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Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.
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Despite the fact that Torrent had been denied the opportunity to go on the scouting patrol, he wanted to speak to the young tom in private. He was no going to disrespect his father, Pine's decision by telling the young tom to sneak away. No, he couldn't do that. Especially when Adder had listed off reasons that he had not considered such as the level of danger he could face. It was then he realized something other than Torrent's spirit. What the adults needed to do was teach the young important skills for survival. He had no doubts that parents were teaching their own kits what they needed, but for the rest? He wasn't sure. After all, the adults weren't obligated to take care of the other kits that ran wildly in the Shipyard. The ones who did were kind cats, but it was difficult for one cat alone to reign in a group of orphans. He's had first hand experience with kits and it was by no means pretty. What he did learn quickly was even with an adult watching over them, they were bound to get into all sorts of trouble.

Trouble seemed to cling to the kits and youngsters of the Shipyard like ticks. It was just a fact of life, but from what he saw in Torrent... He knew the facts of life could be changed to a much less crueler fate. So he decided to ask Pine if he could speak to his son and the older tom agreed. Of course they Pine had given him a questioning look, but he quickly reassured the older that he was not going to overstep in the decision for Torrent to stay behind.

Anyhow, he approaches the brown pelted tom.
"H-hey Torrent. I want to speak with you before I go away with the others for a bit."
A silver paw pats the ground beside him, inviting Torrent to take a seat beside him.
"I know you want to help the best you can. I think that's wonderful, but I also know it's still a bit of a bummer not to come."
Even if Torrent ultimately took it in stride, he knew it still stung a bit not to be told no and reprimanded by both his own father and Adder. Of course, the two toms were only concerned, but they had to remember what it was like being so young.

"I figured out a way you can help the best way you can, Torrent. It's true. Out there it's dangerous. If you're not careful you will die. Your father was only trying to keep you safe because he loves you, but one day you're going to be grown. He can't protect you all the time. You'll have to protect yourself. That's why I think the best thing for you to do to help is to learn from the adults. Ask them to teach you how to fight or know when to run. Learn tricks when it comes to hunting. Anything. Just ask them, force your father if you have to. Encourage all your friends who are about your age to do the same. I'm not saying this just so you can get stronger, so you can stay out of the adults way. I'm saying this to you because when you learn and become strong, all of us become stronger together. And... Learning from the adults will help you protect your younger friends and even your own father. Don't tell him I said this, but he needs a little help."

Hopefully, what he's said so far isn't too much for him. He would hate to overwhelm Torrent just like that starry cat had done. Although, he has a feeling that Torrent would be able to take in his words in stride, just as he had done when he said that he would help in the best he could when Pine refused to allow him in the scouting patrol. All Pike can do is wait and allow Torrent to think deeply about what he means and find an nswer. An answer that makes sense to him and him alone. Whatever Torrent decides, he will support the young tom in full.

// @Torrentpaw
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ At Pike's meow, Torrent's gaze flashed to the older tom, his expression curious but friendly. He recognized the silver tabby as the cat that had told them all about the island beyond the shipyard. He silently wondered why Pike wanted to speak to him, as he wasn't going on the scouting party himself.

He replied brightly, his curiosity increasing as he briskly padded over to where the tom was sitting. Tail flicking behind him, Torrent blinked at Pike with expecting eyes.

He listened to Pike, searching his gaze as the tabby spoke on. Admittedly, it felt nice to have someone validate his feelings, but Torrent had already gotten over the whole scouting party ordeal, his heart now set on helping the rest of the cats that were staying behind in the meanwhile.

Torrent's ears perked at the mention of 'Your father,' His mind drifting as Pike's words seemed to grow farther away. Is he talking about Pine? Torrent wondered, staring at Pike as he became lost in thought. Do I look like Pine? He asked himself, lifting a paw to study it. He guessed they did look similar, and he had been living with him after all. It made sense that other cats would draw that conclusion. He silently wondered If Squid saw Pine as a father figure, before Pike's voice drowned back into his thoughts.

"That's why I think the best thing for you to do to help is to learn from the adults..." Torrent set his paw back on the ground, hoping he hadn't missed anything important from the silver tom. He listened closely, trying to understand the point Pike was trying to make. Though one statement seemed to resonate with him--become stronger together. Torrent then seemed to understand, imagining himself encouraging the rest of the youth throughout the shipyard as well, preparing them for the journey to the island. Excitement fizzed in his paws, a sense of purpose settling on his shoulders.

"Of course I can do that!"
He meowed suddenly, leaping to his paws. Torrent stared back at Pike, his eyes sparkling with determination.
"You can count on me."

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