" Hmm… "
he hums thoughtfully to himself, turning one of the rock-looking things over with a paw. There's a seam along the middle of it, locking it up tight against whatever bounty might lie within. Vampire cracks their jaw open and starts needling the line of it with one of their prominent fangs, to little avail except wearing out their jaw. After a moment, face hard to read except for the irritated cast of their eyes, they drop it again and trot a few tail-lengths away to a sizeable rock. Barely lodging it between their teeth, they pad back to their smattering of rock-things and unceremoniously drop the actual rock onto one. The outer shell of it gives way with a loud crack and their bobtail twitches with a perhaps excessive pride.
" What is that? "
they murmur to themself with a raised brow, squinting at the fleshy-colored lump sitting within the broken shell. Then she lifts her shoulders in a small shrug and snaps it up in her teeth. Vampire's always prided themself on their ability to find sustenance in things other cats might turn up their muzzle at.
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