It was the second sunhigh upon his Deputyship, already, some things seemed to be... wrong. The hunting patrols had not been as smooth as he thought, pairing clanmates up at random had done nothing but cause issues - doing things without method did not take into account the pre-existing bonds between clanmates and the strengths and weaknesses of them all. Even the day's patrols seemed... stilted; as if before he'd send too many out, today, he'd sent too little. It was something to consider over a good meal and bountiful prayer, but stress often frayed one's whiskers and, unintentionally, he had taken on a new challenge to keep himself distracted from self-reflection.
Between his paws, Brightpetal kicked a perfectly crafted mossball, eyeing his kit opponents with a childish gleam. His goal was to get past them and win the game by batting it into the Nursery. They would win if they got it into the Warrior's den. No one had scored, and no one had won, even as he bragged to them that he was the 'best mossball player ever', it was difficult to justify going all out on a couple of kittens barely old enough to eat prey. He wiggled his haunches left and right as he tried to find the best angle to launch the emerald sphere, his yellow gaze locking onto an all-too-familiar clanmate skulking past.
Him and Graybird weren't friends in any sense of the word, while the weight of the forest slid off of Brightpetal like water off of a duck's back, Graypetal seemed to carry it all like a sullen horse. Brightpetal didn't understand it, personally. The Stars had revealed there was hope for them, that any suffering would be absconded upon death and they looked fondly upon ThunderClan despite what had been taken from them. There were days where it hurt, but was it not his duty to keep going with a smile upon his face to remind others that it'd be ok? He'd never seen the pale tom smile, in fact, he'd never seen him close to any-one clanmate, perhaps it was sympathy for such a plight that caused Brightpetal to turn towards him. "Hey Graybird, think fast!"
With an almighty swing of his paw, he bat the mossball in Graybird's direction. "These kiddos are tough, help me out here!" He beamed.
Between his paws, Brightpetal kicked a perfectly crafted mossball, eyeing his kit opponents with a childish gleam. His goal was to get past them and win the game by batting it into the Nursery. They would win if they got it into the Warrior's den. No one had scored, and no one had won, even as he bragged to them that he was the 'best mossball player ever', it was difficult to justify going all out on a couple of kittens barely old enough to eat prey. He wiggled his haunches left and right as he tried to find the best angle to launch the emerald sphere, his yellow gaze locking onto an all-too-familiar clanmate skulking past.
Him and Graybird weren't friends in any sense of the word, while the weight of the forest slid off of Brightpetal like water off of a duck's back, Graypetal seemed to carry it all like a sullen horse. Brightpetal didn't understand it, personally. The Stars had revealed there was hope for them, that any suffering would be absconded upon death and they looked fondly upon ThunderClan despite what had been taken from them. There were days where it hurt, but was it not his duty to keep going with a smile upon his face to remind others that it'd be ok? He'd never seen the pale tom smile, in fact, he'd never seen him close to any-one clanmate, perhaps it was sympathy for such a plight that caused Brightpetal to turn towards him. "Hey Graybird, think fast!"
With an almighty swing of his paw, he bat the mossball in Graybird's direction. "These kiddos are tough, help me out here!" He beamed.