Private Shipyard adrift in an ocean [Rose]

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Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


blood in the water
Shark / Sharky
Played by



OOC- Figured this could take place vaguely some time after they all discussed leaving? Roses family and Shark both seemed to dip out around the same time, so maybe Rose caught sight of him leaving alone and was all ???? where's his family???? @ROSE

Shark had been living in the shipyard for several weeks now, and he'd grown comfortable during that time. He knew where the best places to scrounge for food were, didn't have to worry about predators coming around, and he had a pretty comfortable nest made in one of the small boats still moored along the docks. For the first time since he lost his parents the sturdy little grey and white kit finally felt like things were starting to be okay. He still felt bad-- probably always would– but he was happier here than he'd been wandering the streets in the first few weeks afterward, alone and afraid and wishing for help that never came.

Shark knew better now, though. He had to be his own strength. Had to learn to take care of himself. And he liked to think he was doing a pretty okay job.

And now, all of those stupid cats wanted to leave.

He knew it had nothing to do with him. They weren't his friends, and outside a few brief encounters he hadn't even really spoken to any of them since coming here. Rather, Shark had gone out of his way to push them all away, and yet… knowing they were all going to just up and leave him left him feeling near sick to his stomach. Anxious in a way he'd never felt before.

'Stupid cats!" he huffed, kicking at a stone as he stomped along the beach. "Runnin' away all cuz their dumb house fell down. There's plenty of food around here-' There wasn't. "- and they could find dens if they really tried." Not enough of them, though.

He sniffled as his bottled feelings began to overflow, feeling his aqua eyes tear up but refusing to let them spill over.

He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't cry ever again because crying was for weaklings. And Shark had to be strong. He was strong.

shipyard cat - male - 5 months blue ticked tomcat with high white and aqua eyes
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On her way to leave alongside her family another kit caught Rose's attention. A grey and white tom storming off after saying a piece of their mind to the cats who had made the decision to leave. Rose could tell the kit was upset and after taking a brief stop to look around noticed nobody had run of after them, to busy with the conversation they where having about thier future. Rose looked ahead again at her mother and sister who kept on walking forward and away from the group. Honestly, she would feel bad leaving the kit alone like this. None of this were easy for anyone of them.
" Mom!, i...i will be b-back soon!."
she called out before turning around to run after the troubled kit.

She would chase them down to the beach and in the distance saw the young tom walk alone by the shore. Rose realized now that she hadn't thought this through. How... - what would be the best way to approach?. Rose hadn't even spoken to this tom before. From what she had heard he was new around here, not having been here for long. During the few times she had seen him around he had always been alone.... never seeing him really interact with anyone. That most be...lonely.

She followed along a bit behind as she slowly caught up to them, all while trying to think out something to say. It was her kind hearted soul that had made her chase after them but there was never a plan to anything she ever did, always on impuls in hope it would work out somehow...

Rose suddenly jumped a bit when the other kit kicked a stone while muttering something, words that she could only hear a few of. But she didn't need to. She could hear he was upset and that was all that really mattered.
" Uhm, e-excuse me!. "
She called out, knowing she couldn't just keep on following him like this.
" I...i saw you run of and, uhm, i th-thought..."
there was a pause, words finding itself difficult on the soft tongue. Rose ears flopped down as she carefully took a step forward.
" Are you o-okay?."