SARDINE ‣ (Sardinepaw / Sardineskip?) | RiverClan | A shorthaired, gray and white tom with blue eyes. REF
WHISKEY ‣ (Thymepaw / Thyme???) | WindClan | A longhaired, fawn and white sepia point tom with blue eyes. REF
TWIG ‣ (Twigsnap) | ShadowClan | A scraggly-furred, gray smoke tabby tom with amber eyes and a bent tail. REF
WHISKEY ‣ (Thymepaw / Thyme???) | WindClan | A longhaired, fawn and white sepia point tom with blue eyes. REF
TWIG ‣ (Twigsnap) | ShadowClan | A scraggly-furred, gray smoke tabby tom with amber eyes and a bent tail. REF
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