sear my heart on every side.

— gender: cis-male, uses masculine pronouns. (he/him)meaning: name here ( word here ) n. / in-depth definition of the prefix.
— PREFIX. how where they named? visual wise or personality wise?
— SUFFIX. suffix meaning. like -KIT for kitten or -PAW for the trainee/apprentice rank. if they don't have a suffix, just delete this part.
opinion on name: what it says on the tin
nickname: none.
— orientation: bisexual demiromantic.
— rank: warrior
— beliefs: stands in a middle ground.
— affiliation: thunderclan ; former colony cat.
— age: created on 02.10.25 at 22 moons / ages realistically every 23rd of each month
last updated: 00.00.00 | penned by who?
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