Private an opened palm, outstretched [🦅] flower

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She / They
SkyClan Leader
Played by

A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious

They sit quietly together for a long time, two shepherds watching over their anxious flock in the night. Is this how she would feel if Coffeestar had agreed to her plan all those moons ago? Would she be sitting in Flowercloud's place, her eyes trained nervously on her clan, waiting for her leader's next move? Watching, waiting, wanting for anything while hoping nothing tagged them from either corner of their shared blind spots?

In some way, she knew that a journey under Coffeestar would be very different better? Coffeestar had what seemed like a hundred seasons' worth of experience and a jolly smile when wisdom would not suffice.
She had respect and love and all the things that Hawkstar had never succeeded at. Hawkstar had found passion and purchase in strategy, education, and intimidation. Her respect was founded on survival of the fittest... where did that leave her when her first act of leader required kindness, empathy, and wisdom... and she held none.

@flowercloud 's golden pelt rippled in her periphery, and Hawkstar's head tilts towards the movement - inviting. "... how are your children faring? I can get Tigerfoot to make them a salve for their paws if need be. It would be a waste of very promising apprentices if they could not walk because of broken blisters or torn pads."


Flowercloud sat with her shoulders loosened, sore from the stiffness they felt during the day. the fog was filled with tenseness that ate away at the deputy like a flea, causing a slight jumpiness especially. Hawkstar spoke, and the seeming calm in the deputy was responded with the quickness of her pupils darting towards the leader. how are your children faring...? A soft breath escaped the amber point, green eyes lowering, head dipping. Teaselpaw was not much of a speaker, quiet, stressed- a part of her worried if the news she had bestowed upon them was simply enough to make the poor child break- as it had cygnetpaw and rosepaw. she faces the anger in his eyes, and the disappointment in cygnetpaws, the words that boiled from rosepaws throat.

they had grown so big already, so strong. "I... worry for them. Theyve been quiet since i told them Crowsight would not be joining us. But, they are and will be strong, Hawkstar. I have faith- but that salve, im sure, wont be too bad for them, if they wish it." She says softly, shifting under the weight of possibilities and blame she held toward herself. "I hope we dont endure this fog for much longer. The quicker we get out of here... the easier it will be to sleep. Have you heard any strange calls yet?" She asks, trying to distract from the conversation of her children. Sure... she loved talking about them, loved raising their spirits, and held nothing but positivity- but, she worried deeply for their hearts. As a mother, Flowercloud was allowed that. Something Crowsight had already broken and shattered.