name: Possum [grin]
age: 18 moons ; ages the 1st of every irl month
affiliation: Shadowclan
rank: Warrior
appearance: A lean longhaired blue ticked tabby tom with low white and bright orange eyes.
backstory: Born within the colony (now shadowclan) alongside his sibling marble his life started out in a tumultuous wave of striving to survive. His mother died from starvation later in his life and his father ran away in turn. Abandoning him and his sister who were kindly taken in by Thistle. This small happiness was short lived as Thistle vanished like a ghost and Possum cant help but suspect their former caretakers mate Charcoal. His world now revolves around his sister and the distrust he felt for others. Never growing close to anyone outside of his little circle. With Thistle's mysterious disappearance, the battle, and adjusting to 'Shadowclan' he has never felt more frustrated.
interests: Spreading rumors, watching the stars, and sparring.
dislikes: Long talks, the cold, and rats.
strengths: Feigning interest, Fighting, and Manipulation.
weaknesses Hunting, Running and Healing.
name: Possum [grin]
age: 18 moons ; ages the 1st of every irl month
affiliation: Shadowclan
rank: Warrior
appearance: A lean longhaired blue ticked tabby tom with low white and bright orange eyes.
backstory: Born within the colony (now shadowclan) alongside his sibling marble his life started out in a tumultuous wave of striving to survive. His mother died from starvation later in his life and his father ran away in turn. Abandoning him and his sister who were kindly taken in by Thistle. This small happiness was short lived as Thistle vanished like a ghost and Possum cant help but suspect their former caretakers mate Charcoal. His world now revolves around his sister and the distrust he felt for others. Never growing close to anyone outside of his little circle. With Thistle's mysterious disappearance, the battle, and adjusting to 'Shadowclan' he has never felt more frustrated.
interests: Spreading rumors, watching the stars, and sparring.
dislikes: Long talks, the cold, and rats.
strengths: Feigning interest, Fighting, and Manipulation.
weaknesses Hunting, Running and Healing.
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