Private carry on wayward son // copper

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in the woods somewhere
Played by

maple and copper are the first to leave the new camp, the silence between them thick but companionable. when maple sees copper's slumped shoulders, the blood clinging to his fur, he thinks that maybe they both have something they're running from. they make their way up the slope together in silence. maple doesn't know what happened to the older tom, what horror he witnessed, what loss he suffered- he almost asks, but bites his tongue instead, stopping at the top of the slope and opening his mouth to try and catch the scent of- what first? running water, perhaps? he looks over at copper, words of comfort stuck in his throat like a mouse bone.

"we should- should we look for water, first?" maple asks, tries, stumbling over his words like a kit. he feels out of place, off kilter– the scent of the tom he'd killed lingers on his paws. "we can wash off the blood, and maybe find some reeds. we need to find cobwebs too, for the injured, and we'll need to know where to find water regardless, to wet moss and we…" his voice drifts off as he realises he's started rambling, and he shifts awkwardly on his large paws.

in truth, he's not used to talking to older cats. it's been him and rowan for so long, and even in the colony he'd mostly keep to himself, only really speaking to rowan. that's why he didn't know the name of the cat he'd killed- he barely knew all the names of the cats that had come with them to this place.

// @Copperstorm

He trusted that Pandora would be in good paws with the others, she had even offered her own help, but unease still twisted in the pit of his stomach. What if the others resented her for being a kittypet, just as Charcoal had? What if nobody stood by her now that Flint was gone? And where was his sister, Cinder? His whiskers twitched, golden eyes flicking toward his current companion. One ear swiveled absently as he watched the younger tom take the lead. He allowed it, for now. Partly because he thought the younger cat needed the distraction, but mostly because he didn't know what he was supposed to feel.

The ache of grief and uncertainty clawed at him, but it wouldn't help anyone now. When a question was suddenly shot his way, he blinked twice, straightening as he pushed the sadness down. They had to focus. He'd offered to search for things they needed, and he meant to follow through. Lingering on what had come to pass wouldn't change anything.

He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, more words tumbled from the younger tom, an earnest ramble that hinted at unease. Copper listened, his tail flicking lightly as the other trailed off.

Clearing his throat, he finally spoke. " I think we have to look at it practically. What do we need most right now? " His gaze softened as he glanced around their surroundings. " There are wounds to be tended. Cobwebs... We need cobwebs. And water, too. "

He tilted his head slightly, his tone calm but purposeful. " Let's start with cobwebs. Gather plenty of them. Then we can find moss to soak in water for everyone. " he opted, his golden eyes falling back on Maple. What horrors had the young cat seen, himself? " .... Are you okay? "

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦


"Cobwebs," Maple repeats under his breath, nodding. He'd often wandered around these woods, searching for prey in the roots of the trees, but now they seemed unfamiliar and cold. The shadows that just a day ago held potential food now held a face without a name.

Are you okay?

Maple cringes at the question, feeling embarrassed. Was he that obvious? He was usually good at hiding his feelings, keeping everything buried somewhere he won't have to see it. "I... I'm alive," Maple says at length. "And so is my sister. We were luckier than many, in that regard. But..." he hesitates, looking at the older tom for a moment. Should he tell him? What if he knew the cat Maple had killed? What if he looked at him like Rowan had, terrified, like he was a monster? He shakes his head. "I did what I had to do," he says, more to himself than Copper. "I did... I did what I had to do, to... to protect my sister."

Copper's golden eyes lingered on the young tom for a moment, narrowing slightly. He could see the weight in the other's posture, the way his earlier ramble had betrayed the stoic front he tried to maintain. Yes, they were alive... but at what cost? What had they been forced to sacrifice for the simple privilege of survival?

The questions churned in his mind, each more bitter than the last. How many had faced death without a chance to return? How many friendships had crumbled under the weight of hunger, desperation, and fractured trust? How much blood had been spilled by claws that once sought only to protect?

When Maple spoke of protecting his sister, Copper met his gaze with a solemn nod. A grim understanding passed between them. He, too, had done what was necessary... what he felt was right, even if it meant fighting his own father. The thought didn't trouble him. Charcoal's disdain no longer mattered. Pandora was alive. Wounded, yes, but alive. That was all that mattered.

" Whatever happened in that chaos. " Copper began softly, his tone measured and calm. " You did what you thought was right. What you believed would keep your loved ones safe. That's what matters. " He paused, his golden eyes searching the younger tom's face. " But don't let it cling to you. Don't let it pull you down. That kind of darkness... once it takes hold, it doesn't let go easily. "

He stepped closer, the faintest brush of his side against Maple's a subtle offering of comfort. " You did what you had to... " Copper murmured, his voice carrying both strength and sorrow.

" Sometimes... sometimes that means doing things we don't want to. "

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦


Copper looks back at him with understanding and patience, nodding. He has a sister too, Maple remembers– the injured cat that had been with him in the camp. How far had he gone, to protect her? When Copper speaks his tone is warm and steady, reassuring Maple in a way that's entirely unfamiliar to him. His mother hadn't been well, not enough to reassure him of anything, not even their chances of survival, and his father– his father was unknown to him. Reassurance is a foreign concept.

Then Copper's side brushes against Maple's, and he has to suppress a shiver, his head dropping to hide the shock he's not sure he can suppress. It's a strange sensation, but not necessarily an unwelcome one. He swallows, letting Copper share his warmth with him for a moment, letting the words sink in. Darkness… yes, that is what it feels like. He sees the dead cat's face in front of him like an abyss that looks back at him. But he did what he had to do. Even if… even if Rowan didn't understand it, it was something he had to do. Maybe she'd understand some day.

"I… yes," Maple whispers. "Yes, you're– you're right," he shakes his head, raising it again and meeting the older tom's eyes. "You didn't have to… I know we don't have time for things like this. Not right now. But uh… thank you."

He wants to cringe at his own words, once again feeling like only a kit. It's just that he has no frame of reference for things like this, no idea of how to act. He hopes Copper will let them move on and get back to what they were supposed to be doing, but isn't entirely sure how to end this kind of conversation. Is thank you enough?

A light nod passed between them, a wordless understanding settling in the space they shared. Copper chose not to press further, though the gruesome images from before lingered heavily in his mind. His brother's lifeless body. The way the star-touched cat—bearing his brother's exact likeness, had turned to give him a mournful, knowing stare before vanishing into the ether. A shudder rippled through him, grief wrapping its claws around his heart. He pushed it down. There was no time for mourning now.

His family had unraveled, thread by fragile thread. His brother was gone, his sister lost. His father had vanished with Sable's crew, and his mother had been gone for what felt like an eternity.

All he had left was Pandora.

He inhaled deeply, closing his golden eyes to steel himself before pressing onward. Shaking his head briefly, Copper glanced back at the younger cat trailing behind him. " I didn't have to. You're right. " he murmured, his tone measured, though a flicker of sadness passed over his face. " But what I did, I did with pleasure. You seemed like you needed it. "

With a flick of his tail, he gestured ahead. " Come on. I see some things over there we can bring back to camp. "

Too many had suffered already. If he could ease the weight for even one of the younger ones, soften the edges of their pain, then it was worth it.

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦