The colony was an interesting place. He'd only lived in one prior to this, and it'd been a smaller unit that wasn't able to survive it's extinction even. This one was much larger, and it didn't function like the city cats he lived with. Even now, as he lay licking the blood from his claws as he finished up the last of his meal, he could see a clear distinction between the cats here; those like him who were looking after himself, and those who had taken to grouping up and working together.
Cats freshening up each others nests. Sharing prey with those who weren't their kin or family– who weren't their responsibility. Teamwork wasn't unheard of among the cats he'd run with in the past, but there was never real loyalty between them. No trust that would carry over into anything else. He could hunt with the same cat every day for a week and they'd still leave him to bleed out at the jaws of a dog, or steal his bedding out from under him on a cold night.
Survival of the fittest, and all that.
He wasn't sure whether to laugh or to let his interest in this strange dynamic blossom into full-blown curiosity. Because in theory it wasn't a horrible idea if they could get a decent enough system in place. The problem was that it would take work and discipline that most wouldn't want to put in. Not to mention all the fat that would have to be trimmed before the group was something that could be trusted to function without falling apart.
Couldn't have a bunch of freeloaders taking advantage of the system.
Oh well. For now it served it's purpose at keeping the predators away, and while he was still prone to taking off to scavenge at twolegplace when the pickings were slim, he found himself returning to the relative safety of the group again and again. Not just because it was easier than going it completely alone, but because Wolf didn't hate the fact that there were other cats around. He might not trust them, or even like all of them, but it broke up the unsatisfactory monotony of the days he'd been living thus far.
His quiet musing was cut off by a small disturbance a short ways away. One of the younger cats was practice battle moves a short distance away, but kept failing the landing on their twist, looking more and more frustrated with each failed attempt. "Your doing that wrong." he informed them, more out of boredom than anything else, suggested in the flat drawl of their voice. "You have to use your tail as leverage or you're just gonna keep landing on your face."
OOC- @deidre please wait for them to post first!!!
loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars