The dissenters flood into the shadowy tendrils, left in absence of moonlight. Bodies beaten and lain into the ground around the sacred oak trees- Coffeestar had taken Hawthorne away with just seconds to spare his people, yet still so many were lost. The blood-stained frost made her wince, and in their disheveled recovery, the tabby leapt down to the treetops below.
"The stars have seen what you have suffered for." She announced from her perch, expertly descending from the high branches. Stars dappled across her dark pelt, shining despite the still darkness of night. "We will see to end this unnecessary misery." Her gaze cast over the broken and battered after she leapt down, landing atop the jutting stone that hundreds of paws before her ascended. Yet, while never living to see the monument of the Clans of old, it felt right to see her at it's peak.
"Like lions you all fought with courage and bravery behind your leader, and the sacrifice many of you made will not be forgotten any time soon." With a rise of the molly's tail, the spirits of the fallen lifted from their bodies, matching Coffeestar in starstruck appearance. "Your loved one's are not lost to forever, they will join me among the stars, watching over you- their kin- in StarClan. That is where your souls will gather when your time comes to meet them."
Now her eyes meet Hawthorne's, a smile turning up at her maw in his familiarity. "And it is Hawthorne whom StarClan recognizes as your true leader. No longer succeeding his fathers Colony, but succeeding the legacy of ThunderClan! Home of the proudest, bravest warriors in the forest." Her eyes flickered between the oak trees, as if her words reminded her of another thought. "Not this, forest, however." And now she jumped to the cold earth below, leveled with what she expected to be the next generation to Clan life. "This land is sacred, and too much blood has been spilled for it already. Hawthorne will lead you into the true home of ThunderClan, a lush forest abundant in greenery and tall oak trees. There, you will see the life of countless generations before you, and live as they once did."
"If you all truly stand behind your leader, you will be expected to accept and adapt to our way of life. Your names will fit that of a warrior, but that will come later. First..." She looked away from the crowd behind the tom to focus on him again, brushing her muzzle to his ear to speak softly.
One of these cats would be chosen to follow into the same trials he faced. "You must pick a cat who you trust as your second in command. They will be your Deputy, tasked with being where you cannot. In time, the stars will decide which of your loyal followers will be entrusted with the health of your Clan."
Ooc: Any cat who died in the battle may post in this thread as a spirit to say their farewells if they so wish! For this thread only the living cats will be able to speak to and see them before StarClan's brief burst of power dwindles back down.