Private CHILDREN WILL LISTEN [ juniperstar ]

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(𓆩✧𓆪) sun streams through the bare branches soaring above thunderclan's cozy camp, brightening earthen trails and evergreen needles. midday strikes the territory with golden colors, a bright blue sky cloudless, expanding above. dreamkit is pretty sure this is the best day he's had so far. he hasn't had many, but as he toddles about the little clearing outside of the nursery, he feels a chill wind ruffle soft tabby fur, smells something sweet and new on the air, and raises his nose to breathe deeper. reaching up on his tippy toes, the young boy notices with delight a low hanging, odd looking snake hovering above him, tufted with fur, flicking ever so enticingly. one white capped paw reaches up, dreamkit wobbling on three paws... then two, as the other front paw flings up to grasp the thing with both paws. tiny, thorn sharp claws pierce the tail tip, and he grabs at it greedily, giggling to himself.

just one moon old, the boy is not yet well versed on things like balance, or gravity. as he snatches at the tail above him, his back paws wiggle, then slip, and his body collapses on itself. the earthen boy topples to the ground, defeated. "ough," he exhales as he hits the earth, tiny ears flattening, little maw opening to whine. above him, the tail vanishes, replaced by an owlish face that hovers above, concern in wide green eyes. dreamkit's face relaxes, un-crumpling as he recognizes the figure. "mahmma!" he crows, scrambling to tiny paws and scuttling towards the woman. "there was ah,,a a snake umm thing n i got it almost buuut i fell," twitching his mouth to the side, he looks downcast for but a moment before glancing back up at her, ember eyes glowing. "buhht now you're here!"

  • // all he know is make minecraft villager noise and love his mom @juniperstar " #e9af74"
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    a longhaired chocolate spotted tabby with low white and orange eyes. silky chocolate fur cascades in waves across his boxy frame, darker dapples giving him his tabby pelt. creamy white splashes his paws, belly, tail tip, and muzzle, freckling across his face. the hue of a crackling fire sparkles from narrow sockets.

verdant gaze flicks from one point to the next, quietly thinking as cats shuffle in and out of camp. organizing themselves, trying to find Brightpetal so they wouldn't have to bother her much... it's a welcome relief, she can't deny it... but also sort of lonely. the molly lets out a small sigh, tail twitching in an effort to dispel some of her discontent. it felt wrong to just be sitting here all the time... lazing away her days... she ought to change that. ought to do something. needed to work.

the sensation of tiny thorns digging into the end of her tail and dragging it down is enough to make her pelt bristle with surprise- just as quickly as it has been seized, it's released and she stands to investigate. her head peeks around with eye round with confusion, spotting a speckled boy rolled onto his back and flailing to right himself. so... he was the little culprit. her lips pull into a warm smile, reaching down to nuzzle the pale white of his belly fur as he swats and scrambles to stand, cheering her name as he rushes to get closer.

"Hello, my sweet- adventuring today?" he is quick to regale her with his story of valiant combat with a snake (her tail tip twitches with amusement) and his near success in slaying it, crestfallen for a mere moment before returning that sunglow stare to her excitedly. "A snake, my love? That sounds scary... you're very brave," her nose scrunches as she smooshes it into the side of his cheek, eager to spoil him with little touches of affection now that he is big enough to handle them without toppling over (usually).

"I bet you'll get it next time... the youngest hunter in the forest, hm?"

  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
    ignore me