Moth carefully watched the camp through the bare branches of the bush he hid in. It wasn't busy by any means, but it was far from empty. A few quiet groups of cats settled through the small clearing, mingling and sharing tounges. It was quiet - any movement he made would surely draw all eyes towards him.
He really didn't want to be spotted right now. He had just spent a few hours with the rest of Sable's gang, but had elected to head back to camp afterwards, while everyone else went hunting. Moth only realized his predicament afterwards - surely, when he got back, everyone would know where he had been, and without other cats to back him up, he would be at the mercy of whoever spotted him crawling back to camp. If he was lucky, there would only be a few,more mild-mannered cats there. But Moth had never been lucky before, and he definetly wasn't now. He spotted Serpent resting on the roots of a tree, overlooking the camp. Moth had seen the way she'd acted towards dissenters before, and wasn't keen on being the sole focus of her ire. But he didn't want to turn tail and run to the rest of the gang for help, either.
Mustering his courage, Moth slunk back into camp, as quietly as possible.
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