determined to make Fleakit see the good in her peers; strength is in numbers, and so far, the colony- ShadowClan, has made it through thick and thin. She should know that she is is now sheltered from the starvation that she had been forced to endure.

"Hey, Fleakit!"
It is easy to spot her — those folded ears are adorable, though Mirepurr make sure not to voice that out loud. They would miss one of theirs for such a transgression.
"I got you something. Come look!"

Mirepurr fears that it is precious little in Fleakit's eyes, but hey; trying never hurt anybody. They wait for her to come, paws encircling their creation of a nest. It had been carefully crafted, remembering Marbleshine's nimble motions back when she had fixed Wolfpack's bedding, and they hope it is just as neat.
"I know you said you don't like Mothbite tampering with your nest, so... I thought you might want a new one."

tw - language

She'd been picking at the half-eaten carcass of some kind of bird—treating it more like a plaything than food—when she heard Mirepurr call out. Fleakit cocked her head, her folded ears twitching with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. She stood up slowly, stretching with a loud squeak as she arched her back, her tail quivering and her claws scraping at the edge of her ratty nest. Padding over to the warrior, she circled Mirepurr's creation—it looked soft, far softer than the tattered rat's nest she claimed. Wimpy as Mirepurr was, they could be good for something. "Not too shabby," She muttered under her breath as she gave the nest a little bouncy test, batting it lightly with her paw. Her tail curled happily behind her when it gave back. Nice and springy just like she hoped.

No cat had bothered to touch her nest since she'd clawed up Mothbite. Fleakit was proud of that, not that it was ever really about the nest. She just couldn't let that mouthy tom get away with disrespecting her. So, of course, she had to make an example of him.

"It's really… for me?" She couldn't remember if anyone had done anything like this for her—ever. Most of Shadowclan preferred to pretend she didn't exist, and up until now, that was something she'd gotten used to. Back at the mill, there wasn't much to give, though Slug once gave her a roach he caught himself. Fleakit wished she still had it.

But wait—hold up a damn minute. Mothbite?

What the hell did this have to do with him? That soft little warrior couldn't even hold his own in a fight against her. Nah, he needed some apprentices to come save his sorry tail. Fleakit's eyes narrowed as she snapped up to face Mirepurr. "Did that weasel set you up to this?"

Her words were sharp, jagged thorns that snagged on the ears of anyone with ears. The fur along her spine prickled. "This better not be some trick to steal my nest," She growled a warning, the only warning. "It's mine and I ain't handing it over just because you flashed something new and—" Fleakit sputtered for the right word, ——shiny in my face!" Fleakit retreated a few steps, possessively guarding the mound of moss behind her. But she couldn't help but look at the nest they made too. A soft frown pulled at her face, expression flickering—uncertainty—disappointment.

Course it was a trick. Why wouldn't it be.

The nest was nice—super nice—but Fleakit couldn't trust them. None of them. She had her fill of trusting. It never went right, not ever. Why would they do something for her now? It's not like she even wanted them to! She could take care of herself…

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
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