PAFP AMARTE A LA ANTIGUA ༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nest weaving

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༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — He helps as much as he can wherever it's needed the most but once he finds there's a moment of peace, this is when he decides to steal away Scalejaw from her duties. Of course, they had a quick makeshift nest of their own and hadn't gotten a chance to personalize it to truly make it theirs, he can feel his face hurting from how much he's smiling in this moment only to spare a glance in her direction. "I thought it'd be nice to get a chance to ourselves and make the nest more to our tastes." When he had gotten a chance to escape into the woodland that belonged to them, he had found several little trinkets or small things that could potentially be used for their nest. A lot of feathers, moss, bracken, and so much more that he stumbled upon but he still didn't feel satisfied in his finds considering that he wanted to find something that reminded him of Scalejaw in some way to always keep tucked in their nests but he knew better than to linger out in the cold lest he wants frozen paws.

He would try another time and be more fortunate in his search, he's certain that it'll happen soon enough. "If these aren't nice enough for you, my dear. I'll search elsewhere."
His words rung true that he wouldn't stop until something perfect fell into his scruffy paws, Gentleflame would go out beyond this camp of theirs to find something that's worthy enough for his beloved.


  • ooc
    — please wait for @scale





  • ( I WILL TRUST THE ARTIST MOLDING ME ) gentleflame ; warrior of thunderclan

    cismale ; he/him ; 30 moons old ; ages the 27th every month

    a large, longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white markings and brown eyes

    gentleflame's a very warm and friendly individual to those he meets. he's very social and willing to lend a paw if anyone needs it. he's someone that puts others before himself and a self-sacrificing individual that will shield others from harm's way if he can help it. it's very rare to earn his ire.

    demiromantic bisexual ; currently interested in scalejaw

    older littermate to grace and crying dove ; currently mentoring... N/A

    "speech", thoughts, attacking ; difficult in combat/specializes in heavier attacks, his size, and strategy

    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed

The days following her confession, she was well... giddy. But there hadn't been time to savor it- Thunderclan had to become a clan before it could function, and she was doing her best to lend to that function. When Gentleflame comes to steal her from her duties, Scalejaw relents, following him in the direction he had indicated. "Oh?" She hums softly, eyes turning soft as she looks at him. Her feathered ears twitch, looking at the several trinkets that would now decorate a true nest. A permanent nest.

This was a monumental step, she thinks to herself, to share a nest for someone. In actuality. No longer curling against him in the twilight for warmth. No longer wondering if she was invading. No, invited. She looks on for a moment longer, before her vision tilts towards him again. "N-no, Gentle, this is really... thank you." She murmurs, moving to press her flank against his briefly before moving to the pile that he had amassed, truly- he had been busy. A smile finds her face as her nose lowers, selecting a length of bracken, moving to wind it into a nest pattern for the both of them. She glances at him, then back at the outline she had created.

"I think.. it's better if you put the decorative bits in. I can do the base." Scalejaw suggests, moving to nudge moss into the outline she had created.

  • "speech"
  • SCALE she/her, colony cat, 31 moons.
    A SH/LH chimera cat who appears almost 'scaled', akin to a dragon. She is large and imposing with a dark pelt and glowering yellow/orange eyes.
    mentored by tba / mentoring no one
    siblings to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

She can remember when she and Hawthorne twined tails for the first time; when they spent nights together in the dying woodland, and when they admitted to their affections and swiftly thereafter pulled together scraps of moss and feathers for a joint nest. It was a whirlwind, it was quick but every memory still feels like they've spanned a lifetime. It felt like they knew one another for little more than a few sunrises and they were already locked at the side, unable to be torn apart.

And now... and now...

It unsettles her how the sight of someone else, happy and in love, makes her upset. Are others not allowed to love since hers was ripped away? Are others forced to be quiet in their affections whilst Juniperstar fights hers with borders and guards, or Hazelheart looks to the skies for hers to glint with starlight? While Palefern, with kittens to her chest, wonders what her lover may be doing with the rest of their litter? It's unfair to think that way; it's unfair to believe that in the face of despair and pain, warmth can no longer flourish. Leafbare has stricken and killed every morsel of life out in this forest - but newleaf will still come. Flowers and prey will return. Such is life.

"This is cute," Serpentberry opts to say, with the same croning tone she always has. Her kittens are surely by her heels, eager to prowl into the warriors' den and steal whatever their little paws can. She does not stop them, not so readily. "I don't want to cut your moment short -" she does, but she knows she's wrong for that. "- so whenever either of you are available, could I have a few spare paws to move my den around?" Shoving herbs into new spaces, she's sure - there's still plenty to do in camp to make them all comfortable.