OOC- Takes place shortly after the events in the main finding camp thread, after Wolf has gone up to keep watch (before Cicada arrives)
After the majority of the bickering had ended and cats had decided to start spreading out to see to their individual tasks, Wolf had turned back toward the muddy slope leading out of camp and had clawed his way back up. They would definitely be in need of something to help ease the process of climbing in and out if they were going to be staying here for any period of time.
He took his place among the pond pines and the underbrush, his dark, mottled frame hidden well enough among the shadows there. His body stung on various points from the clawmarks and bitewounds he'd received, bruises that would leave him tender for days to come, but there was a contentment that sat warmth in his chest, a heavy sense of satisfaction. Maybe they hadn't managed to run the other cats off, but it didn't really matter. That place as a whole was overworked, and even if they'd been the victors, it wouldn't have gotten them anything but a stretch of land with a prey shortage. It could have been weeks sitting pretty on their tails waiting for the food to return, all while Hawthorn and his group explored different lands.
But now, it was Sables group doing the branching out. And as a cat who had been nomadic by nature before finding himself intrigued by the colony, he knew well enough that there was always something more to find. If the old grounds couldn't provide for them, then something else somewhere else, would.
Though, he wasn't sure what his thoughts were on staying in a damp, smelly place like this one. The lack of snowfall was a plus, but he couldn't say he was looking forward to the foul taste that would be waiting for him when he finally had to clean the mud and blood off of him later.
Oh well. It wasn't all bad, and if anyone could make the best of a shitty situation, it was Wolf.
loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars