Camp CHA CHA SLIDE ☽ clam eating

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


power & control
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When they slog into camp today, Vampire isn't carrying the limp body of a frog or blackbird in their teeth—not that they usually are anyways. No, there's a drippling bunch of somethings crammed in between their overlong fangs. The ever-present drizzle is misting the camp as they drop the things onto a relatively dry patch of ground and contemplate them for a moment. She's not entirely sure what exactly they are … but they look at least sort of edible. She found them in the water, anyways, after missing at least three fish.

" Hmm… "
he hums thoughtfully to himself, turning one of the rock-looking things over with a paw. There's a seam along the middle of it, locking it up tight against whatever bounty might lie within. Vampire cracks their jaw open and starts needling the line of it with one of their prominent fangs, to little avail except wearing out their jaw.

After a moment, face hard to read except for the irritated cast of their eyes, they drop it again and trot a few tail-lengths away to a sizeable rock. Barely lodging it between their teeth, they pad back to their smattering of rock-things and unceremoniously drop the actual rock onto one. The outer shell of it gives way with a loud crack and their bobtail twitches with a perhaps excessive pride.

" What is that? "
they murmur to themself with a raised brow, squinting at the fleshy-colored lump sitting within the broken shell. Then she lifts her shoulders in a small shrug and snaps it up in her teeth. Vampire's always prided themself on their ability to find sustenance in things other cats might turn up their muzzle at.


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He's been watching Vampire ever since they made it back to camp. Between their fangs weren't the spindles of broken wings or the flesh of something else, no, they carried something that could only be considered rocks. His ears twitched, curious in his own right, pushing to his paws from a brief rest to come observe what the white-pelted cat was doing. Shade stops a few taillengths away, watching Vampire toss the rock, then retrieve it. The longer he watched, the more he understood that wasn't a rock that they clutched.

The crack echoed through camp, and his interest only grew. Shade stepped closer, ignoring the wet pockets of camp. "How does... it taste? An odd find, I must say." Shade asks, his vision turning to meet that of Vampire's after they snap down on the meat of the 'rock'. Shade likely wouldn't turn his muzzle up at this- he's eaten all sorts of things to keep him alive, and if this did much of the same, why deny himself the same favors?

  • "speech"
  • SHADE AMAB he/him, LONER of the COLONY, seventeen moons.
    An average sized dark pelted tom with heavy bangs over gray eyes. A notable scar on his left cheek. Looks at you with skepticism (and awkwardly.)
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

They were raised not to stare, yet as Vampire brings their rather strange bounty she finds herself doing nothing but that. The timid cat sits at a respectable distance, one being within eye shot but a notable distance since she will have to raise their voice above their normal quieter octave they carry. It seems that she's not the only one who's stuck mesmerised in whatever strange orbit Vampire carries in this instance. Shade remains in her field of vision, also watching. Whiskers twitch as she contemplates before coming a little closer, preferably to stand closer to shade than Vampire. She has to admit she finds the white cat a little intimidating, they wager that it's because of his dark eyes, they're convinced if she stares long enough into them she would slowly forget who she is or what she's doing.

They wince at the sound of stone against what she assumes to be stone. The shell gives way and so does the flood gate of questions, no one seems to know what that is. Shade is curious about the contents within, how they taste. Datura feels similarly but a more pressing question spurs them to start speaking. "Why did you bring that here if you don't know what it is?" The judgment in their prim tone is harsh, though she means it simply out of curiosity. What if it was dangerous? Could it kill them to eat it?

"Do you feel sick?" They decide to pivot their line of questioning, squinting at the sliver of... whatever it is... is chewed up and presumably swallowed.
—————————————————— 'Till I can't run no more ✦

He would've recognized that telltale Crack! sound anywhere, and the tom's large head peeped out of the nursery with hungry eyes. The sound reminded him of kithood, of cracking a few shells with his friends, and bits of shattered shell getting absolutely everywhere. Much to his displeasure, though, he realized who the sound came from. It always just had to be Vampire. However, his stomach spoke far louder than either his mind or his heart, and he found himself following the whim on giddy paws.

"Them's those edible rocks." Timber said excitedly from behind the pale figure, a grin forming on his lips. Suddenly, he got hit with a wave of oh shit, be normal, and suddenly the giddy nature was all but lost. "I mean, well- that's what we used to call 'em as kits. No idea if they've got a proper name." He cleared his throat, sidling up beside Vampire with his eyes fixed on the broken shell in front of them. "Oh that's good, you've managed to open it." He remarked, looking surprised but pleased as ever. "I almost lost a tooth or two to one of them when I wasn't strong enough to crack 'em." He looked up curiously at the two other cats that seemed interested and shrugged easily, taking a seat next to the familiar white cat. "Shouldn't feel sick." Timber started, though paused as he thought on it a little more. "Sometimes you can get a bad one though—and it's not a pretty sight afterwards. Usually they're pretty good, I always liked them."

With this, he looked at Vampire with hopeful eyes. "Did'ja see any more where this came from?"

  • Timber
    ✦—Shadowclan Caregiver
    ✦—A large chocolate tabby with pale gold eyes