Backwritten Chase the morning //rescue

This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.

Sagesong's iconSagesong

Learn To Play Our Part
Played by
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Sage had been quick to return to their den as the storm clouds rolled in, nearly black with how saturated they were with rain. A den away from the rain was a good den.

Up until this very moment, it had been a perfect place. A small tunnel carved out by Sage's own paws underneath a pile of sturdy rocks, and further covered by a low bush that kept the tunnel entrance hidden. She doubted most other cats that passed through were aware the den existed. Well, perhaps that strange group of cats that lived in the gorge nearby had an idea, but they mostly minded their business while Sage minded their own.

Up until this very moment, that had been a blessing. Sage could still hear the wind howling from the rainstorm above, drowning out any of their calls for help as muddy paws scrabbled uselessly against what was once one of the large rocks that shaded her den. In an act of desperation, the small cat took a few paces back before throwing their shoulder into the stone in an attempt to shove aside the rock. A small hiss of annoyance escaped as all that served to do was give a dull pain to their shoulder.

Pushing the rock was out of the question it seemed, it was far too large and heavy for just one cat to move. Digging around the rock felt pointless too- everytime she felt like she was making progress more mud and water would collapse above them, further trapping them in what quickly began to feel more like a tomb than a den. When would this storm stop? Was this how they were going to die? Trapped in her own den and drown- or worse- starve to death?

...If there really was some sort of higher power out there like they'd heard those gorge cats talk about, Sage hoped they wouldn't let her die like this.


For a blessing, the storm moved on sometime in the night. The wind that had persisted eventually gave way to birdsong, signaling that the forest was waking up in the early morning hours.

Sage had yet to sleep, covered in mud and leaning against the rock still blocking their only route of escape from their own den, ears pricked for anything- ANY sign of another cat above that they could possibly call out to for help.

She wondered what the entrance of the den looked like now, was it completely exposed now or-

The thought was gone as quickly as it had come with the sound of something rustling above.



  • Sagesong
    — Skyclan Warrior
    — They/She
    — Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

Another storm ripped through SkyClan's territory, poking and prodding teasingly, promising nothing but wet fur and heavy limbs that he had to drag through his damn forest. Wolfstorm's left eye twitched in exasperation, wooly tail fluttering lazily behind him, muttering profanities after tripping over a hidden rock that nearly had him eating dirt for lunch.

Well, fuck you too. He thought deadpan, shaking out his thankfully drying fur after wandering the forest for quite some time looking for easy prey when he shuffled over what looked like a collapsed tunnel.

Sure. At first, Wolfstorm assumed some predator ( hell, maybe this was StarClan's apology for making him look like a drowned rat ) when the damn thing spoke. Star mother of fu—! Wolfstorm would refuse everyone who said he jumped like a kit over some stupid spooky story Lostmoon told because he's an idiot.

A loud huff escaped the massive tom, powerful muscles coiling, observing the exposed entrance, albeit collapsed by one of those damn rocks because of the storm wreaking havoc on their poor idiot selves.

"Yeah. Yeah. I can hear you. Fucking hell you got yourself in a pickle, didn't you?" He mused out loud, scanning the collapsed entrance with a rugged frown, wooly plumage lashing across the wet ground.

Well, color him surprised, maybe StarClan was looking upon him, otherwise, they'd be screwed to kingdom come from starvation or dehydration. His bright fiery azure hues narrowed in contemplation, "Gonna see about getting you out." He rumbled loudly, unsheathing rigid claws to dig beneath the bolder. Maybe if he dug deep enough, the damn thing would roll on its own, but that would require whoever was behind it to push it. I'll figure it out when I get there. Wolfstorm grunted, adding on after a brief pause, "Any injuries I should know about?"
  • ooc
    — xxx
  • hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    solid black maine coon w/ azure eyes and one white forepaw
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay allowed

    penned by blueblossomtea
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Ears twitched as the stranger spoke, not quite as amused as he was at their situation. It wasn't exactly like she had planned this. Sage held their tongue, rose to their paws at the tell tale sound of digging from the other side. With two pairs of paws there might be a better chance of moving the boulder trapping them. They weren't very strong, but with luck the boulder could be shifted at least a little, enough for her small body to squeeze out of her prison to freedom.

"Thank you..! I didn't think anyone would be going through this way so soon after last night's storm…" The relief in their tone was immense, the possibility of dying alone in this hole in the ground felt far less likely. Paws danced from one side to the other of the half-flooded den, antsy now that rescue seemed imminent. A brief pause. A question from the stranger.

Sage had been running on adrenaline all night, the mere question of their well-being serving to ground them. She shook herself, a fruitless attempt at getting the mud out of their fur. They gave a quick glance at themselves. No cuts, no scrapes. Nothing broken thankfully. "No, I'm ok! Just muddy and wet thankfully."

'And exhausted...'

They moved back to the rock, studying it as ears pointed forward, trying to puzzle out what the other was doing. Digging, obviously. But was it under the boulder or to the side? "...We don't need to move the whole thing- just need a big enough space for me to squeeze my way out! I'm pretty small." She couldn't imagine how a larger cat would fare with trying to escape this same situation.

  • Sagesong
    — Skyclan Warrior
    — They/She
    — Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
The bulky Maine Coon mix merely grunted in response, wooly plumage flickering, "Suppose it's a right place, right time kind of moment." He mused loudly, rigid claws slicing through the soggy dirt, backed up by the roll of muscle beneath raven fur.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the feline mentioned nothing was wrong, other than being trapped. He bit back a snort, figuring it wasn't exactly the place to snicker when the other was still trapped behind this damn rock of all things. "Yeah, well—" He mused loudly from outside, observing his progress, frowning. "Nothing but a good bath can't fix." He finished, fiery azure hues zeroing in on the small gap between the yawning of the den and the boulder. Bingo. His fiery hues flashed in triumph.

"Small, huh?" He echoed, wooly plumage sweeping against the ground, tsking quietly. "Think I found a spot ya can slip through if we make it big enough." He rumbled like cackling thunder, deciding the best way to determine if it was stable enough was to stick his paw in the small gap, clawing at the dirt. When nothing gave way, the raven-furred tom figured it was the stranger's ticket out.

"Hey furball, you see a gap on your left toward the bottom? Gotta squint to find it, hell, I barely noticed it, but if we dig on either side, you might slip through." He mused loudly toward the other, brow raised. It's better than digging underneath it and hoping it'd roll.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
A right place, right time sort of moment… That was probably the understatement of a lifetime. Sage forced a chuckle, shaking their head at the comment of a bath, they'd have to go for a swim in the river once they got out of here to actually get clean. If the current wasn't too strong anyway.

"A gap..?" It was her turn to repeat what the other said, hesitantly feeling with a paw where the stranger said. Dirt crumbled at their touch, prompting them to reach further with their shoulder resting against the boulder so that a gray tipped paw eventually poked out to the other side. Claws briefly scrabbled around, seemingly feeling, judging just how much space the cat would need to escape before retreating. "Yeah… This should work, yeah."

They let out another sigh of relief. One step closer to freedom- if the molly never went underground again that would be more than fine with them. They'd sleep outside in the rain instead. Every second spent trapped like this made their skin crawl more and more.

'I need to get out of here before I lose my mind- or worse.' The thought was swallowed as quickly as it came, there was no point in doomsaying now when freedom was so close at hand.

"Ready?" Paws poised to dig at the other's signal, with any luck she wouldn't spend another minute in here.

  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
Muscles bunched beneath scarred, raven fur readying himself to dig by the way sharp rigid claws hovered a hair over the wet earth, tips barely indenting the muddy terrain. Wolfstorm grunted in response, wooly plumage sweeping high, staring readily at the gape. He sure as hell wasn't going to deal with the thought of the rock sliding their way the second they started digging.

Damn him for being a pessimistic asshole.

Wolfstorm grunted, raking his claws back with clumps of dirt rolling beneath a calloused paw in a steady, mind-numbing motion. Each rake sends dirt in the air, blanketing the terrain. Come on. Fucking hell. How much dirt can there be? His muzzle wrinkled in annoyance.

Yeah, sure. He thought sarcastically, his inward voice dripping with deadpan sarcasm as dirt fell from each scoop of dirt he dug out. Just fall right back. Stupid damn rocks and their stupid foxhearted weather. Could he ask for a bit of sunshine? Just once? He has had enough of being a depressing sopping-wet cat. Thanks. When he thought he couldn't get any more depressing, the stars thought otherwise.

Fiery azure hues narrowed, catching sight of another paw peeking from beneath the decent-sized hole they created. Better than nothing, I guess. He snorted, shaking a dirt-covered pelt. "Hey, furball! Think you can slip out now?" He rumbled, moving an enormous paw to scoop up a good amount of dirt to push to the side, adding to the pile of dirt already there to lower himself, peeking through the hole.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
At the noise of confirmation from the other, Sage began to dig with a fervor. They were so close to getting out of here, they just needed to focus on the task at hand. Which was escaping her own den, apparently. Digging was something that never felt like it took as long as it actually did. Normally. In this particular case it seemed like it was an eternity to move each pawful of dirt no matter how fast they moved. It was agonizingly slow-going despite their paws being a blur, sending a spray of dirt behind them further into the den.

Their pace slowed, ears pointed forward as the stranger spoke once more and Sage crouched low to spy blue eyes peering at them from the other side of the hole. Mismatched eyes stared back wide as they nodded, paws once again nervously kneading the dirt.

"Yes… Yes this should be big enough for me. Give me some space, please?" The cat paused, waiting until she was certain the other had moved out of the way before shoving their head into the gap. It was big enough- barely- and claws struggled briefly for purchase in order to pull herself free. There was a yelp when they felt the boulder begin to shift as a paw was placed against it for leverage, before she finally wriggled out to freedom.

The mottled loner jumped back slightly as the entrance collapsed from the movement, completely caving in what was left of the den. "...I guess that's one less den to come back to." They let out a watery laugh before eventually turning to the other after trying to shake what mud they could out of their curly fur.

"Thank you for helping me, stranger, my name's Sage." Another shake, this time trying to settle her nerves as opposed to trying to get somewhat cleaner.

  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
Backing up. Wolfstorm watched with bated breath as the stranger wiggled free, nearly lunging forward when the boulder shifted, muscles coiled like a cobra ready to strike. Thank fuck. He watched with narrowed eyes as the entrance collapsed. "Better than being squashed like a damn bug," Wolfstorm grumbled, deadpan.

Too fuckin' close. His heart palpitated, muscles uncoiling with a breath, shaking his head. "Next time, try not to find a den with a damn rock on top." He grunted, switchin' a fiery gaze to the muddy feline, nose wrinkling in muted amusement.

"Wolfstorm." He responded after a pregnant pause, shifting his bulky frame, muddy paws scraping against the ground. He didn't respond to the thanks, though his tail flickered in a 'forget about it' gesture. "You a loner or somethin'? Kicked out by some twoleggers?" He raised a brow, watchin' Sage with narrowed azure hues.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
There was a snort of agreement from the other, gaze lingering on the collapsed den for a final time before turning away. "I mostly chose it for... well there WAS a bush covering the entrance before last night's storm." They laughed.

Kicked out by twolegs... Sage shook her head adamantly, frown on her face at the implication. Though they supposed they might have asked a similar question had the roles been reversed. "Not a kittypet, no- just a loner passing through. I go wherever my paws take me." Their tone was somewhat guarded, mismatched eyes meeting Wolfstorm's narrowed blues as they took in the scars littering the tom's body. "...You one of those gorge cats the other rogues and loners talk about? Everyone says they eat other cats."

A playful snicker left her suddenly as her tail curled around her paws, any perceived wariness gone just as quickly as it had come. "I think it's a load of mouse dung personally. What do you think? Ever met them?"

  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.