![]() | ![]() "Skyclan," she summons, green eyes shifting to Hawkstar beside her. Her voice tried, attempted, to carry strength. She watched as eyes peeled to her, looked at her. Too many. But she held her head up. Hopefully that would project her quiet voice. "We have a long journey before us. But we are Skyclan. We are strong. We are united. We always have been and always will be. A lot of you are making a choice, a choice I know is hard. But we must continue to support each other through these trying times. We will find better ground, and our hunts will be more prosperous. The rats will no longer have a hold of us. Although Coffeestar is in Starclan, she will be guiding our steps beside Hawkstar." She wanted to add that Coffeestar chose Hawkstar for a reason. And though, there was a slight shift, she held faith in Coffeestars choices of a deputy. So with that, she held faith in Hawkstar. Where others were questioning, she didn't think they realized they were questioning their prior leader... Though, she couldn't be any less wary. "I am glad for all of those who have shown up. For those who did not, we must not spit their name in the dust. They did what they could, and we cannot demand they join us and leave behind everything they know." Flowerclouds eyes scanned across the heads, noting with a soft frown who was missing. "Batwing and Mousefang." Golden head searches with soft green eyes for those two warriors she called upon. A sympathetic gaze passing to Mousefang, who has lost her mother, then been unfairly demoted. She didn't have answers, unfortunately. "You two are strong hunters, and have proven this. I ask that at some points during our journey you guide hunting and scouting patrols on the furthest edges of our group for fleeing prey. Keep an eye for predators. And alert me or Hawkstar of anything that smells like it could cause trouble. We need to make sure our prey stays high so we have our strength. I need updated daily who you choose to bring with you." Her gaze wanders to her brother, her friend. "Duskpool and Dovecloud, I want you two to help the queens. Whether it be carrying their children, or guiding them closer, I wish that they stay in the center of the herd. It will be safest for them young bodies there, protected in the center. And ensure prey goes to them first." She worried for Lostmoon, who was due for kitting within the next moon. It was not easy to travel so late... But they had to move. "Tigerfoot and Swallowpaw, I will leave to you who you give your precious herbs to help you carry. If anyone needs any sort of help, again, let me or Hawkstar know. I will follow in the back, so nothing sneaks up behind us, while Hawkstar leads our paws. Is there .. anything I'm missing?" She asks, her bulky head turning to look towards her one eyed leader- a look uncertain. This was only what, day one? So she was still learning, and maybe, searching some sort of positive outlook from Hawkstar. @batwing @Mousefang will be heading two hunting patrols! Please stay tuned for fun little prompts for the hunting patrols! // @DUSKPOOL @Dovecloud will be head of ensuring queens and kits stay together and safe. // @Hawkstar leader tag, @TIGERFOOT and @SWALLOWPAW meddies tags! // |
flowercloud ❀ 27 moons ❀ deputy ❀ she/her ❀ pinterest ❀ deidre