A Guide to the Shop & Powers | Updated: 02/21/25

  • For more detailed guides and further information check out our GETTING STARTED page!
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We utilize a shop function and point system to allow members a goal to work towards for their characters and to automate the process of granting powers/afterlife accessibility without adding in manual approval or accidental miscommunications! Below is a detailed guide of everything you can work towards and what restrictions and regulations are required to be followed.

You earn 5 Freshkill for every post & thread (which is just a starter post) you make.
They both earn the same amount to encourage people to not prioritize making new threads constantly when you can simple continue replying to a previous one and allot the same amount. We will sometimes have events or plots that allow you to earn extra so keep an eye out!
Freshkill is earned ONLY on ROLEPLAY specific boards! So your main is unlikely to earn freshkill but you may transfer FK to your main from your subs for storage! If you earn it, its yours! Put it where you want!

Items must be on the character account associated with them and toggled to 'active' to display on the profile. Up to five items may be displayed at a time.
Litter items must be discarded when used.

A character may only have ONE power at a time unless they purchase the 'Power Plus' item to increase the cap by one with a max up to 3.

Important Links:
    • Each item in the shop also has the same information listed here on it individually for ease of access.
  • A Guide to the Afterlife
    • Important for when you are purchasing an item relating to any of our three afterlives.
  • Roleplay Etiquette Rules
    • With great power comes great responsibility, please keep in mind these items are not meant to make your character 'more powerful' and are simply flavor and extra fun things you can utilize to help you with plots and development.


  • These are items specifically for litters & family groups. You must have these items in your inventory during the litter adopt process, please only discard them once your litter has been picked and finalized!
  • Grants an additional kit slot to your litters (max 3 for a total of six). This is PER litter, not per cat, this number can never be increased per litter higher than six even if two AFAB characters are sharing a litter together and both carrying kits. Six is the absolute max.
  • Allows a kit to inherit a parents 'power' if applicable. May only be used once per litter.
  • Reserve a prefix for your characters family, max reservation time being 1 year. When placing your hold in Character Check-In please make a note this is for a familial claim so we can verify it is in your inventory!


Powers exist in the Warrior Cats universe and cats are often blessed by StarClan with strange abilities. We have opted to include powers but they have restrictions and rules to abide by as well as being shop only items you have to purchase through earning Freshkill!

A few powers in the books (Lionblaze's specifically) are not listed and not allowed as they would be hard to regulate and also would break our rules regarding Powerplaying and Godmodding, as such we have come up with a few unique powers we've made up on our own to help add to the pool of abilities you can choose from. Keep in mind these are meant to be flavor for your character and not meant to 'buff' them into an all powerful warrior and we ask you utilize them appropriately!

Note: These powers are not active constantly and may not exist passively - they must be actually 'activated' to work in order to avoid accidental powerplaying/metagaming. Activating a power requires you to have permission from the person it is being used on.
In-character we explain this as StarClan still healing from having been dormant for so long, their gifts are not very powerful.
Your power may not be activated for longer than a few minutes at a time (or an entire sleep cycle for Dreamwalking) as doing so will cause your cat to experience fatigue and pain.

  • These abilities enhance one of your character's senses.
  • This is Dovewing's power in the books. It allowed her to hear extremely well up to and including other clan's camps and the cats there discussing things! This power will allow your cat to hear up to several miles away, we ask that you ask permission before eavesdropping on conversations in other clans - you'll only be able to hear to clans neighboring your own clan as well.
  • This enhances your character's nose/scenting range allowing your cat to track a smell from a farther distance away.
  • This grants your character a much higher perception, making them able to spot things from further away and pick up on subtle changes in the environment more accurately.
  • This grants your character the ability to speak the language of another animal. You may only select one animal and this may not be changed. To other cats your character will make odd sounds they can not comprehend. Keep in mind as the cats are our 'human' equivalent in this universe, other animals will have a much more simple and less eloquent vocabulary to emphasize this.
  • This grants your character a heightened empathy, allowing them to read moods and detect shifts in demeanor. Please note this may negatively impact your character by having them 'feed' off the energy and emotions of others and their own feelings may fluctuate harshly.
  • Your cat moves with an unnerving silence that is far beyond what is considered 'normal'. These cats are also immune to being detected by those with Aural Enhancements.
    - For personal prey rolling tables, this would give you advantage!
  • Wounds and sickness take slightly less time to recover from than a normal cat.
    - Your cat who is told to rest for two weeks will recover in one.
  • Your cat has the ability to mask it's scent completely, offering them an advantage while hunting prey or hiding from predators. These cats are immune to being detected by those with Redolence Enhancements.

  • These abilities are more supernatural in nature.
  • AKA Dreamwalking. This is Jayfeather's power in the books. It allowed him to walk through the dreams of cats sleeping near him as well as visit the past - however we are only allowing the dream walking aspect. With this power you will be able to go into dreams of a cat next to you when you sleep, obviously you will require permission from this cat's player to do so. While in dreams you can attempt to influence them or even soothe their worries. Whether this works or not is entirely up to the players.
  • AKA Truth Discerning. The ability to discern the truth, however not its intentions. If someone truly believes something their 'lies' will register as the truth.
  • Often times when a cat passes on that is not the end for them, occasionally StarClan will see fit to allow a cat to be reborn in order to fulfill something they need done or because the cat deserved another chance at a happier life on a path they desired. With Reincarnation the cat will have brief memories of their past life in the manner of deja vu, they will develop skills akin to their predecessor at times and event pick up the same habits and mannerisms without realizing.

    Restriction: Due to the complications of reincarnation we ask any romantic shipping not involve blood relatives of the previous incarnation (nor the current one obviously) due to being uncomfortably close to being incestuous.

    Other Notes:
    • A cat must be reincarnated from a played character only. No NPCs permitted.
    • A reincarnated cat does not reach the afterlife and is reincarnated immediately upon death - this means the previous incarnation must die at the same time the reincarnated cat is born.
    • Reincarnation only works once, if you wish to continually reincarnate a character you must purchase it for each iteration following.
  • The ability to see spirits/ghosts. You are not able to interact with them nor they you, but you can see them. This ability is a more mild version of what Medicine Cats have naturally.
  • A gift bestowed upon a cat at random! Purchase this and then reach out in the discord to use it and your power/gift/enhancement etc will be rolled for!

    Notice: By using this you surrender yourself to the RNG dicerolls and accept whatever item from the shop you get regardless of whether it is something desirable or not.
    There is a small chance of you obtaining the 'Fallen Star' item which, if you have a power already for the cat you are rolling for, will take it away and if you don't, will do nothig! So be warned!
  • This will remove a power from your character, the reasoning behind the removal is up to your discretion and can be StarClan believing they no longer need it, punishing them for its misuse or a Dark Forest cat meddling.

Items below are not considered powers.

  • These items are not 'powers' and thus do not have to conform to the power cap
  • This adds an additional +1 to your power cap and can be purchased twice for a max of 3 only.
    Please keep in mind you may only have one of the following powers at a time:
    • Aural
    • Redolence
    • Perspicacity
  • Grants your cat nondescript wild cat blood which allows them to weight anywhere from 18-22lbs. This can only be grandfathered in with kits/apprentices who can hit later growth spurts. An adult cat who is already played would not be able to utilize this item as we are still working in the bounds of realism.
  • This is a twin telepathy styled connection Squirrelflight and Leafpool had. It allowed them to share a connection with one another, pass on sensations and passing thoughts by simply focusing on something intently. This is not telepathy and it is only able to offer vague ideas and notions through heavy meditation. You can think about your favorite color or what emotion you're feeling at the moment and push it to the cat you're bonded with but you can not send actual words or full scale plans and ideas. While we refer to this as being like 'twin telepathy' your characters do not need to be related to form this bond: they can be enemies, rivals, friends, lovers, etc...
    Note: Each character must have this item in their inventory for the bond to be active!
  • This item allows a character to have an eye color that would otherwise not be allowed. Our site is semi-realistic and we will always expect coat and pelt colors to remain semi-realistic (we already allow creative use of exaggerated saturation and mix matched natural colors for pelts) but given there are only a few eye colors we outright deny and that we do not reference eyes in regards to genetic diagnoses we have decided that all eye colors are permitted on site however the following shades must have this item purchased:
    • Red/Crimson
    • Black/White (a cat must still visually have pupils/irises)
    • Purple/Violet
    • Pink (without the need for partial albinism)
    • Silver (without a color tinting, color tinted silver can just be called that color.)
    This item must be purchased prior to character creation, the exception being characters made before this items release on 2/15/25 - however the shift to the colors must not be outrageous.
    (Ex: Shifting orange/copper eyes to red is fine, shifting copper eyes to purple is not. The exception to this is black/white which has no 'closest comparison' for colors.)


  • For afterlife visits we ask they not utilize NPCs and instead use previously played characters, these can be your own characters or someone else's.
  • This allows your character a single thread to visit StarClan.
  • This allows your character a single thread to visit the Dark Forest.
  • This allows your character a single thread to visit Purrgatory where they may speak to the ghost of any cat.

The items below are currently not available as of right now but will be in the future.
  • These options allow direct interaction with the afterlife aside from the single visit offered by the above. The Companion/Mentor & Guide options allow your cat to have a deceased character present alongside them for whatever reason you decide. Please note this can not be used as an NPC, these MUST have been played characters though they can be your own played characters if desired.
  • This allows your character to have a vision or find a 'sign' from StarClan that can be interpreted by your clans medicine cat. What the sign means can be left up to the medicine cat or you can ask them to assist your character into uncovering its truth. You can also allow them to mistake the sign for something else.
  • A StarClan cat attaches themselves to you. You are able to speak to and see this cat, as can any medicine cat/apprentice or cat gifted with Clairvoyance.
    This must have been a played character. No NPCs permitted.
  • A Dark Forest cat attaches themselves to you. You are able to speak to and see this cat, as can any medicine cat/apprentice or cat gifted with Clairvoyance.
    This must have been a played character. No NPCs permitted.
  • A ghost attaches themselves to you. You are able to speak to and see this cat, as can any medicine cat/apprentice or cat gifted with Clairvoyance.
    This must have been a played character. No NPCs permitted.

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The shop has a few other unique aesthetic items available that our Style Settings do not, these items are per account - if you would like to utilize them on your subbaccount you must 'buy' them on each one individually! (These are free as we do not feel the need to lock aesthetics behind a paywall.)


Thread Title Style - Adds a single hexcode color and optional dropshadow to your thread titles! This is one PER account so each of your subaccounts may have one!

Avatar Shadow - Applies a soft colored shadow around your avatar, can be combined with frames.
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