Private Baby Shark Do do do do do || Fleakit

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trust is for the weak

This child has been watching him all day. That's what it felt like, his fur pricked on end as he felt beady little eyes of a stinky brat digging into his fur. Much like her namesake. Like a *flea*. She threatened his peace, his mind, threatened to break down his walls, all metaphorical, but nonetheless annoying.

And all day, he has chosen to ignore it, up until he went to leave camp. The little brat decided to try to follow him, and as he turned to try to lose the kid, he instead thought of a wonderful idea, maybe even a bit mean. But if it would get the kid to leave him alone, he didn't mind. Black and red fur shimmered as the sun beamed through leaves and pine trees, he sat poised, waiting for the mutt to exit camp. And when she would, he aimed to gently leap and bat at the kid, teeth baring. "What's got ya so interested in me? Stop following me, brat!" He snarled, ears flattened against his skull as he stood over the brown kitten. There was no friendliness in his gaze, but one thing he hated, was being watched. He didn't care if it was sablestar watching him, he'd likely react the same way. Wouldn't he?

Well, unless it was Dunny. But that was different. He was family. This runt wasn't his family, and he'd be damned if she thought they would or could be.


There weren't a lot of kits her age in camp. Stoatkit was okay but the rest wanted nothing to do with her. Most of the warriors ignored her, and everyone else just majorly sucked. But there were a few cats she thought were cool.

He had a look to him that she liked. Tough—mean, even. Kinda like a smaller, less cool version of Pa. She watched him. Figured if she stared long enough, he might do something interesting or maybe she'd learn something.

He was really boring up until the point when he decided to leave camp. Fleakit thought she might get to watch him hunt or fight some cats—y'know cool stuff.

She tailed him from a distance, quiet as a shadow. Best stealth in all of ShadowClan. Fleakit figured she was pretty much better than every actual warrior by now at sneaking.

But then he turned around and jumped right on top of her, faster than she ever saw a cat move. "Gah—!" A squeak and a snarl erupted from her throat at the same time. Instinct kicked in first. She went feral, jaws gnashing, teeth searching for something to sink into. Her paws flailed at his face, claws swiping wildly. Though he was a lot higher off the ground than she expected.

"Get the hell off me, your breath reeks!" Fleakit twisted sharply, limbs scrambling, and slipped free from under him with a messy skid through the dirt. Once she was upright, she rounded on him, fur bristling like a cornered rat. "Why the hell would I follow you anyway!? Bout as interesting as a pile of badger crap!" Fleakit stuck her tongue out, making an ugly face at him.

Yeah, yeahhhh she just so happened to be out here... Far as he knew anyway.

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:

She twisted and turned, teeth clinking together, claws flailing- and it was all sloppy, with a bad aim, and clearly- well, hed hate to say it, but the show was pathetic as he stood up straighter, dodging the claws. It was almost humourous. She spat that his breath reeked, and his eyes flashed with that look- a smirk on his face before letting out a heave of breath into her face, till his chest was tight. Vicious mockery, annoyance- that would chase the sane away, wouldn't it? Then he wouldn't have a shadow! Of course, it all made sense.

She writhed from under his grip, frantic, and he watched her recoil, turn on him, spitting that she wouldn't have followed him. It would take a lot more than that to fool Viperpaw. He had the capability to be stupid, easily- but blind? He was far from that. The entire time as he left, she was so visible it hurt to see her even act as if she was sneaking! So when she spat that she wasn't following him, he reared back his head, eyes squeezed tight as laughter escaped his jaws. A hearty laugh, rolling his eyes as he looked down upon this scrap of fur.

"I could've saw ya from a mile away, you pesky runt! You were hardly sneaking!" He scoffed, orange eyes peering through slitted eyelids as he took a paw to his cheek and pulled down, sticking his tongue out as well as if mocking her, yet again. He could almost feel his own eyes look into his empty skull, before blinking and looking back at her. After a moment, he finally had an idea, a smirk drawing on his features.

"Too bad you think badger dung is more interesting..." He trailed off, clicking his tongue, letting the smirk fall to a more serious nature. "I probably could've taught you to be the best stalker in all of Shadowclan," he said, before shrugging his shoulders, turning to walk away. Maybe he did enjoy the watchful eyes of the young, the influence he held of being an apprentice, while she was nothing but a kit. "Shame." And as if he lost interest, he took a few slow steps away.
Fleakit's chest puffed up, but all she could muster was a stuffy, "Nuh uh!" She knew she was good at sneaking around! Flea had been sneaking around her whole life. She was a pro by now! Er… right?

But Viperpaw snagged her attention. What he said was like a stone dropped in a pond, sending ripples through her head. Fleakit shuffled her paws, kicking at a twig. Dammit! What the hell was she gonna do now? She just wanted to see him do somethin' apprentices did! Was that too much to ask?

Yeah, she was gonna be so fast and strong and sneaky that they were like—WOAH! But much as she tried, there wasn't much else to pick up from chasing frogs and digging in the mud.

She wasn't an apprentice yet, but when she was, she was gonna be twice as good as any of the others. She'd show them all and they'd be like—WOAH! But chasing frogs and digging through mud weren't exactly the entire tool kit. Vamp taught her things from time to time, but it wasn't enough!

Fleakit bounced on her paws as Viperpaw started to walk away. Dumb idiot! Nasty ass breath! Jerk! Damn him for making her crawl after him like a worm.

"W—Hey! That's not what I was sayin' at all!" She huffed, trotting after him. "FINE. Okay, I was following you. I thought you'd know how to do cool stuff!" She restlessly smeared the mud around beneath her paws. Then she shot him a look, narrowing her eyes. "You ain't a warrior yet, though. Are you reaaaally the best stalker in all of ShadowClan?" He was totally full of crap. Fleakit wasn't that stupid but… maybe he did know somethin'...

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
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