Private BRYD ONE BRERE ༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ SCALE

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༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — Gentle finds himself tripping on his own large paws once he's away from the rest of his clanmates and stumbles to a stop, his ears pressing flat against his skull trying to anchor himself to reality even if he doesn't wish to be a part of it right now. He settles down on his haunches as a ragged breath slips from his lips and tries to focus on anything else but the thought of Phantom's lifeless eyes. He had ended the life of someone before they could potentially change their minds and make the right decision, he had robbed the other tom of that opportunity and he feels sick to his stomach thinking about it.

The grizzly tom tries reasoning with himself that it had been an accident but he knows deep down in his heart that it hadn't been considering that his sister had bumped into someone on the opposing side too. It makes him realize that he hadn't found either of them and a hiss of frustration leaves his jaws as a large paw kicks some of the snow, well, it was too late to return back to everyone else especially empty-pawed.

He stands only to stumble forward and lean against the bark of a tree hoping that it would be enough to tether him so he could focus on seeking out a morsel to eat. The sound of snow crunching behind him makes his hackles rise in a wolfish manner anf he turns sharply with narrowed eyes only for him to relax seeing who it is, he swallows feeling his throat become dry along with his mouth. He can't seem to find the words on what to say but her name rests on the tip of his tongue.

He finally manages to croak out offering a wry smile but it falters at the sight of her own wounds and he glances down at his large paws trying not to think about the cry for war and the battlefield that smelled heavily of copper. He had never killed another in all his life so, he knows that it weighs heavily on his soul now but perhaps in time, it would get easier? He isn't so certain about it now though he doesn't know what the future holds for Hawthorne and Sable's groups. There had been unity once and even if they had been starving, they had all been together, and they had all been alive... He can't say the same about the bodies left behind for the flies or predators.


  • ooc





  • ( I WILL TRUST THE ARTIST MOLDING ME ) gentlestorm ; warrior of thunderclan

    cismale ; he/him ; 28 moons old ; ages the 27th every month

    a large, longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white markings and brown eyes

    gentlestorm's a very warm and friendly individual to those he meets. he's very social and willing to lend a paw if anyone needs it. he's someone that puts others before himself and a self-sacrificing individual that will shield others from harm's way if he can help it. it's very rare to earn his ire.

    demiromantic bisexual ; currently interested in no one

    older littermate to grace and crying dove ; currently mentoring... N/A

    "speech", thoughts, attacking ; difficult in combat/specializes in heavier attacks, his size, and strategy

    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed

She moves, tracking him fairly easy. The tang of iron and copper on the air stay her course, and she navigates the new territory with only a hint of trouble, feathered coat snagged here and there. Something she'd have to get used to, she thinks. Ears push forward as she finds where he had stopped, coming to a slow stop. A frown finds her face, seeing him in such a state. He was always gentle, upright, firm- like a bear, but one that you tell softer stories about, not the kind that came ripping and tearing through colonies of cats to eat them. She pushes the bloodied thought aside, stepping closer, only for him to whip around.

Feathered ears perk and she comes to a stop, eyes pointed forward and body language open. She doesn't move, but she doesn't retract, waiting for how he might respond. He was the only thing on her mind. She didn't pay attention to the sounds of the new camp not too far away, or the scuttling of prey that had gone unhunted for moons while no cat lived here. Her name is the only thing he says, a croak, as if he was a shadow of the very thing she related him to.

"Gentle." She says quietly. Her voice isn't nessecarily as sharp as it normally was in the colony, wasn't as callous- no, it was warmer, steps closer to comforting then it normally was. It wasn't her normal, yet, it was undeniably her. His vision drops away, and she takes that as permission to get closer. Her pawsteps crunch against the frozen ground, placed specifically so he knew where she was. And while she normally held herself back from being too close to anyone one cat... she takes liberty here, pressing into his personal space. "Tell me. Tell me what's in your head." She asks.

Even she is coated in the tales of war, painted with scratches and wounds down her shoulders and sides. Blood still barely coats her mouth, the gash across her muzzle long since closed- yet it would scar, that was for sure. "What are you thinking about?"

  • "speech"
  • SCALE she/her, colony cat, 30 moons.
    A SH/LH chimera cat who appears almost 'scaled', akin to a dragon. She is large and imposing with a dark pelt and glowering yellow/orange eyes.
    mentored by tba / mentoring no one
    siblings to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — She follows after him, of course, she would especially when he had tried to leave the newfound camp in a hurry and still his eyes seem duller than usual until he sees her does a flicker of light pass through them. Scale says his name in response to him speaking and it isn't long until she presses into his personal space yet that's the least of his concern right now, she asks what's in his head and that alone causes his ears to press flat against his large helm. "Too much, I'm afraid... Far too much in my head..." The silver tom says finally trying to make lighthearted jest only to clear his throat from how dry it feels right now and he glances towards her once more with a shake of his head, "I just... I know the strain and loss of war but... I never thought myself capable of killing someone... taking a life." A shaky breath slips from his lips wanting to press closer to her for comfort but instead, he flinches away slightly but doesn't stray entirely from her side and the crimson streak across his snout seems to burn. A reminder of what he did and who it was from, it would heal though it'd surely scar over in time.

"It all happened so quickly... I just wanted to go help Grace, find Dove... and..." He trails off shuffling his paws in the snow if it weren't for the scarlet that painted them, they would've hid against the powder white around them, "... you." Gentle seems to admit at last as he captures her molten gaze with his own earthy toned eyes. He finds comfort in her presence more than he forgets to admit and for a heartbeat, its just the two of them once more nestled together after a tiring day of hunting and trying to survive by any means. Their colony had once been whole though the more he thinks about it all, he feels fortunate enough to have Scale on their side... by his side. He couldn't imagine a world where the both of them are from opposing groups and needing to fight each other one day, the thought itself hurt him. That reality is impossible and one that he wishes to cease existing for his sake... for their own sake.

"Are... are you alright?" He asks at last as he tears himself from his own thoughts to focus on her once more noting that she mirrors him in a way with the both of them being covered in dried blood and clawmarks littering their body, Gentle knows nothing about herbs or what they serve but it's times like this that he wishes that he possessed that knowledge so he could ensure Scale didn't suffer infection or worse. The both of them would simply need to get checked on by Serpent since she seemed to know more about those plants than anyone else yet.. He doesn't make a move to rise and lead them back to camp, no, he wants this moment of peace and clarity to himself and Scale. Like those few moons ago that they spoke about leaf-bare and two bodies are better than one, his whiskers twitch as he sits in silence though his lighter coat presses against her inky pelt so that some of the longer strands overlap one another.

"I'm glad that you're here... with me."
Gentle murmurs to her only to move his gaze from hers so she doesn't see the embarrassment that shone briefly in his eyes, he wanted her to know that he's grateful for her and that she hadn't left with Sable and his followers. "I don't know who else I'd bother had you left." His voice more lighthearted and joking once more like his older self as if her presence alone is enough to anchor him down from the overwhelming nerves and feelings that had washed over him several times not allowing him to catch his breath, surely, he would've drowned had she not followed. He bites down on his tongue lest he make a fool of himself in front of his dear friend.


  • ooc





  • ( I WILL TRUST THE ARTIST MOLDING ME ) gentlestorm ; warrior of thunderclan

    cismale ; he/him ; 28 moons old ; ages the 27th every month

    a large, longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white markings and brown eyes

    gentlestorm's a very warm and friendly individual to those he meets. he's very social and willing to lend a paw if anyone needs it. he's someone that puts others before himself and a self-sacrificing individual that will shield others from harm's way if he can help it. it's very rare to earn his ire.

    demiromantic bisexual ; currently interested in no one

    older littermate to grace and crying dove ; currently mentoring... N/A

    "speech", thoughts, attacking ; difficult in combat/specializes in heavier attacks, his size, and strategy

    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed

She is patient with him, eyes softer then they normally were, but never shifting away. She is not apologetic for how close she stood, for the thoughts racing in her head, even now. Even as he spoke on what he did, all she could think of was him. He was safe. He was in one piece, even if he ached mentally to have done what was necessary. She knew it was just that. He would have never taken a life if he didn't have to- it was just his nature. His very soul was made up of something more gentle and kind then she could have ever dreamt to be. A shield, to her sword. To her? The thought staggers her for but a moment.

"War is dirty. Quick, bloody. It is never good to think while fighting. That is what will cost you, or your loved ones, their lives. You did.. what you thought was necessary." She says this last part softer, echoing her thoughts from moments before. Your loved ones. What was she thinking, now? Hours apart from him in grueling battle did her in so quickly. Her walls crumbled, just like that, to a concept like this? Scale's ears twitched.

You. Her eyes widened briefly, golden ones mirroring that of her friend. Amber and honey and bark stared into her own molten fires, and she couldn't back away. Captivating, she thinks, how he could still look so upset and worried and yet, she was still rooted right here, right in front of him, never swaying or stepping back. Anyone else, she would have retracted minutes ago. She would have never gotten this close. Scale swallowed gently, and forced herself to relax. Was friends really the right word for it, after all? She thinks they've gone past that. Scale knows, they've gone past that. "Yeah. I'm alright." She says, warmly, stupidly. She doesn't elaborate, because he's pressing against her.

Her eyes shift downwards, closing as she reciprocates- her feathered fur pressing against thick white fur, their flanks perhaps as close as she could get them. "I was worried about you." She murmurs out finally. Scale doesn't think she can contain it any longer. "Once the fighting broke out... I couldn't stop." She says. "I had to find you, once it was all done." Golden eyes shift open, turning to find his, even if they were turned away. Her breathing stops for but a moment, the phrase I'm glad that you're here with me, echoing in her head. Each sentence of hers keeps her from wondering any longer, and she can't help herself, even as the joke slips free of his muzzle.

Her head leaned forward, jaw turned and sliding against his in a downwards brush, before nestling in against his neck. Feathered ears twitch against his fur, heart thundering out of her ears. Scale was never known for suitors amongst the Colony- she found most of them a waste of time, and none understood her. They brought her food and spars and gifts, but never the present of words. Of thoughts and feelings. None had tried to be her friend, before coming her lover. Never, had she been so forward like today.

Scale mumbles into his fur, when she finally speaks again. "I'm sorry. If this is... unwelcome, tell me." Tell me now. Don't let me hurt you. Don't let me hurt myself.

  • "speech"
  • SCALE she/her, colony cat, 31 moons.
    A SH/LH chimera cat who appears almost 'scaled', akin to a dragon. She is large and imposing with a dark pelt and glowering yellow/orange eyes.
    mentored by tba / mentoring no one
    siblings to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Love
༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — He listens to her speak of how war is dirty, quick, and bloody which recieves a nod of agreement from him even if he wishes it wasn't that way. She reassures him that he had done what was necessary and he can't help the uncertainty that causes his brows to knit together for a heartbeat before they relax for the grief that he feels. "You're right... I wish it hadn't come down to this but perhaps, it happened for a reason. For a purpose." His eyes watching her noticing the way she presses herself so close to him that there's hardly any room between the two of them and it causes his heart to race within his chest. In battle, she's slicing through her enemies mercilessly and bleeding them dry so that she'd come out alive but with him, there's never that same sharpness that others recieve and he needn't be afraid of her piercing through his skin. If they had been side by side, he would've shielded her from any fatal blows if given the chance and he knows in turn, that she would easily sweep through their enemies with her blade-like claws.

She confirms that she's alright in a warmer tone that normally isn't used towards anyone and Gentle can't help but feel as if his own heart is in his throat wanting to spill out and bleed for her. That's a normal thing for friends wasn't it? A foolish thought really when the two of them since intertwined with one another and dancing around their feelings that are a lot more notable now. The thought of losing her ever... He doesn't know if he could live in such a world. "I had to find you, once it was all done." Scale confesses and these words alone makes his heart soar above the clouds though his own words seem to stir a reaction from her as well, she leans forward to nestle herself in his neck. He feels as if there's a blade pointed to his throat but he knows that it wouldn't pierce it as if its being handled delicately and gently.

"I'm sorry. If this is... unwelcome, tell me."

His eyes had widened at the action though he relaxes completely under her touch and instead of moving away from her, the silvery tom returns the gesture almost immediately after he had processed it. His cheek brushing against her own only to dip his nose to the softer tuffs of fur that belonged to her and his eyes are half-closed "It's more than welcome..." He mumbles with a chuckle unable to stop himself from melting at the intimacy of this moment and he jests lightly "Who am I to go back on my own word? What was it again? Two bodies are better than one..." His throat rumbles as a warm purr slips from him and he blinks his earthy toned eyes knowing that friends didn't get this close, they didn't feel this way especially not how he felt right now.

The words clung to his tongue and he felt anxious in that heartbeat but the doubt subsides when he remembers how close they are to each other, he can't help but swallow nervously only to let out another low breath. He can feel his bravery return and the words slip with ease as if spoken before, they come out true and bleeding with the heavy emotions that he felt "I love you." He pauses to let the words sink in only to repeat it once more, in case, she believes that she misheard him "I love you, Scale."


  • ooc





  • ( I WILL TRUST THE ARTIST MOLDING ME ) gentlestorm ; warrior of thunderclan

    cismale ; he/him ; 28 moons old ; ages the 27th every month

    a large, longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white markings and brown eyes

    gentlestorm's a very warm and friendly individual to those he meets. he's very social and willing to lend a paw if anyone needs it. he's someone that puts others before himself and a self-sacrificing individual that will shield others from harm's way if he can help it. it's very rare to earn his ire.

    demiromantic bisexual ; currently interested in no one

    older littermate to grace and crying dove ; currently mentoring... N/A

    "speech", thoughts, attacking ; difficult in combat/specializes in heavier attacks, his size, and strategy

    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Love
Reactions: dallas

Her breath was held the entire time that Gentle held his reaction. The entire time he was looking down at her in faint surprise, Scale was holding her breath, eyes half-open and peering at his paws. Bloodstained, carefully carved porcelain looked up at her. His paws, ones that have held her gently in their slumber before, wrapped around her leg or side or tail, clinging like a thorn. One without a sharp tip- a welcome thorn, even. A tiny smile found her lips seconds before he reciprocates, her heart thudding in her chest. Glowering eyes closed, a purr rumbling from her chest, ears relaxing from where she held them taut. His humor did bring out a soft snort, helping her to gather her courage.

She sits back straight, eyes that are more like simmering, warming coals then glowering ones finding his honey warm ones, soft and delicate. A word, perhaps, that she thought would never describe her. "Two is better then one." She agreed, Scale's voice soft. Special, for him. It was just them, in this cold meadow where light barely touched them, where the haunting pass hours didn't pertain here. Her, and him. Gentle, and Scale. Shield, and sword. And even as he speaks, even as she believes in these things, her eyes still widen in brief disbelief. He speaks again, words spoken like an oath, and she has no choice but to accept them.

Like a bird of prey catching a drift of wind, her heart soars- a noise left her. Perhaps it was the beginning of a laugh, or disbelief, or love that poured into the sound, but she leans forward, pressing her forehead to his forehead. She can't bear to look at him. She might explode if she has to look at those honey-gold eyes, nearly too good for her. "... I love you too, Gentle." She whispers out, secret- secret to them. Realistically she knew it wouldn't be secret at all. They'd make a nest together, lay feathers and trinkets, gifts, flowers and pelts into their nest, make it theirs, not Gentle's or Scale's, it was both theirs. Weaving their lives together. It began at this moment- no.

Her eyes opened. It began so long ago, when she first arrived, when Gentle spread that smile on his muzzle and introduced himself. It had started them, the inevitable pawsteps that lead them here. Blood stained, still bleeding, hearts like those open wounds- bared to the other, and accepted in turn. She pulled her head back, but didn't stray from his side, flushed from nose to eartip now. ".. Now what." A bubble of laughter left her, eyes going half lidded as giddiness and excitement replaced what was worry, casted towards Gentle in the instants she had seen him in camp. She wonders, quietly to herself, how long she had loved him without it being said. How long it had been obvious to him, to her, to others, that this is what fate had in store for them.

  • "speech"
  • SCALE she/her, colony cat, 31 moons.
    A SH/LH chimera cat who appears almost 'scaled', akin to a dragon. She is large and imposing with a dark pelt and glowering yellow/orange eyes.
    mentored by tba / mentoring no one
    siblings to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Love
Reactions: BossTaurus