Private come shadow, come follow me ༊*·˚ magpiekit

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in the rain, do light and darkness fade!

The stench of this place is something most foul... unpleasant, an assailant on the unsuspecting nose. It does something... the affront to her senses that it is... to encourage the idea of wandering in hopes of fresher air gracing the nose. There are many wretched things to scent here... this underlying tone of unfamiliarity that ought to set a dark spine on end... it is perhaps youthful ignorance that sees each paw placed confidently in front of the other. No watchful hawk-eye mother to prevent her adventure, the hatchling is more than content to admire the sticky earth under-paw, squint up at the moss-infested trees and investigate every low gurgle that would be identified as a toad's croak by any knowledgeable adult.

Something distant inspires kitten curiosity, a mumbling of sorts that does not match the ambiance of the amphibians that roost nearby on bumpy logs and shallow puddles. Tiny, inscrutable shadow that she is, Pipit doesn't need to try very hard to blend into different shadows. In the creeping and crawling, the small cat is easily distracted by the blorbous shape of a collection of fungi standing about in the muck...

A deft paw slaps at it gently, watches it jiggle and jive from the recoil... and Pip is quick to devolve into a fit of giggles. Again... and another declaration of humor sounds between the gnarled trees. Ears swivel against the strange sound of an untranslated whisper- a ghoul, if mother was to be believed- "I'm just playing," goes explained to whatever ghastly being might be trying to offer lecture for the abuse of the mushrooms. A flicker-flame tail tip twitches, a humored beckoning, "C'mere.... I'll keep my teeth to myself, promise!"

It seemed rather impossible to bite a ghost anyhow...
