Wolfs voice carried over the casual chatter of the cats in camp, grateful to not have to compete with the wind and rain for once as he spotted her slipping from the warriors den. It was a surprisingly mild day-- though with the nights they'd been having lately he figured they were owed a few. Ever since that night in camp where unseen footsteps had sent the clan jumping to their feet, cats had been reporting odd things around the territory- especially at night. His promotion to Deputy had offered him some control of the situation, allowing him to set appoint guards and sentrys as he saw fit, but it did little to actually stop the odd happenings.
But there were good things to be brought to mind as well, and for the most part he considered himself to be in a good mood-- enough so to pay some mind to a cats needs outside of his own.
"Brought you this." he said after dropping the starling at her paws, tail giving a lazy flick behind him. "I promised you the next bird I caught, so enjoy."
He could have cheated her and kept it for himself, but he hadn't really wanted to. He liked Marbleshine, found her company pleasing even if he didn't fully understand her. And she'd done good work on his nest, making it far more comfortable than any disaster he would have made for himself to rest in. He might not believe in things like honor or karma, and 'respect' was barely a word in his vocabulary, but he found he didn't mind making the effort for her.
"We should go do some training when your done, though. It's a nice day for it."
He'd said he would teach her more, after all. And what better time than now? Tensions were rising between the clans, and Marbleshine had more to lose this time around.
So he'd prepare her, as best he could a cat of such a gentle demeanor. It could very well all be for nothing-- the best training int he world would mean nothing to a cat that froze when the moment came-- but like his favorite chewing bone, or his nest, or even the marsh itself, Marbleshine had come to exist with the realm of 'things Wolfpack had decided were his', and it'd probably piss him off a bit if he found her with her throat torn out after the next battle.
Who the hell was going to clean his wounds for him or make his nest if then? Mothbite?

shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars