Open Territory BITTERSWEET NIGHTSHADE ʚɞ herb patrol

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.
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birdsong gently flutters from the treetops, sunlight finds it's way past the foilage. it is newleaf. new beginnings, change, and full bellies… things will be fine. swallowpaw reminds herself of that as she pads through the territory, looking at the flower patches. gathering herbs is usually a two cat job, done with the apprentice and her, well, mentor, but that's a touchy subject for the medic-still-in-training.

no one knew exactly who, or what, stole tigerfoot. venturing into the territory by herself made her skittish. a patrol will keep her safe, and admittedly, she could use the extra paws. maybe even teach a few of her clanmates what everything does.

"remember, you're not supposed to rip it out of the ground." she instructs, her paw hovering over a bundle of ragwort. "it has to grow back, so you just… bite the stem. with your teeth." swallowpaw bends her head down to gently pluck at the stem, letting the herb fall carefully to the ground. it's scooped up, and placed in a spot to begin a pile. "and don't, um, eat anything. it won't taste good." or worse, probably, but that's left unsaid.

come and cutely gather herbs using the fancy herb scavenger! // alt link please remember to select skyclan in the dropdown, and put any results in my channel. :]
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If there was one thing Cometglow would willingly admit he knew nothing about... it was herbs. He couldn't distinguish nearly any of the leaves the medicine cats used from each other, let alone what magic they worked with their paws to turn those leaves into medicines that could save lives. So when Swallowpaw had needed some escorts for a herb patrol, well... he might as well offer himself and get a chance at understanding what herb is which. Maybe.

He followed along mostly-silently, listening to what Swallowpaw was saying. Nip the leaf off with your teeth... As he walked past what looked like some sort of prickly bush, he stopped in front of it. There were a few small leaves growing from the branches, and he supposed a prickly bush might teach him not to yank on anything. Still, he managed to pluck off a green, somewhat fuzzy leaf. "Is this a useful one?"
  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Cometglow he/him & skyclan deputy
    black tortie with white spotting
    39 moons
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.

    penned by pastelskulls
    template by scarlet

Prior to injury//

Flowerclouds favorite season was newleaf. New beginnings, new life that blossomed with greenery and shade- though it also meant her least favorite was around the corner, knowing soon she would be sweltering hot- but still determined.

it wasn't only Tigerfoot, the sting gnawed at her heart every day at the fact of her child being missing as well. Her eyes glimmered, lying to the patrol- even giving a respectful dip of her head in congratulations as Cometglow seemed to find something- hopefully useful. No hard feelings to him, of course.. it wasn't his fault.

The queen carefully sniffed at blooming flowers, head rummaging at grassy greens and past the yellow dandelions that were already spreading quickly. And a little bit away, she would sniff some stalks of spiky leaves, tasting the bitter aroma, before gently nipping it at the stalk as if it was a flower shed bring to her children .. safe.

"Is this of use?" She would ask, bringing it to Swallowpaw and hoping it would be. The bitterness was familiar in her mouth, though the memory vague. But... There were many herbs, and she knew nothing of any of it.

Her gaze cast carefully to Sorrelpaw, watchful, before back at Swallowpaw- as if something could swoop them away too. With her luck lately, she was better safe then sorry.

@sorrelpaw non obligatory app tag!//

⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Sagesong had been one of the first to volunteer to help gather herbs with the medicine cat apprentice. With Tigerfoot's sudden disappearance they worried that Swallowpaw was overwhelmed being the sole healer of the clan and the mottled cat intended to help where they could. They couldn't do the healing of course but she could at least help gather what might be useful.

Cometglow stops to pick a leaf off a...blueberry bush? They think that's what it is- she wouldn't personally be able to tell until newleaf when the flowers turned into berries. Or if they did at all. They give an experimental sniff at the leaf before glancing back at the bush it was plucked from. "I think that's a blueberry leaf." They mew matter of factly.

Were they any use to them? Maybe? Swallowpaw would correct her if not. Padding after bit away from the patrol, mismatched eyes spy a plant they are, regrettably, woefully familiar with. Nettle.

They'd fallen into a patch of the plants once as a kit and it had stung for what felt like days afterwards. "Watch your paws everyone," They called over their shoulder to the rest of the patrol. "There's some nettle over here, don't want to fall in it. ...Swallowpaw can you use any of this..?"

They doubted it, but they supposed even strange plants could have a use.
  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

the first to find something is cometglow, her clan's new deputy. she hoped this outing could serve as a learning opportunity; and admittedly, as a reminder to herself. with phloxwish coming and going as the stars allow, she's left alone too often in her den. swallowpaw's ears pricked at his voice, turning to inspect the prickly leaves he found. "no, those are raspberry leaves." she corrects sagesong's incorrect diagnoses of blueberry. "after mashing it up, the leaves are really helpful with cleaning up blood..." she reminds herself audibly, briefly going back to a time where tigerfoot showed her how to remove the leaves.

flowercloud shows off another herb. when swallowpaw meet's flowercoud's eyes, the warrior looks distant. like she's looking through her, searching for someone else. the girl shuffles her paws awkwardly, leaning in to get a closer look at the herb bundle. "burnet." she responds, "we give it to expecting caregivers when they're weak."

swallowpaw's anxiety slowly eased up the longer they stayed out. this was going well... her clanmates found some herbs, and none of them looked annoyed at her! maybe she could do this more often. it's not easy leaving camp alone, anyways– too many threats lingered around the corners. enemy clans, mysterious disappearances, predators; the list never seemed to end.

sagesong announces a bundles of nettle close by. swallowpaw pads over, her eyes squinting as she tried to remember. uncertainty poked at her brain, but she speaks anyways, "a-aches... no, something with pain." it had to be a herb phloxwish taught her. stars, she'll bug him next time she takes a powernap. an embarrassing reminder that she's still an apprentice. "it is useful, but i don't... um, know how to get it off." the 'stinging' name wasn't for aesthetic. swallowpaw cautiously reaches a paw out, hoping to make hook the stem with her claws.
