Private Camp ShadowClan A spark of revolution / fleakit

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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


one step ahead
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Flame had watched quietly from his usual spot, sprawled out lazily in a patch of sunlight. His sharp blue eyes tracked the way Fleakit interacted with the others... Or more accurately, clashed with them. Loud, headstrong, and always ready to pick a fight, the tiny bundle of fur seemed to thrive on chaos. It was entertaining, sure, but he couldn't help noticing how other cats, like the massive black tom Coalstrike now Charcoal... Had reacted to her antics.

The flame-point let out a low, lazy yawn, breaking the tension as Fleakit stomped away from her latest scuffle. " You sure do like getting underneath the fur of other cats, don't you? " he commented, his tone amused as he rolled onto his side, one paw stretched out dramatically.

" What's your goal, kit? " he asked, tilting his head and flicking an ear. " Make everyone your enemy? "

The question hung in the air, he wasn't trying to provoke her, not really. But he had seen enough cats like Fleakit to know that the louder they barked, the more they were trying to hide. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe she was just an insufferable little furball. But something in the way she squared her tiny shoulders, puffing herself up to look bigger than she was, made him think otherwise.

" Just seems like a waste of energy, is all. Running around like a little whirlwind, picking fights you don't need to. " Sometimes, he thought, all you could do was plant the seed and see if it grew.


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its dead! poke it with a stick.

tw - language

Most cats didn't pay her no mind unless she gave 'em a reason to. They just ran around doing whatever the fuck it was that warriors did when they weren't whining at her. Don't chew on that, Fleakit. Go away, Fleakit. Stop biting me, Fleakit.

When someone went outta their way to talk to her, she couldn't help but be suspicious. What do you want? Why're you talking to me? Pa always told her never to trust the smile on a stranger. That's why she couldn't settle around Marbleshine. That shit had to be fake. No one was that nice.

But what the hell was she supposed to do when someone asked her dumbass questions?

At least this one—Flame-somethin', whatever his name was—wasn't smiling. Fleakit narrowed her eyes, nose wrinkling like she ate somethin' sour. "And how's any of that your business…" She muttered, flopping over onto her side, melting into her own tiny patch of sunlight.

It didn't seem like he was trying to lecture her. The usual im-big-and-youre-small tone was missing. Still, she kept her guard up.

"Maybe I am," She huffed at his comment about making enemies. Fleakit didn't care if no one liked her. Least then they had to spend some time out of their day to make sure she wasn't putting frogs in their bedding. It was real funny watchin' them warriors try to catch em. "Better to have those than nothin' at all."

Her ear twitched as he spoke, pressed belly-down into the dirt, squished flat trying to soak up what little warmth there was. Fleakit huffed, she didn't expect him or anyone to understand. They hadn't been out there like she had. They never met Pa or was borned in a cage. There wasn't any room for softies. Even cats like Marbleshine and Timber would die, sooner than later. "Nuh-uh its not a waste. I get lots outta pickin' fights. I'm gonna be reaaal strong someday."

  • ooc
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet

Flame regarded Fleakit with a long, steady stare, his tail sweeping the ground lazily. He found the choice of her name bitterly ironic. Who would name a kit after something as despised as fleas? She wasn't a flea. She was a kitten... Young, scrappy, and alone. No one had taken her under their wing. No parent had looked at her with warmth or pride. If they even acknowledged her, it was only to tell her to stay out of the way or to scold her for fighting.

She was just a kit.

Flame blinked his blue eyes a few times, his gaze unwavering as he watched her. He remained sprawled where he lay, radiating an air of effortless ease. Let the other warriors run their patrols and hunt for the moment. He would do his share.... Eventually, that was. But right now, this was more important.

" Maybe. " he meowed at last, in response to whatever Fleakit had said. His tone was as unhurried as his movements, but it carried a certain weight, a calm reassurance beneath the laziness.

Despite her prickly demeanor, Flame couldn't help but feel for her. A kit, trying so hard to be tough, to rely on no one but herself. He stretched his paws forward, yawning wide, as if to release some of the tension in the air. " You can get strong. " he said, voice soft yet firm. " Without picking fights with everyone. " The words were spoken in a light drawl, no scolding, no snapping... A simple confirmation. A certain air of indifference. He was not here to put her on her place. He was simply here to talk.

" Do you miss your family? " Flame asked after a long pause, turning his head slightly to look at her. His voice was casual, but the question could pierce like the thorns of a bramble thicket.


its dead! poke it with a stick.

tw - language

Fleakit looked at him strange, face wrinkled up in confusion. "Do you even know what you're talkin about?" Did any of these warriors actually listen to what came of their mouths? How was she supposed to get strong without picking fights? Pa told her that she'd have a whole lot of fightin ahead of her if she wanted to be tough like him. Flea took that meanin' she had to fight a whole bunch of cats. Cause what else could it mean?

He was quiet for a long while. Just when she thought he was done with the questions, he spoke again.

Do you miss your family?

Do I... ?

Life at the mill had been dirty and miserable. Hunger gnawed out her insides, she itched and hurt and felt like dirt all the time. There were cats there that had been there their entire lives. Their paws never touched a blade of grass or tasted fresh prey. It was dark and the air was so sharp and sour that it stung her eyes.

But… it wasn't all bad.

There wasn't much to do but they made fun. Flea and her siblings made up games and tried to prove who was the strongest—they told stories and took naps piled up on top of one another.

There was warmth and comfort snuggling into Ma's fur, listening to her purr... Fleakit even missed her baths, which she hated before.

She would never see them again.

Now she was alone. But since when did that ever bother her? She was fine. Fleakit didn't need any of these idiots.

Fleakit was quiet for a really long time. She stared at him, and then past him—through him. A sharp pain stabbed her in the gut like she laid on a bed of thorns. Her eyes got all stingy and blurry. Once she realized what was happening, Fleakit quickly wiped them away. "I—I unno." She mumbled.

Pa told her what happened to them a long time ago. She didn't understand. Why did it still feel like that? Wasn't the pain supposed to go somewhere?

Fleakit turned her confusion into something she could understand. The only thing that ever made sense. "Why are you askin' me these dumbass questions?!" She snarled, "You such a weirdo that you gotta talk to a kit 'cause you ain't got no warrior friends? I outta claw your stupid face off for askin' me so many dumb things!" Fleakit flopped onto her side with a sharp sniff, head craned away from him.

Did he see? If she ran off now would he think she wasn't tough no more? Would he tell other cats?

  • ooc
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet
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Flame cast the kit a lazy glance, his plumey tail flicking once, a smirk tugging at the corners of his maw. She had spunk, he'd give her that. Whether it would do her any good in the future, though, was another question entirely. The more she kept up this bold front, the more it might start to grate on the nerves of others. He'd seen it happen before. And Fleakit... where had she even come from? He didn't know. One day, she was just... there.

Stretching his limbs with a languid ease, he finally rolled over to properly face her, blinking a few times as he studied her reaction. Despite her bravado, the truth was written all over her face. She was still just a kit, one who missed her family, missed the comfort of their warmth and presence.

But she'd never admit that. Not out loud.

" Eh. " Flame drawled, his tone light and dismissive. " I talk to whoever I wanna talk to. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do. I live my life the way I want it. " He stuck out his tongue playfully, a spark of amusement glinting in his eyes before he pushed himself up and flopped down next to her.

Without hesitation, he rasped his tongue over her head in a surprisingly gentle gesture. " Hey... I'm enjoyin' those pranks you've been pulling. " he purred, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. " Have you seen their expressions when they find a frog in their nest? Priceless. " His eyes gleamed with shared mischief, the twinkle in them making it clear he appreciated her antics far more than he let on.


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Fleakit bit down hard, jaw clenching until she thought her teeth might crack. She refused to let the sting in her eyes turn into anything more. If she wanted to be strong then she couldn't let it.

With her back turned, she furiously wiped her face against her shoulder, rubbing at the dampness until it was gone.

Shake it off! You ever see Pa cryin'?

Not a single drop. Never saw Wolfpack cry—hell, she wasn't even sure he knew how to smile. And Sablestar she could barely picture him doing anything but scowling.

So she wouldn't cry either. She was gonna be tougher than them when she grew up.

When she peeked at Flamerunner, she found herself admiring him—just a little. The way he lived how he wanted, no matter what anyone else thought. That's how she wanted to live too. How she was. Even if no one liked her cause of it.

Fleakit tensed as he plopped down beside her and when he rasped his tongue over her head, she flinched as though she'd been scorched. She hadn't expected it, not from him. Caught her off-guard, stoking a memory that made her hurt again.

A soft growl rumbled in her throat, but it never formed into words. No insults or snapping. Just uneasy, tense silence. Fleakit curled in on herself, ears twitching uncertainly.

She knew better. Nothing good ever came from letting others close.

With a huff, she shifted, scooting just far enough away to put a noticeable inch of space between them.

Her glare lingered, flickering with suspicion.

But then—he complimented her pranks. The moment he mentioned them, the corner of her mouth wriggled. She couldn't help but smirk. The kit snickered, swiping a paw across her still-sniffling nose. "Heheh yeah, bunch of big ol' warriors scared of a wittle fwog."

Thinking about it tickled her good. At least someone appreciated the effort it took to catch those stupid things.

Fleakit perked up a bit. "Takes forever to catch 'em too—er least when its warm. Bouncy as heck!" She boasted, chest puffing out with a bit of pride. Frog-catchin' was her specialty. They were easy enough to dig up when it was cold, but when it warmed, they got all jumpy. Still, she could catch them in any season, just like Pa showered her. Mice too.

"But I got plans. Big plans." She lowered her voice like she was sharing a top-secret plot. "Once it warms up I was thinkin' of releasing a whole bunch at once. It's gonna be hilarious!" Just thinking about a frog stampede hopping through Shadowclan made her giggle.

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
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Flamerunner played his part well... Unbothered, unintrusive, and entirely at ease. He didn't react to the sniffles or the dampness clinging to Fleakit's cheeks. She was too proud, too fiery, and if he so much as acknowledged her tears, she'd throw her defenses up faster than a startled rabbit.

So, he didn't.

Instead, he watched her, his tail sweeping lazily over the dirt. When she grumbled and pulled away, he let her, offering no protest. No coaxing. He simply flopped back down, stretching out with all the energy of a sunbathing lizard, paws sprawled, chin resting on the ground. And then he smirked. Because he had her interest now. " They are. " he murmured, nodding as if they were merely discussing the weather. " Slippery little things, but fun. " The tip of his tail flicked idly. " You should show me how you catch them. Might even learn a thing or two from you. "

He paused, head tilting. " After all, it's quite the feat, catching frogs like you do, especially at your age. Commendable. " A purr laced his words, not overly sweet, just enough to sound like an honest observation. He could see the gears turning in her head. " A whole bunch, huh? " His ears flicked as he stretched lazily. " You know… if you want a whole bunch, you'll need a way to keep 'em in one place while you grab more. " He hummed, as if deep in thought.

Then, a grin. " Sounds like you might need an accomplice. "


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