Private Camp and i've got arrogance down to a science [fleakit]

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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.



Shadowclans new territory was a win and a loss in Wolfs eyes. No snow, no shortage of prey, no overcrowding from too many cats.

But it was also wet, and dirty, and filled with weird prey.

It wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't what many of his new clanmates seemed to desire out of a new home. And Wolf could understand why. There was a fine line between living and surviving. The strongest cat in the world could live a long life and still have the entire thing feel like a waste of their time and efforts if they didn't squeeze enough enjoyment out of it along the way. And he'd never been the sort of cat to encourage settling for second best if you knew you could take first.

But not wasn't the time. Even if the other cats were to convince Sable to guide them elsewhere for a better, dryer stretch of land, it was still the middle of winter. Better to keep what they had for now and then expand outward later, then risk what mild comforts they had on a whim.

He could only imagine how much Manzanitapaw would whine if they were made to travel anywhere in the cold.

Luckily, the marsh wasn't without it's familiar comforts, and Wolf had lucked out on one today. Instead of returning to camp that afternoon with a lizard or toad or one of the pocosins other odd prey items, the mottled feline strode in with a fat squirrel hanging from his jaws. As was typical for the tom, rather than deposit his catch on the small communal prey pile set out in camp, he strode over to a quiet spot and lay down to tuck into his meal.

OOC- @FleaKit


shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

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Fleakit smelled it before she saw it. A familiar scent, buried under the rot and peat of the marsh. Not that she had any problems with the usual slimy, chewy frogs—she liked gnawing at their legs, fun to play with too.

Fleakit watched as the patchy warrior strolled into camp, a fat squirrel swinging from his jaws, with a big ol bushy tail. Her stomach twisted at the scent, her mouth-watering.

She perked up, ready to snatch it off the pile before anyone else did. But he didn't even drop it on the pile. Her hopes sank as he carried it off, heading for his own private feast.

Fleakit could've waited him out, stuck around until he finished hoping for scraps—But she knew better. By the time he was done, there'd be nothing left but bones and gristle—and that wasn't good enough. So, she stalked after him, moving as quietly as stubby legs could manage, eyes locked onto the squirrel he hoarded.

There was prey and Fleakit wasn't as thin as she used to be, but she didn't want the other prey. She wanted his.

So, she waited until he got comfortable, inching closer—slow, careful. Her eyes picked him apart, searching for an opening.

When he was just about to take his first big self-important bite—she struck. Wiry and quick, Fleakit darted out from behind him, jaws snapping up the scrap of fur at his paws. Then she tried to make a clean getaway, scrambling for distance.

  • ooc —— Beat her assssss
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user



OOC- AHHH, I'm so sorry about the wait, I totally lost this somehow!!!! Also ??trigger warning?? for Wolf attempting to swat the shit out of her for stealing from him!!!

It'd been a while since Wolfpack had been allowed to get as comfortable as he had with Shadowclan– since there'd been no need to claw and snarl in a bid for dominance over resources. Not here, though. There was a civility here that hadn't existed in the world Wolf came from, an etiquette he was still learning to perfect. Brute force wasn't always the answer, otherwise he would have ripped all nine of those lives from Sable already in order to take them for himself.

No, living with others required more finesse than that, social skills that he was still figuring out. And apparently, he wasn't the only one.

Aside from the one narrowly avoided incident the night of the battle regarding Seal and that other kit, Wolf had managed to avoid any slip ups when it came to the clans youth and their well being. To put it bluntly, Wolf didn't share in the believe that kits were the untouchable holy grail that the majority of his clanmates saw them as. To him, they were just another mouth to feed, another body taking up space. And if they grew to be more trouble than they was worth, he certainly didn't hold any qualms with dealing with that– in whatever sense of the word felt most appropriate.

And so when Fleakit came tearing around from behind him and snatched up his catch before racing off with it, Wolfpack didn't hesitate in doing what Mothbite should have weeks ago.

He sprang after her, a growl rumbling low in his throat as he aimed to bowl the kit over and pin them in the mud underfoot, far from gentle– for from forgiving, If he succeeded in trapping her there, he'd waste no time in unleashing a barrage of heavy hits upon her; her teeth would rattle from the force, her breath would rush from her lungs and his claws would prick threateningly at her flesh-- but he wouldn't damage her in any meaningful way. Just enough to get his point across, for it to *hurt* so she had an understanding what what 'consequences' meant. "All these cats in camp," he huffed boredly, "and nobodys taught you the first rule of survival? Tch."

He wasn't surprised, but he was disappointed. Flea was scrappy for a mangy bag of bones, had the kind of attitude that could serve her well in the future– if she learned the rules of the game and the best way to break them. Currently? Well, let's just say that if Wolfpack hadn't had the ire of the clan to watch out for, she would have have far more scars to add to her pelt– tokens of remembrance for the foolish mistake she'd made.

"Never take another cat's things– unless you're strong enough to enforce your claim." Otherwise, she would end up exactly where she was now– under the feet of someone stronger. "Now what, runt?" he asked as he leaned down to snatch his prey back from her.

OOC- @FleaKit


shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

  • Knife
Reactions: F l e a p a w

This wasn't the first time she'd tried to steal a kill from a bigger threat. She'd done it before. Many times. The twoleg place was still fresh in her mind—the gnawing hunger, the desperation clogging her throat as she withered to bones. That place was far more cruel than ShadowClan ever been to her.

There was no fresh-kill pile to draw from. No warriors to keep it full or forced to share when it was low. Just the scraps. The garbage. The mice—that she could never catch before meeting Pa. And the other cats, who rarely cared about anything but themselves.

At times, even crowfood smelled appealing. But it had been a long time since she'd been that desperate.

When there was no garbage to sift through, she stole from other cats. Sometimes, it worked, and sometimes not. But now it was painfully clear that she got too greedy.

She didn't get very far, stubby legs not as swift as she needed. She knew there was a hierarchy in ShadowClan, whether she liked it or not. But most of the time, no one enforced it. Many just didn't want to deal with her, and that was more than fine by Flea.

A snarl ripped from Fleakit as she was grabbed, but all that followed was a sharp, strangled squeak as her face was slammed into the mud. She sputtered, hissed, ears pinning back, unprepared for the flurry of hard blows that followed.

At first, she splayed her paws, claws up, teeth bared, body curled defensively on her back. But her breath was stolen, slapped from her lungs. She curled into a ball, tucking her legs in, waiting for it to stop.

Her bones ached from every blow that jostled her pelt. The impact made her dizzy, her teeth clenched so tight she was sure she tasted copper. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.

Once it let up, she uncurled slowly. Her ears rang—vision slightly blurred. Face set in a grimace, squinting through mud at the deputy standing over her. Her tail flicked in the sludge, a twitch of resistance despite the dull throb of her mistakes.

She held his gaze as he spoke, nostrils flaring. Fleakit was used to being tossed aside, shoved by bigger cats, by Sablestar, Coalstrike, Pepperpaw—Mothbite, and Timberfrost she could push around. Other cats talked a lot of fluff but never did anything. But this was different.

"Never take another cat's things—unless you're strong enough to enforce your claim."

Her jaw clenched, grinding with everything she wanted to snarl back. But she held it in. Wolfpack made it clear he wasn't a pushover. Wadn't a doubt in the world that he would do it again or maybe something worse—if she sank her teeth into him.

There was nothing she could do but watch as he took back what was his, to begin with. Fleakit sniffed, tongue burning as she held it. Her stomach churned with frustration.

She huffed, jaw tight, forcing out the words through her teeth. "Nothing." Something about what he said grated against her ears, wriggling into her brain like a parasite. He was bigger. Stronger. She always knew that but now it really sunk in, like a rock tossed into a muddy pond.

Oh, she would have loved to see him get crushed by a tree branch. Squashed so flat no one would ever be able to recognize him. But… also… How could she be like him?

Would she ever be strong enough to put cats like him in the mud?

  • ooc —— STAMPEDEEEE
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:



Confident that he'd gotten the point across– and that she would at least understand what was coming if she pushed her luck- Wolfpack took his prey and drew back to allow her up. Eyes of blue and gold regarded her as he placed his kill at his paws and set his haunches down into a sit. Probably wanted to rip his throat out, but at the end of the day feelings didn't matter. Only what you could make real.

"At least you learn quick. Wasted on Possumgrin " he snorted, leaning down to rip into his meal before it got cold on him. Oddly enough, he didn't seem truly perturbed by what had just happened– annoyed by the interruption, sure, but he could find amusement in it if he tried, and something that wasn't quite respect. "Try again in a few months, if you want."

Not a taunt, but an offer. He wouldn't be forgiving, and she would very likely still get her ass handed to her, but she was welcome to try if she was feeling particularly lucky.


shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

  • Love
Reactions: Meadowpaw

Flea sniffed, stretching her sore paws out from under her so she could rest her head on them. Her tail twitched behind her like a restless worm, smacking damply against the mud. She could still feel the sting in her ribs, the ache in her bones where she'd been knocked down.

Wolfpack hadn't been cruel. There was nothing personal about what happened. He was just a cat protecting what was his. Frustrating as it was to be at the losing end—she understood it. Survival was all she could understand sometimes. And if their roles had been reversed, she would've done the same thing.

She peered up at him from her paws, watching as he ate. Even if she couldn't have the whole thing, there would still be scraps. Better than nothing.

Her chest deflated with a quiet huff, but she stayed still, mud clinging to her belly where she'd slumped.

Her ears flicked, eyes sharpening as she narrowed her gaze at him. Was he taunting her? Seeing if she needed another smackdown to really hammer in his point? The way he said it didn't make it sound that way. Was he serious?

Her chest puffs out a little, sparks still flickering in her gaze. He was in his prime now, but she would grow. Flea knew she might never get as big or strong as him, but she would find a way... just to spite him.

"Count on it."
  • ooc —— STAMPEDEEEE
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user