This child has been watching him all day. That's what it felt like, his fur pricked on end as he felt beady little eyes of a stinky brat digging into his fur. Much like her namesake. Like a *flea*. She threatened his peace, his mind, threatened to break down his walls, all metaphorical, but nonetheless annoying.
And all day, he has chosen to ignore it, up until he went to leave camp. The little brat decided to try to follow him, and as he turned to try to lose the kid, he instead thought of a wonderful idea, maybe even a bit mean. But if it would get the kid to leave him alone, he didn't mind. Black and red fur shimmered as the sun beamed through leaves and pine trees, he sat poised, waiting for the mutt to exit camp. And when she would, he aimed to gently leap and bat at the kid, teeth baring. "What's got ya so interested in me? Stop following me, brat!" He snarled, ears flattened against his skull as he stood over the brown kitten. There was no friendliness in his gaze, but one thing he hated, was being watched. He didn't care if it was sablestar watching him, he'd likely react the same way. Wouldn't he?
Well, unless it was Dunny. But that was different. He was family. This runt wasn't his family, and he'd be damned if she thought they would or could be.