Pine lets out a weary sigh and shakes his head, already deeply regretting his decision to help wrangle the kits together. They needed to make a headcount– to know how many little bodies would have to be carried and fed. Not all of them had caretakers to take care of them. And it would be easier to leave if they could just… gather them all in one place. The question now was the best way to do that. He paces back and forth, swearing under his breath. If the cold hadn't hardened the sand, he would've just dug a pit to throw them all in until they had to leave.
Maybe he could throw them all in the shed he, Torrent, and Squid had been sleeping in instead? Most of them were already nearby, but… would they all fit…? He wasn't even sure how many there were. On the night the shelter collapsed, so many little ones had come running out of there, like a thousand ants from an anthill.
His head is starting to hurt already. With another sigh, he sticks his head into the shed and looks around. How many kits could they fit in there? As long as they weren't all as big as Torrent, maybe… 20…? They'd have to sit squeeze in, though. Maybe it was better to line them all up out front. How would he make them sit still? Threats of violence didn't tend to help with kits, and their caretakers certainly wouldn't appreciate it. Maybe he'd just have to hope for the best and that nothing interesting happened nearby to distract them.
Then, an idea starts to form. What did kits like? Games. Playing. He starts drawing a line in the sand, starting from one edge of the shed, going in a wide berth around and forming a large semi circle. It was a very simple game; stay in the circle, and Pine doesn't eat you for lunch. He could leave out the last part.
Satisfied with his work, he takes the nearest ones first– he tells Torrent, Squid, and Lilac to stay put in the shed, he's going to bring friends for them to play with. Then he ducks out again and approaches Smoke and Willow.
"We need to get a head count on how many kits and young ones we're bringing with us," he starts. "Not all of them have somebody to look after them, and we can't leave anyone behind… and it'll probably be easier to avoid it if we're less scattered. Could you bring your kits with you to the shed–" he points with his tail back towards where he'd come from. "Tell them anything you want to make them stay put while I wrangle the rest– I've drawn a circle in the sand so we can keep them… contained, so to speak. You can tell them it's a game."
He looks around, spotting Wave and Adder with their kits, and pads over to them. "Wave, Adder–" he repeats what he'd told the others, and looking at Adder, sighs for the third time. "Could you help out with this, Ad? I think you know more of them than I do. I wasn't sleeping in the shed that collapsed like the rest of you, so I'm not even sure how many there are. We might be able to get Smoke to help too…"
// ooc: first addressing @Torrent @Squid @lilacbird , then talks to @Smoke and @willow , and then @Wave and @Adderfang... feel free to 'overhear' the convo and join in! (pine voice) please help