Account Deletion Requests

  • Welcome to Character Check-In, read the pinned thread below and give the mods up to 48 hours to get to you! If your submission exceeds this timelimit you may remind us in the Discord!
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Sometimes a character doesn't click with you, sometimes you just killed them off and don't plan to do anything in StarClan with them. What do you do with this account then? Does it sit there gathering dust forever or can you get rid of it?
On Purrgatory we allow uses to have two accounts, a main and a storage account-you may use the storage to move characters you are not actively using/who died etc over onto so you have less clutter on your main's subaccount list! If you want to delete an account instead, please check over the following in regards to that as we like to keep all accounts for archival reasons!

Accounts may not be deleted after any of the following criteria are hit, though you may unlink them/move them to your storage:
  • Your character posted in a relevant plot thread that featured in the news/clan history.
  • Your character has over 100 posts.
When unlinking an account you don't intend to use any longer:
  • Make a post in PREFIX CLAIM with a link to your original check-in stating you are freeing the prefix. This is only required for clan names specifically. We still request you comment there with nonclan cats to ask they be removed from our mega-roster specifically though!
  • If you plan to not keep the design (ie - sell it) or to reuse it for a later character we recommend changing any account art to placeholder images/aesthetic art rather than the design itself to avoid confusion.
  • Before unlinking make sure to change the password on it to something else if you use the same password on all your subaccounts for security reasons! If you forget a moderator can do it for you after the fact!


I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

[b]I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:[/b]
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Reactions: KARMEN
I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:
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Reactions: Rai
I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

I would like my account deleted!
Link to Subaccount being deleted:
Link to post in prefix claim:

Just wanted to note that I technically didn't post a check in with them (i completely forget to), but when asked about which characters to the mega roster these three were mentioned! they are actually listed on the mega roster despite having no check ins. In the future this won't happen again, so I'm sorry for the lack of check in post for the prefix claim.​
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