Shipyard crabtivating — open, intro

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.
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Today was going to be a good day! Beside him was none other than Brine. He recalled the very first time he met the albino. It was many moons ago, a little white ball of fur was dumped within the shipyard. He found it odd for someone so young to be alone, but he knew nothing of the situation. Back then, he had assumed the tom's parents had gone hunting and would return. Thankfully Pike had decided to watch in hiding, as none would return for Brine. Ever since then, he would watch or take the tom on random outings. While he understood he was not obligated to, he felt it wrong just to leave the white tom to fend for himself.

A smile can't help but slip from his lips as he watched Brine pad forward in search of crabs. You used to be so small. He shakes the thought away, now was not the time for reminiscing. After all, their goal was to catch some crabs. They needed to focus if they wanted to find what they were looking for.
"Remember they like to hide, so look around the rocks or tall grass."
he mews while leaping from the docks to the wet ground below. Paws gracefully traverse through the rocks underneath the docks, until faint skittering reaches his ears. There. They have to be there.

His silver frame quickly treads to a promising rock, green eyes pin pointing movement. A paw pushes the rock aside, while he leans forward to take a bite. That action alone is his undoing. The crab pinches his nose, causing him to yelp in shock and pain. Paws scramble to pull the crab off, but each tug elicits yowls of agony.

// @BRINE feel free to include your cat walking into the situation or have been watching the whole thing go down
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() "what in the ocean's name are you two doing?" the laughter decorated tone echoes from willow's maw as they stop in their tracks, staring with bright, amused eyes at pike's predicament. she's been trekking down to the rocks herself, scanning the small pools for minnows and crayfish, when she stumbles upon the pair. "you certainly found a crab, was that your goal pike?" the way the rusty colored thing clings to the tomcat's nose sends another peal of laughter ringing through the slender smoke. "brine, you'd better help poor pike or his nose'll be off and gone with the tide."

padding closer, willow wonders if since she's stopped to laugh, if she is now obligated to help. watching the struggling tomcat, she moves forward, batting one slender paw at the creature. "c'mon, pike, you've got it. don't let a crab beat you." oh the situation is just too good. snorting to herself, willow flicks her tail. now that she thinks about it, if pike and brine are able to get the crab off of the former, and bash its hard shell open against the rocks, they'd find a tasty meal inside. verdant eyes narrow, and willow briefly sweeps the area herself for more crabs. they'd be a fun story for the kits, at any rate.

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    a lithe black smoke feline with ghost striping and leaf green eyes. long smoky fur dashed through with grey and white adorns her frame, sliced across by darker stripes that frame her face and legs. eyes like sage, brilliantly green, gaze with an intelligent look. she is scarred across the bridge of her angular nose.
It was by pure accident that Leech walked into this failed hunting trip or whatever it was suppose to be. He had tried to run away to get some time for themself but instead had ended up running into this clown show. Leech stood put at a distance with a eyebrow raised when watching that crab that had a tight grip around the silver tabby's nose. Who was stupid enough to hunt crabs?. It had never seemed like worthwhile food to go after considering how little meat was earned from it. Leech had only tried eating a crab once before and it was more like chewing a stone then anything else. Watching that fool get his nose caught by the crabs claws though was somewhat amusing. He snorted.

" Let the crab have his nose if he is stupid enough to get caught in the first place."
He made his voice known, allowing himself to blow his own cover and a chance to get out from here unoticed. Didn't matter anymore, with three of them here trying to get away had an almost zero chance of success. Beside, it sorta made him feel a little bit better to watch somebody else be in a misfortunate situation for once. Or maybe it was because it was Pike this was about. He find that tom rather annoying.
" You're so lame."
he would mutter as he turned his gaze elsewhere, hoping Pike would feel embarassed to be told lame by a kit. He knew he would have if he had been in thier situation.

A sudden screech for help followed by Brine causes the red tabby to peek over the object in her way. It appears that a crab challenged Pike to a death-defying duel, and the winner is now holding its sharp claws against Pike's nose.
"Now woulda look at that,"
Blaze's chin would rest on the platform, and her plumed tail would sway from side to side as she mrowed in laughter. The words of Willow catch her attention as she chuckles in agreement as her gaze flicks to Brine to watch how the albino reacted next, whether it would be with courage or fear.
"She ain't wrong; ya better help him or his nose will be the size of a shell after!"
The long-haired tabby would say, her words teasing the two. She snorts softly as she notices a smaller figure—it turns out to be Leech—who immediately insults Pike's intelligence for falling prey to a crab's claws. Leech was among those with fiery personalities drawn to the shipwreck, but she could not fathom being roasted by a kit at that. As she would jump onto a stray piece of wood, her eyes glistening as she watched the three, Blaze called above:
"Yeouch, lame! You gonna take that, Pike? You gotta show Leech ya ain't lame!"
There never seemed to be a quiet day around but it never bothered her; it allowed life to be eventful and each day was a surprise.

𓆝 . ° ✦
Leading up to the great showdown between a crab and Pike, Bubble is scouring the beach for her own treasures. Perhaps a pretty shell or some scales; some to keep for herself and some to take back to Cicada and his siblings. But her search is cut short by a cry. When Bubble snaps her eyes up, she half expects to see some horrible tragedy. Someone terribly injured or pulled out to deeper water by a rip current. Instead she sees Pike thrashing around and trying to pull a crab off his nose as he yowls in agony.

What a sight to behold. Bubble sidles up beside Willow- a friendly molly she is already somewhat familiar with- and suppresses the laugh that is bubbling up in her chest. "Wow," she remarks "Looks like it's really stuck on there, huh?" Her amusement is a little more good-natured than her peers, but it remains nonetheless. Still, she does not move forward to help either of the tomcats. "You sure either of you can get it off? You don't want it to become one with Pike's face, after all."
° . . °
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    longhaired silver classic tabby with moderate white spotting and blue eyes. bubble is the people's princess. i'll make a real description eventually go read her tags.

It had always been a healthy distance she had kept with the Shipyard cats, ever there but ever an acquaintance (she looked cooler that way, she thought) - yet hearing one cry out in pain caused her heart to skip a beat, flinching as she twisted her head. A great many things lurked in the depths below, today, it was one creature in particular that had caused such a panic. With eight bony legs that crawled sideways, two stalks for eyes and a bright red warning sign of a body, one of nature's many abnormalities seemed to have risen from the depths of the sea. The shudder that ran down her spine didn't last, the longer she stared at the crustacean dangling from Pike's nose, the more she recognised it as an accessory instead of a terror. She scuttled closer, her mismatched teeth seeming to contort as she smiled. "Hah!"

Tattered ears flickered forward. She was no hero, trying to save the tabby from his pinchy fate seemed abhorrent when she considered what damage the crab to do to her, but for just a moment, she racked her brain for answers. "Don't rip it off, yeah? 'll end up with one nostril, have to call you Lamprey instead." That wasn't a solution, moreso a suggestion. She blinked fervently at her own inexperience with the creature, the only comparison she could think of was when her young kits would chomp and the solution for that hadn't exactly been... great.

But it had been effective for a time. Only half-seriously, Knot called out, "Tickle it!"