Open The Farm AND SO GERARD KEAY ENDED ] intro

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.



The scent of hay and dust lingers in the cool morning air, thick and familiar, clinging to the wooden beams of the barn like an old, unshakable memory. Dawn filters in through the slats, casting thin, golden bars of light across the worn floorboards, cutting through the shadows where mice scurry unseen. It is quiet here. Not silent—the horses shift in their stalls, their breath heavy and rhythmic, tails swishing lazily against their flanks. The pigeons mutter drowsily in the rafters. Outside, a dog barks once, sharp and distant, before settling again into whatever restless dream it chases. Dusk moves through the barn like something half-formed, like a shadow stretched too thin. Its dark fur blends easily into the dimness, save for the faint glint of its eyes—steady, watchful, unreadable. It walks with no particular destination in mind, slipping between the wooden posts with an idle, unhurried grace, the way a creature does when it has no reason to be anywhere and no one waiting for it.

The barn is familiar, in the way that all temporary things are. It is shelter. It is quiet. It is not home. Not that Dusk believes in home, not in the way others seem to. A place is just a place. Some are easier to stay in than others. Some are tolerable. Some are not. This one will do for now. It pauses beside a pile of hay, lowering its head to sniff at something unseen—mouse, maybe, though the scent is stale. Not worth the effort. It has eaten already, something small and unremarkable, its hunger dulled to the point of indifference. It sits, tucking its paws neatly beneath itself, tail curling loosely around its side, and watches the dust swirl in the light. There are other cats here. Barn cats, mostly—some born here, some passing through, some clinging to the place as if it means something to them. Dusk knows them in the way that cats know each other—by scent, by distance, by the quiet, unspoken agreements that determine where one cat's claim ends and another's begins. It does not seek them out, nor does it avoid them. They exist. It exists.

A horse snorts in its stall, shifting its weight, and Dusk turns its head slightly, ears flicking toward the sound. It does not startle. It has long since learned the rhythm of this place, the way the creatures in it move and breathe. It knows the lazy pacing of the horses, the way their hooves strike the packed dirt with dull, heavy certainty. It knows the sharp, quick rustling of mice in the straw, the telltale scrape of claws against wood. It knows the humans, too—their voices, their footsteps, the way they smell of sweat and leather and something unnatural, something sharp and bitter and wrong. Dusk does not trust them. It does not fear them, either. A breeze stirs through the barn, rattling the loose boards and carrying the scent of the open fields beyond—the rich, wild smell of damp earth and trampled grass, of sun-warmed wood and distant rain.

Dusk blinks slowly, thoughtfully, before lowering its head to rest on its paws.

Status: Curious

The small scrap of a cat peers down at the curious sight before her. She doesn't think she knows this cat. Though she's never been to this barn. She had taken shelter in the rafters earlier because she was tired, and had awoken as the sun broke the surface. Her small tail waggled in the air behind her as she stared down at the blurry shape of a cat. She hums as she watches the other move through the barn, should she introduce herself? But it was so quiet. She almost didn't want to disturbed the peace. Miley followed the cat through the barn, balancing on the rafters above, tip toeing on silent feet as the colors and shapes blended together in her poor vision. She had mostly identified the other by scent and sound before clocking the sight, she could make out no details, just that the other was a cat.

Decision made she trotted towards the way she had used to get into the rafters originally, skillfully working her way down before landing on soft feet on the floor below. She squinted in the direction she last saw the cat, trying to find them again in the morning light. Tail wagging once more when she did. A grin spread across her face as she quickly approached the other cat, endless amounts of curiosity flowing through her small body. "Hi! I'm Miley! What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before! Granted I've never stayed in this barn before so that could be why. Do you normally stay here?" An almost never ending flow of words, said all in one breath, left her mouth and bombarded the ears of the other cat without warning or pause. Her ears were perked for a response and her tail was wagging as fast as she possibly could make it go.

  • OOC:
  • Miley
    - Black/Cinnamon Chimera w/ high white ꩜ She/Her ꩜ Barncat ꩜ Penned by Snowy ꩜ 24 moons
    ꩜ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting

Dusk does not startle. Not outwardly, at least. It had already caught the scent of another cat lingering in the rafters, a vague note of something unfamiliar but unthreatening. It had not expected the cat to descend, much less with the kind of enthusiasm that seems to radiate from her now—bright, uncontainable, like a flame that does not know it can burn out. Dusk lifts its head, pale eyes cool and unreadable as it watches the small cat approach. She is young, or at least carries herself with the unchecked energy of something that has not yet been disappointed enough to quiet down. Dusk does not interrupt. It waits, ears flicking idly against the flood of words, watching the way her tail lashes like an overeager dog's. Silence stretches for a beat after she finally stops, the last of her breathless questions hanging in the air between them. Dusk blinks. Then, finally, it speaks, voice low and flat, neither welcoming nor unfriendly.


It does not offer more at first. Just its name, simple and bare, given with neither hesitation nor warmth. It studies Miley in the dim morning light, taking in the squint of her eyes, the way she moves with an unconscious care despite her boundless energy. Her sight is poor, Dusk realizes. She navigates more by scent and sound than sight itself. Noted. "I stay here for now," it adds after a moment, its tone as neutral as before. Not a yes, not a no, just an acknowledgment of the present. It has no intention of explaining itself further—whether it normally stays here, how long it has been here, why it is here at all. Those answers are irrelevant. Instead, it tilts its head slightly, watching her, measuring. "You don't," it observes, because it is clear she does not. There is no scent of the barn in her fur, no settled weight of familiarity in the way she holds herself. It does not ask why. It does not need to. If she wants to talk, she will. If not, Dusk does not care.
"Careful, this one here'll talk yer' ears off." Buck chimes in with something between a chuckle and a snort, words laced with an instinctive sarcasm though not malicious in nature. The chocolate tabby appears, rounding the pile of hay and stopping to glance upward at the lingering form of the nearby horse. Turning back toward the blue-hued barn cat, he tilts his head and inquires, "I don't think I know a single thing about you, Dusk. Where'd y' come from, anyway?" He wouldn't press the question if it wouldn't budge in terms of answering. Some folk were simply as quiet as mice, navigating the world in silence and under the shadows... all mysterious-like.

Dusk did raise a true point, though. The cinnamon molly was a stranger, certainly a cat that Buck had never run into before. "You're new 'round these parts." He vocalizes his observation, glancing expectantly toward her.

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  • 93540135_BxewJOuIV6ij3rC.png
    — buck / 28 moons / he/him pronouns
    — loner / barncat
    — sh chocolate tabby w/ orange eyes, bite marks on left foreleg, nick in left ear & scratch on right side of lip
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