Open SkyClan Journey Butterflies // HEADCOUNT

Flowercloud felt a slight shift in her shoulders, green eyes looking at the tired forms before her. A hard swallow comes from her throat, shifting as if the sudden weight of responsibility was causing strain on her back. She was going to miss it here, she knew it. But they didn't have much for options.

"Skyclan," she summons, green eyes shifting to Hawkstar beside her. Her voice tried, attempted, to carry strength. She watched as eyes peeled to her, looked at her. Too many. But she held her head up. Hopefully that would project her quiet voice. "We have a long journey before us. But we are Skyclan. We are strong. We are united. We always have been and always will be. A lot of you are making a choice, a choice I know is hard. But we must continue to support each other through these trying times. We will find better ground, and our hunts will be more prosperous. The rats will no longer have a hold of us. Although Coffeestar is in Starclan, she will be guiding our steps beside Hawkstar."

She wanted to add that Coffeestar chose Hawkstar for a reason. And though, there was a slight shift, she held faith in Coffeestars choices of a deputy. So with that, she held faith in Hawkstar. Where others were questioning, she didn't think they realized they were questioning their prior leader... Though, she couldn't be any less wary.

"I am glad for all of those who have shown up. For those who did not, we must not spit their name in the dust. They did what they could, and we cannot demand they join us and leave behind everything they know." Flowerclouds eyes scanned across the heads, noting with a soft frown who was missing.

"Batwing and Mousefang." Golden head searches with soft green eyes for those two warriors she called upon. A sympathetic gaze passing to Mousefang, who has lost her mother, then been unfairly demoted. She didn't have answers, unfortunately. "You two are strong hunters, and have proven this. I ask that at some points during our journey you guide hunting and scouting patrols on the furthest edges of our group for fleeing prey. Keep an eye for predators. And alert me or Hawkstar of anything that smells like it could cause trouble. We need to make sure our prey stays high so we have our strength. I need updated daily who you choose to bring with you."

Her gaze wanders to her brother, her friend. "Duskpool and Dovecloud, I want you two to help the queens. Whether it be carrying their children, or guiding them closer, I wish that they stay in the center of the herd. It will be safest for them young bodies there, protected in the center. And ensure prey goes to them first." She worried for Lostmoon, who was due for kitting within the next moon. It was not easy to travel so late... But they had to move.

"Tigerfoot and Swallowpaw, I will leave to you who you give your precious herbs to help you carry. If anyone needs any sort of help, again, let me or Hawkstar know. I will follow in the back, so nothing sneaks up behind us, while Hawkstar leads our paws. Is there .. anything I'm missing?" She asks, her bulky head turning to look towards her one eyed leader- a look uncertain. This was only what, day one? So she was still learning, and maybe, searching some sort of positive outlook from Hawkstar.

@batwing @Mousefang will be heading two hunting patrols! Please stay tuned for fun little prompts for the hunting patrols! //
@DUSKPOOL @Dovecloud will be head of ensuring queens and kits stay together and safe. //
@Hawkstar leader tag, @TIGERFOOT and @SWALLOWPAW meddies tags! //
flowercloud ❀ 27 moons ❀ deputy ❀ she/her ❀ pinterest ❀ deidre

They are summoned for a headcount before they head out. Batwing is duty-bound to attend, else the threat from Hawkstar herself rings in his head. You'll be left behind. His family, his apprentice- no, he would not miss this journey for the world. A good-natured joke about something or rather leaves his mouth moments before the gathering of Skyclan began, so he pushed to his paws, the tail end of the humor locked in his mind. If there was anything he could do, it was keep spirits up, yes?

He stops and settles back in the group, giving a tiny nod to the speech. He agreed- they could not wait any longer. An ear twitched backwards, listening to others cats gather, just moments before his name is called. He blinks, ears perking forward. He speaks up when he is called up. "Yeah." He lifts his chin. "Can do!" He says, confidence surging through him as his words leave his mouth. He falls quiet for the rest of the announced patrol-heads, and his tail tip twitched.

  • "speech"
  • BATWING AFAB he/him, WARRIOR of SKYCLAN, twenty-seven moons.
    A tall, agile, blue and black pelted tom with bright green eyes. Extremely talented at climbing and cracking jokes when most needed.
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Love
Reactions: deidre


Zuko– or rather, Zukopaw, now– made his way over at the call of the new deputy. He was silent as he took his place in the crowd, copper eyes locked forward obediently as she spoke, even if his thoughts were elsewhere. The journey was something he hadn't been expecting when he first joined the gorge-dwellers. He'd found the colony and saw it as the opportunity it was, fully intended to rise through the ranks until he could return to his parents as someone worthy of their love. But now… Now he would have to make whatever journey this was with them.

While he wasn't thrilled about having to move even farther from his mother or littermates, he also knew there wasn't much point in staying nearby. Not only had they all gone zero contact with him since he was made the embarrassment of the family, but losing the opportunity that'd presented itself with Skyclan was the last thing he needed right now.

It would be better to make the journey and then return when he was ready, than to stay and never become the thing his parents wanted.

So Zuko had steeled his nerves– and his heart, and his morals– and decided to take the plunge as a fulltime apprentice even if he refused to change his name. Do that.. It felt like he was trying to hide from his past or forget it. And he wasn't. No matter how angry and humiliated and lonely he was, he refused to give up the last scraps of his life like some coward sent running.

And when he returned– which he would-- he'd make sure every cat respected his name.

Including you, father.

skyclan apprentice - male - brown/orange tabby chimera
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: deidre
With only a pawful of SkyClanners staying behind, most of their Clan is going on this journey. Bumblepaw's heart aches for the daylight warriors choosing to stay, the friends they'd lose and the kin their friends would lose in the process. On top of that, it's a fight to stay positive: her assessment was meant to be this moon, and now she would have to wait for StarClan knew how long before they settled enough to hold her assessment. Not just her, but her littermates too! The three of them were meant to be warriors any day now.

Anticipation makes Bumblepaw's pelt prickly, and she shuffles her paws in place. A glance is passed to @curlbark, almost jittery in its fleeting pass over her mentor.

"Maybe the hunting will be easier away from the gorge." She meows to xem, voice hushed but hopeful.
Today was the day, wasn't it? The last time Skyclan would be fully whole, with everyone in it. She knows some cats are staying behind, its only given... There was a certain dread that weighs at her heart as she rises for the final time in her own nest, making her way towards Flowercloud at the call, making sure she stayed more towards the back. She waits with baited breath, praying to Starclan that her name isn't called... And it isn't. She breathes a sigh of relief, shoulders relaxing ever so slightly as she can finally feel a little less shaken, but she cannot fully feel normal. She cannot help but feel overly melancholic at seeing the lack of such familiar presences that has graced Skyclan since... Well, as long as she remembers, at least.

Her tail twitches nervously at overhearing Bumblepaws comment. Far away from the gorge... She's never been anywhere but here, but home, and she feels nausea wash over her, threatens to knock her off her paws... But she stands strong, or at least as strong as she can, looking positively sick as Flowercloud prattles on about patrols and... searching for approval from Hawkstar. Batwing seems stoked to have been chosen. She searches for the other names called, trying to gauge their reaction. She bites her lip. They have a long, long day ahead of them...
swallowpaw slept as well as she possibly could. after spending most of dusk counting herbs, the girl passed out in meadowlark's old nest. now, she trudges to where flowercloud sat, a neat bundle of herbs in her jaws– her first real medicine cat duty was tying a little bow. it took embarrassingly long.

flowercloud was really good at this deputy thing… the fawn's ears swivel to catch every syllable of her speech. there's a prolong, awkward beat of silence after their deputy mentions the medicine team's names. right– "oh! uhm… anyone who wants to help, carry our stuff, can as long as you… don't drop it." her head turns to tigerfoot, eyes bug-wide, "and don't eat them… please."


He was doing it- he was really doing it. Fujimoto still looked over his shoulder the further the distance became between himself and his twolegs. He expected some miraculous twist that they may appear, sweep him off his paws and he would have no excuse but to remain in their embrace. It was foolish daydreaming, only serving to keep him distracted as he kept the pace with his Clanmates.

His former mentor called for their attention, dishing out her first set of patrols. It is a hunting patrol that marks his interest, a skill he knows his strength rest within. The daylighter inched closer to Batwing, noticing Peonyblossom do the same. "I'm ready with you." Fujimoto dipped his head, trying to shake some confidence into his bones. He couldn't hunt if his head kept spinning.
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Despite their misgivings the day before, Sagesong found they weren't able to sleep much after the vigil due to the anticipation of leaving the gorge she had called home for the last several moons. She had been a wanderer in her days as a loner, going wherever her paws took her with no real destination in mind. Dens made and abandoned in a few days time if that. They imagined it was going to be much like those times long past- albeit with others at her side this time. A well-lived experience but in a shiny new coat of paint of sorts.

They were among the first to gather when Flowercloud called for everyone, ears pricked to listen though she could not help but steal a glance or two around to spy who was further called. Batwing and Mousefang would be leading hunting patrols, and then Duskpool and Dovecloud… A faint frown that left as quick as it came when their gaze drifted briefly to Lostmoon and the other caregivers. This journey would be hardest on them.

Then there was the matter of the medicine cat's herbs… Ah! Perhaps that would be the best way to ease their apprentice into this journey.

"Magpiepaw and I can help carry any herbs you need us to." They chirped, tail curling slightly around their apprentice in a small gesture of encouragement. "We'll be careful with them."


  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

A home for so many generations, the gorge now stood as a testament to everything Hawkstar meant to leave behind. She had woken early, despite the late vigil, her paws itching for gravel - she could not wait to be rid of the red rock and clay that made up their home. Rat-infested... plagued by rogues and vagabonds... dwindling in resources season after season... and with leaf-bare on the way, she resisted the urge to tear her claws across the wall of her den in anger. They should have left sooner, but Coffeestar's stubborn body had held on, seasons too long, forever veto-ing the plans so meticulously laid out to keep the clan from dying out altogether.

Now, she could only hope that SkyClan would endure. They would... because they would have to.

She offered a quick dip of her head to new deputy once she emerged, her one good eye whizzing back and forth to make a mental note of the warriors she had left. It was a surprising number, a good number, though she noted with some distaste that there had been daylight warriors who had chosen comfort over their clan, clearly. Crowsight, Buddyclaw, and Charmanderspots were nowhere to be seen. She made a mental note to ask Flowercloud about it later.

"SkyClan, I thank you for your diligence and punctuality. As we leave out, please be mindful of those with little paws and existing conditions. Mentors and apprentices should be locked pairs. Do not stray from each other, and do not find yourselves too far away from the main group. We will be generally following the arc of the Thunderpath eastward. Those who decide not to listen to orders may find themselves flattened or eaten... your choice."

A tail flick accentuates her point: play stupid games... it is a testament to her patience that she does not pick out the warriors she is most wary of in that moment. Instead, she gestures to @Rosepaw, urging him to come closer.

"You and I will be leading the pack," she gives him an excited wink (blink?), her ears perked up towards the wind, "It'll give you good practice for when you're a warrior, leading patrols... there's no better training than the type that gets your paws dirty."

Electric blue turns back to the assorted, their weary eyes and cautious frames blending together as sunrise broke over the horizon - pink and orange giving some life to the gorge behind them, the only life it would see for a very long time now. "You know your duties." is her final, clipped word before setting off, her tail raised like a banner for her people to follow.

/ aaaaaand thank you for your patience! the journey is now afoot !!! have fun !!!



Brighteyes sat among the gathering cats nervously, positioned towards the back where he wouldn't get in the way. He felt nervous and overwhelmed at his split second decision to take Flowercloud up on her offer, but after meeting her and Lionfire he'd realized just how badly he wished there was someone to talk to around more often, cats that would try and chase him off because they were too worried about having to share their next meal.

So naturally, Bright was a flurry of feelings just then; nervous-excitement being the most prevalent. On one paw, the cats here seemed to accept him fairly easily, greeting him and welcoming him into the ranks– even giving him a new name to signify he was one of them! But on the other paw, the slender tabby had no idea what he was doing, and he badly feared coming up short with his new clanmates.

He wasn't sure he could take being abandoned a second time.

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes


Ponypaw can't help the nauseous feeling in her stomach. Her legs felt weak and jittery as she scanned the gathered crowd. Were her siblings here? Would they be left behind? Even the notion of going on without her family made her throat dry and her head spin. She wanted to get out of the bustling crowd, but if she was off to the side, would they forget to bring her along? Her clanmates had failed to notice her a few times before - her mother fretting over her when she was safely within sight, or her littermates calling out to her when she was sitting just a few strides away. When she made her presence known, they would usually laugh, and tell her she was far to quiet for a cat her age. She used to think it was cool, to be able to blend into the background, but now it scared her. She didn't want to get lost!

Hawkstar had told her to stick with her mentor. She should look for Wolfstorm. He wouldn't forget her! Besides, his massive size made him easy to spot.

"Wolfstorm! Wolfstorm!"

She shouted for him as she pushed through the crowd.

Moving day! Spikepaw's nerves were sizzling with electricity, an anxiousness to arrive at their destination and scope out the new digs. He wanted to experience the journey ahead — what foes will they face? What sights will they stumble across? There is a sadness that weighs upon the back of his shoulders, though, knowing that SkyClan would probably never return to this place. This was the only home Spikepaw ever knew ( that he could remember, anyway ). However, it was for the best. Spikepaw was tired of going hungry and dealing with these pesky rats, and his clanmates were as well.

Everyone is here — his mentor, his peers, his kin. Spikepaw faces Flowercloud as she addresses the clan, paws itching with anticipation. Part of him wishes that Starlitpath would have been made deputy instead — that would have been so cool! Instead, Sorrelpaw's mentor gets to be second-in-command. Boo, unfair.

While the new deputy's speech was inspiring and encouraging, Hawkstar issued stern orders not to stray far from the pack. Those who did would get either "flattened" or "eaten", to which Spikepaw gulped nervously at the thought. Yeesh. Was that really true? Would parting from Starlitpath for one moment result in his demise? Spikepaw doesn't want to believe it. He was almost halfway through his apprenticeship; he wanted to think that he knew how to defend himself now.

An all-too-familiar voice of lovely saccharine rings in Spikepaw's ears, immediately prompting the black tabby to whip around and face the medicine cat apprentice. At the initial inquiry for assistance, the trainee barreled forth on thunderous paws as if it were a contest to see who would volunteer first. It kind of was, wasn't it? Spikepaw would look way better to Swallowpaw if he was the first to offer. "I can do it, I can help!" The tom chirped, green hues brightening.

The tabby striped male skids to a halt then, pausing briefly as he takes a rare moment to think before continuing. "I, uhhh, I think I can. If Starlitpath doesn't mind...?" Spikepaw mews, glancing over his shoulder to wherever his mentor is. Dark pupils widen like full moons — a silent plea to say yes. He doesn't even have time to be jealous of Rosepaw for getting to lead the clan alongside Hawkstar, not when he would possibly be able to stick by Swallowpaw for the first leg of the journey. "I won't eat them. I promise. They don't taste very good, anyway." He reassures in a lighthearted fashion.

(˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗) anxiety turns the stomach of the pretty feline as they gather with their clan, aqua gaze fixed upon flowercloud. the new deputy calls out orders with relative ease, but her words do not begin to untangle the knot of worry that sends acid gurgling up starlitpath's throat. they swallow it down, offering a nod to the older woman before their gaze finds hawkstar. their mother seems calm, her demeanor cold as always. the feline can't help but want to wander up to her and curl themself in her chest fur. but the leader is doing her duties, and starlitpath knows they cannot be seen as weak. leader's child, they raise their head, scanning the crowd.

a familiar voice rings out, and they turn their gaze towards it, finding the young face of spikepaw. starl's first apprentice, they are protective of the boy, and begin to pick their way over to him as he rattles off promises to swallowpaw. amusement decorates their gaze as they appear beside the apprentice, well aware of his infatuation with the young medic. his wishes to help her may be slightly selfish, but it is not a bad idea to give support to the clan's healers. "if tigerfoot is okay with it, we would both be happy to help," the young warrior nods swallowpaw, turning to the medicine cat for approval.

  • // nodding to @flowercloud and @Hawkstar, interacting with @SPIKEPAW, @SWALLOWPAW, and @TIGERFOOT xoxo " #dcccf0"
  • 91440670_RQqXODJRBePRv5Z.png
    a shorthaired dilute calico point with low white and aqua eyes. short, thick fur decorates her frame, cream hued, swooping into a cowlick on her head. their face, paws, and tail are dappled with fawn and slate gray, broken through by speckles of white. a star shaped white splotch on their forehead offers them their namesake. eyes like ocean water, a deep aqua blue, pierce out of almond shaped sockets.
His heart beat so hard against his chest he was afraid his clanmates would hear it at best and it just full on rip out of him at worst. But he doubted either, so he kept his mouth shut, despite the desperate need to ask Tigerfoot to check up on him. Instead, the boy pressed a paw to his chest and took deep, steadying breaths. Now wasn't the time to be on edge - never was there a time to be on edge, not when he promised himself he would always be a rock for his sisters, whether they needed it or not.
Seems like one of them didn't. He watched, pride glinting in his chest, as Swallowpaw took action to give some jobs to some restless cats. She didn't need his company - already buried in a crowd as it were - so he let her be. Instead, he searched the crowd for @sorrelpaw , hoping his sister was doing just as well. And, selfishly, he could use her presence. He sighed, hoping that didn't make him too much of a coward.

Panting, the tortie dashed forward, ears pinned to her skull and eyes wide. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... She hoped she wouldn't be late, she hoped she would make it!! Her sister had been adamant on sharing tongues, one last time. Had tried to change her mind. Reminded her that it was a harsh world out there, that it would be different than what she had been doing. She would miss the warmth, she would miss the easy food, she would-- So many things that had been shared, and all Cherry could have done was bump her head gently to her sister's and assure her that yes... She would miss her too, but that this was truly what she wanted. This was what made her feel home. After all, she spent most time outside with SkyClan and returned home only to sleep... No, this was the best thing to do. This was the thing that would bring her joy. All of her h e a r t screamed that.

" I am here! " she mewed loudly, tumbling over her paws and falling face flat on the ground with a few incoherent and embarrassed mumbles at tripped so ungracefully in front of the whole of the clan. " Oh, oh gosh... I'm sorry...! I didn't mean to be late, I am not late, right? I hope I am on time! " she cried out, mismatched hues lifting to look at the first cat who was in her sight. Oh dear... She had just been crying out to Fuijimoto... Flustered, she gently dipped her head down. " Do excuse me, Fuji. " she mewed softly. It seemed her fellow daylight warrior had decided to join them on this journey too. But she also saw there were a few of them missing as she looked about the place. A shame, but it was... It was their choice. They couldn't leave their two-leg life behind. " I'm happy to see you with us. " she admitted with a purr, squinting her eyes for a second and gently butting her head against the other in a friendly manner. She knew in a sense it would be hard to leave this place behind. Not only because it was familiar to them, but also because they left some things behind.

She let her eyes drift for a second before finding a young paw looking about, causing her ears to twitch once. " Give me a moment. " she whispered softly, padding over toward Campionpaw and giving him a gentle look. " Are you okay, Campion...? " she asked softly. " Don't worry, the journey ahead may be a trying one, but if we stick together, I'm certain we'll all arrive at our new home! "

tagging: @Fujimoto and @Campionpaw

・゚✦ —— I'm reaching light through the struggle

i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
A deep, thunderous rumble rattled the tom's muscled frame, sweeping a raven-hued wooly plumage against the ground. Like hell, he'd let Ponypaw out of his sight or even a tail length away from him with being so close to the thunderpath. Wolfstorm wasn't keen on having a flattened apprentice so soon after being paired.

He slid a fiery azure gaze to Ponypaw speak of the devil and she shall appear he thought, standing up with a grunt, surveying her tiny form with a hidden frown. "Got a voice on ya, don't ya short stack?" He mused, gaze flashing in amusement, letting a wooly plumage curl over her shoulders, keeping her from wandering off or getting lost in the chaos.

"First-time steppin' paw outside of the territory. Scary, huh?" He rumbled, intending to find a less populated area of camp before some idiot trampled over them. "I have you don't worry, short stack. I won't let anything happen unless you're being a brat, then that may be up for debate." He spoke gruffly, watching the other through his peripheral.
  • ooc
    —— speaking with @Ponypaw
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
he is a wild child with a wanderer soul that dances with the stars. he has a free spirit, a reckless mind, and a rebel heart that isn't meant to be tamed. love his wilf and you will never lose him.
Lostmoon fluttered around the nursery's opening, peering inside like an intruder with an air of masked nervousness. With a shaky breath, he swallowed back churning nausea. He slid an owlish gaze across the heads of his clanmates, his head prickling with the desperate desire to know what they were thinking about moving.

At least Duskpool would be close to him through the duration, though that meant he wouldn't have nearly as much freedom to move about and hunt. He grinned weakly, shuffling away from the nursery with a soft goodbye on soft-bitten lips, helm pivoting to search for his adoptive father.

Giving birth to kits on a dangerous journey. What could go wrong? Lostmoon swallowed. Oh, boy. He shuffled on nervous paws, barely able to stand still without clawing random patterns into the earth.

At least he wouldn't be cooped up in the nursery. Lostmoon didn't even want to think about what would have happened if they stayed. He'd go stir-crazy being stuck in camp for the next month or so, clawing at the walls and begging anyone to take mercy on his poor pregnant soul.

He probably could have guilt-tripped a few if he tried hard enough …. Lostmoon squinted at the thought, wondering how possible that'd be to let a poor warrior accompany him on a silly side journey that totally wasn't what he said it'd be.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 832134662baa9c3d5b8935bc3fa976c98dfc568d.gifv
    still, there is this terrible
    to be

    still, there is this
    at being
    left behind
  • lostmoon he/him
    a petite black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera with pretty owlish pink eyes and vitiligo
    ♡ caregiver of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea


Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselpaw stood quietly as their mother stood before the clan, their ears pricking forward and eyes squinting momentarily in thought. A tail that swiped over the ground before finally curling around their frontpaws to keep the warmth close to them. Mother had warned them about the weathers changing, that the colours of the world would fade and that it would be beautiful in a sense, but also cold... And chilly it was starting to become, indeed. When mother spoke up, there was a 'mrrrrp' that came from the young paw, the twinkle in mismatched hues as they looked up proudly at the cat that now was appointed deputy! The right paw of the leader! Yep, that was their mother!

They listened with a certain intensity as Flowercloud spoke, soaking up the information with a light tilt of the head. The death of Coffeestar was a sad one... But StarClan would look over them, wouldn't it? They would make sure to help... Coffeestar would!! Mismatched hues gazed up momentarily to look at the sky above, whiskering twitching for a second before they looked back to Flowercloud. Eyes wide, they listened, head bobbing up and down every now and then with each word that was spoken. They wished they could help too! They could surely hunt!! They were the proper age for it now!

Scrunching their nose a bit, their eyes flitted to the side, wandering over the cats that were present. Batwing seemed happy to rise to the occassion! And huh, some apprentices are sharing talks with their mentors. They squinted their eyes for a second with a faint purr before their ears swivelled back to the front, turning back to watch Hawkstar speak. They felt a certain twinge of pride when their brother had been called forward to lead together with Hawkstar, causing fur to fluff up for a second, smile upon their face widening as much as their eyes were. This was the moment! This was the moment... And they were nervous and yes, they were scared... But they would trudge through!

Their eyes searched through the crowd of cats before finally finding @SWALLOWPAW 's form. Slinking through the gathered pack, she gave a loud 'mrrrp' toward the medicine apprentice, squinting their eyes once and lightly letting their plumey tail brush against Swallowpaw's side as they nodded toward the herbs that needed to be carried, a glint of excitement apparent in their eyes. They wanted to help with the herbs, of course they wanted to! They didn't speak much to begin with, so it wouldn't be any trouble to be carrying it around. So many had already offered up their help! Magpiepaw,Starlitpath, Sagesong and Spikepaw!

All together, they could bring enough herbs along to make sure if something happened, they could be healed, right? A frown touched at their face for a moment, a soft noise of worry escaping them as they tilted their head to look at Swallowpaw with a questioning look, almost as if to ask are you going to be okay?.

═════════════⊹⊱ ⟡ ⊰⊹═════════════

first, sagesong approaches– the young girl blinks in greeting to the tortoiseshell. "th-that's great! thank you." she meows back, briefly tripping on her words; swallowpaw isn't used to being so… authoritative? or, frankly, talking this much. it's good to give the most recent apprentices something to do, she silently agrees, and sagesong is a nice enough cat. her gaze moves to look at tigerfoot, not wanting to step on her mentors toes.

dust comically kicks up around spikepaw's feet, and the girl instinctively leans back. over the past few moons, she's oblivious to his obvious pining for her; instead wondering why he was staring at her with such intensity. is there something on my face? but, either way, she's grateful that a former denmate wants to help. magiepaw looks nice, but the split-faced cat is pretty much a baby in the girl's eyes.

swallowpaw smiles bashfully, nodding, looking between the cats and her mentor once more. "that should be fine– uhm, it's nice of you guys to help… oh, hi." teaselpaw… they're not one to speak, though their gestures are enough to tell her... hopefully. swallowpaw misreads the tortie's innocent concern, however this may be a fine answer for them. "um, you can help, too."


you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
Just realizing he'd be stuck with Cygnetpaw, Lionfire swept a sharp yellow gaze across the backs of his clanmates, searching for his pesky apprentice when he spotted the furred creature. "Hey! You! Come here." Before I drag you by the scruff, Lionfire thought half-heartedly, not above dragging someone by the ears in retaliation if they pissed him off enough. The scarred tri-colored tom tossed a half-hearted glance in Wolfstorm's direction talking to Ponypaw, drawing a snort from the male.

"Ya heard what Old Flower and Hawkstar said, didn't you?" He rumbled, staring down at Cygnetpaw with narrowed irises. "Keep close to me, ya hear? I don't need a flattened apprentice before ya even learn to hunt." His voice tapered into a mutter toward the end, grumbling begrudgingly.

"We're gonna be helping the meddies carry their herbs, ya got that?" He grunted, pointing a wooly plumage in his older brother's direction. Swallowpaw was close by, and his gaze was deadpan. Sure. He'd rather go on a hunting patrol. Still, no way in hell was he letting Tigerfoot unattended, no matter how capable the tom was, Lionfire wouldn't let the tom get stuck with all these bright-eyed apprentices thinking they owned the world when reality is going to be one bitch when it nips them in the tail.
  • ooc
    —— apprentice tag @cygnetpaw
  • d1b272f6bf2bf1124a70637df5a807afa1cdb37c.gifv
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea