Private children are blossoms of life // monstergrowl

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i imagine you're still out there
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"Do you like being wrong, gravel eater?"

She heard through her daughter the sorts of things Monstergrowl was telling that poor molly - the one he totes around as his daughter, now apprenticed to him by some odd divine act. Serpentberry determines that it is beyond Juniperstar's control at time, the decisions she makes. Surely the stars that swirl in her eyes have minds of their own, and must think that keeping Fillypaw shackled to the tom is hilarious. At least she'll be safe and well taught; as if those are the only successes a young girl needs in life.

"I don't like being told that someone younger than, say, Brightpetal - is being told to avoid my den for any reason." She abuses their deputy's name for the sake of a point. He's not disastrously young like she makes it out to be, but his mind is as bright as a still burning ember. Perhaps one day it'll catch aflame and be of use; until then, it's only smoldering and waiting for its chance. Her tail sweeps around her paws as she looks at the pale-faced tom. She's invited him to her den for this simple chat, though she realizes now that it will never be as simple as she thinks it is.

"Do you delight in her pain at all, Monstergrowl?" Serpentberry tests with her teeth clicked together. "As a parent, I would never ask my children to brandish their pain like claws." Or maybe... I would. She wouldn't be surprised if she did.