Private aliens have spoke to me / swallowpaw

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Confusion and grief hung heavy in the air as the last remnants of SkyClan trudge on, unpleasantries exchanged through breaths in the wind and past sharpened fangs. Complaints could be heard rippling through the group, kits whining about the soreness that was gripping onto their paws and seasoned warriors bickering about the cooling gusts nipping at their sides. Fuzzypaw, however, seemed blind to it all – more curious in the nature that surrounded them with each paw-step they took. The variety of colors in flowers, the different calls of the birds in the canopies, even the wind blowing through the trees sounded different because of all the new trees they hadn't seen before. They were lost in their own world, the pain slicing through his paws unnoticeable as they "oooh'ed" and "aaah'ed" at every little thing they could.

It was no different when Hawkstar decided they needed to settle in and get hunting patrols out before sundown, demanding each and every warrior and apprentice able to hunt to be out in that forest catching whatever they could. Fuzzypaw... wasn't really about that, in all honesty, their fur prickling as nerves settled in thinking about running through such unfamiliar territory. Instead, a bright idea shone like a star above his head as the brilliant plan of sneaking away dangled in front of him. He pondered doing such an action before deciding that maybe whatever punishment they gave him would end up being better than tripping over random branches. But he couldn't just go off on their lonesome like that. Though quiet and reserved, they appreciated company just as much as any other cat. Sitting with a paw tapping against their chin in thought, the perfect she-cat passed by their gaze as their expression turned bright, a smile a pleasant sight for sore eyes amidst all the sorrow.

Bouncing over to Swallowpaw with what little stealth they could muster, they bump into her shoulder lightly in greeting with the same stupid grin on their face. "Hey, Swallowpaw! Wanna sneak off with me 'n' look at all the stuff around us? Please say yes." The last sentence was uttered not too long after his question, fast enough to hopefully throw the molly off into saying yes to their awesome invitation. "I saw some weird lookin' berries nearby we could check out. Come on, pleaseee?" They played big on making their eyes as wide as possible, playing the puppy eyes as much as they could muster to get their friend to accompany them. Otherwise they'd have to actually go and be a responsible apprentice!
swallowpaw sees the world through different eyes— no, she's trying too. she doesn't see obstacles as a signal to look out for bruised ankles or cracked paws, instead she figures out a way to overcome it. the girl struggles before remembering she's carrying a bundle of herbs (remedies to keep lostmoon comfortable, tigerfoot explained). when they finally passed the scent markers, it wasn't very interesting. the hills rolled into unfamiliar land, and that was it.

nighttime soon made it's appearance. 'camp' settled into a normalcy swallowpaw has to adjust too or she'll go mad by day five. her jaw aches from jostling herbs around all day, she raises a paw to rub at it; and a familiar void of fuzz bumps her shoulder. she's wondered how fuzzypaw can be so… cheery. they jump around like a happy ball of lint, never slowing down. their smile is infectious, though it glints playfully— oh man. it's returned a bit crookedly, as her head tilts curiously. "you… want to what? h-hold on—" her paws raise in a mock 'slow down' gesture.

"don't stare at me like that… you look like your eyes are gonna pop any moment." and stars, they just might if she doesn't hurry up to agree. "fine, i'll sneak out… what berries?" swallowpaw raises to her paws, trotting a few steps ahead already.


The paw lifted to Swallowpaw's jaw hadn't gone unnoticed by Fuzzypaw – they kept the pained gleam in her eye in the front of their mind when interacting with her. It felt like she had been so busy now, with her role as a medicine cat's apprentice making her far more distant that she had been when they were regular apprentices together. They knew it wasn't her fault, but there was still a pang whenever the topic flashed by in their whirlwind of thoughts. She was just important now, leaving him behind in the dust to shine in the sparkling glory. It wasn't her choice... but why was he jealous?

Keeping the same cheeky grin they wore bouncing over to her, their expression turned downward in a frown at the molly's gesture with rolling golden hues. "I said I wanna sneak out! C'mon Swallow, ya know you'll end up enjoyin' it!" The pleading gaze that was darting their features now glinted in the heightening moonlight, the crooked smile that danced on her face giving him a spark of hope. A chance to hang out with her, just like the old days.

Fuzypaw squinted his eyes in return to Swallowpaw's concerned request to stop giving her such an odd stare, nose scrunched slightly. He allowed himself to stay still in peace and serenity with the idea that it may help her decide to join him, their fluffy black and white tail dragging slowly in the dirt. A sharp "yyyeeeesssssssss!" was exhaled through his teeth as he bounded around with unmatched glee as the words of agreement left her tongue, bounding around in circles in front of the she-cat before standing beside her. All of the awkward, scary feelings of interactions melted away when he was with those he was closest to. "Swallowpaw, you will not regret this! I'm like... 90% sure they're edible so I really think these'll be the best berries we'll have ever had." Prancing in front of her, they flicked their tail forward with a jab of their head towards the bushes beside them, a soft "let's go!" leaving their maw before they were off on their adventure.

It wasn't difficult to find the berries, soon enough skidding to a halt (literally, they had left claw marks in the soil in order to not miss the bright red and blackish-purple fruits nearby) and extending out a paw to stop their friend. "Wait, Swallowpaw! These're them... What do you think they are? 'Redberries?' Like blueberries? Or... um... 'black...berries'...?"
when the concept of medicine cat apprentice was sprung up on her, she was taken aback. sure, she lingered around meadowlark's den as a kit and talked to tigerfoot a few times, but she hasn't… quite understood what he saw in her. maybe it was her awkward, quiet nature or she was literally the only apprentice in their age group that knew what to use yarrow for.

she hopes fuzzypaw doesn't hate her for this new path. they're like, her only friend– stars, they're her best friend. who will she bug in the middle of the night? sorrelpaw and campionpaw have better things to do, and… that's the end of the list. ah, geez.

their smile that crinkles the corners of their eyes, is nostalgic. it fills her body with rule-breaking dread and a comfort she hasn't felt in days. swallowpaw follows after the fuzzypaw who just refuses to slow down. "pretty sure?" she echoes, her voice a tiny squeak. she walks faster.

swallowpaw emits a quiet 'oof' when they extend their arm out. she peers over the apprentice's shoulder, whiskers twitching as she sniffed the air. a regular cat would be unimpressed by fuzzypaw's theatrical body language to even get her to this point, but the girl finds herself cracking a smile as her eyes settled on the tiny fruits. "i like them! they're cute, but, i think the red berries look nicer." are they edible, though? she doesn't want to risk it.

