All he had wanted was to get away from that place, away from the memories that plagued him so. Away from the water. That was why when the stupid adults had finally made the decision they needed to leave it all behind Leech had stood behind it, eager to leave and get away from it all. What he not had expected though was that he now was supposed to live surrended by the water. It felt like going from one nightmare into the next.
Leech stared into the water from the island he had got trapped on, anxious eyes staring into his own reflection. It didn't feel right. He clenched his teeth tightly as this unnerving feeling refused to stop cutting the inside of his guts. He felt horrible and the worst part...alone. In a time like this he needed Rose... Just to get this tight rope wrapped inside his chest to loose it's grip. But when he turned his head around to try and find his friend saw her sitting by Wavesong and Adderfang, her new family who had taken her in without a second thought. While she had got abandoned by that awful family had quickly get taken in by a new one....not like him who had got abandoned and remained an orphan. Nobody had cared when he had lost everything but Rose... No, he shouldn't be feeling this way...but he knew deep inside in the first place the two had connected because of their families. Leech at least had felt like he had find someone he could relate too, who could understand what he had endured, but now?. Thier worlds already felt like they were drifting apart...
He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all!.
Leech hastily stood up and closed his eyes tightly as he run across the shallow part of the water to reach the otherside. He cast a quick glance back and while everyone seemed busy to work on the new camp Leech slipped he could do what he always did. Get away and be for himself to clear his thoughts.
// summary can be find down at the last post by rose if not wishing to read all of this! (:
Leech stared into the water from the island he had got trapped on, anxious eyes staring into his own reflection. It didn't feel right. He clenched his teeth tightly as this unnerving feeling refused to stop cutting the inside of his guts. He felt horrible and the worst part...alone. In a time like this he needed Rose... Just to get this tight rope wrapped inside his chest to loose it's grip. But when he turned his head around to try and find his friend saw her sitting by Wavesong and Adderfang, her new family who had taken her in without a second thought. While she had got abandoned by that awful family had quickly get taken in by a new one....not like him who had got abandoned and remained an orphan. Nobody had cared when he had lost everything but Rose... No, he shouldn't be feeling this way...but he knew deep inside in the first place the two had connected because of their families. Leech at least had felt like he had find someone he could relate too, who could understand what he had endured, but now?. Thier worlds already felt like they were drifting apart...
He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all!.
Leech hastily stood up and closed his eyes tightly as he run across the shallow part of the water to reach the otherside. He cast a quick glance back and while everyone seemed busy to work on the new camp Leech slipped he could do what he always did. Get away and be for himself to clear his thoughts.
// summary can be find down at the last post by rose if not wishing to read all of this! (:
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