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All he had wanted was to get away from that place, away from the memories that plagued him so. Away from the water. That was why when the stupid adults had finally made the decision they needed to leave it all behind Leech had stood behind it, eager to leave and get away from it all. What he not had expected though was that he now was supposed to live surrended by the water. It felt like going from one nightmare into the next.

Leech stared into the water from the island he had got trapped on, anxious eyes staring into his own reflection. It didn't feel right. He clenched his teeth tightly as this unnerving feeling refused to stop cutting the inside of his guts. He felt horrible and the worst part...alone. In a time like this he needed Rose... Just to get this tight rope wrapped inside his chest to loose it's grip. But when he turned his head around to try and find his friend saw her sitting by Wavesong and Adderfang, her new family who had taken her in without a second thought. While she had got abandoned by that awful family had quickly get taken in by a new one....not like him who had got abandoned and remained an orphan. Nobody had cared when he had lost everything but Rose... No, he shouldn't be feeling this way...but he knew deep inside in the first place the two had connected because of their families. Leech at least had felt like he had find someone he could relate too, who could understand what he had endured, but now?. Thier worlds already felt like they were drifting apart...

He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all!.

Leech hastily stood up and closed his eyes tightly as he run across the shallow part of the water to reach the otherside. He cast a quick glance back and while everyone seemed busy to work on the new camp Leech slipped he could do what he always did. Get away and be for himself to clear his thoughts.

// summary can be find down at the last post by rose if not wishing to read all of this! (:

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i will find your scent again if i sleep in infinite space
Despite everything Rose tried to smile through it all even if literally the whole world had turned upside down. From the storm that had destroyed thier home and almost sinked down with it, to the decision to leave the very place she had grown up in for a better future and got shun by her family for it. To leave all of that behind and get welcomed into a new family. All of it was alot to take in... So many drastic changes in such a short time. It was overwhelming but all she could do was smile to pretend so no one would get hurt because of her deceiving feelings.

Rose smiled as Wavesong and Adderfang left to help with the daily chores for today to improve the camp and eventually make it to a comfy home. As she turned around to see where she might be useful to help spotted a black shadow on the other side of the island. That was Leech. No...he shouldn't be running of on his own like that right now. It was a new foreign place out there yet to be explored. Danger could be lurking around, beside, hadn't Pikestar told them to not leave without the company of a warrior?. Leech couldn't continue to do what he had been doing in the past now. Rose cast a look over her shoulder and no one seemed to have noticed her friend had left, too busy working on the island. Rose would be quick. She could get Leech back here before anyone even noticed!.

Determined with her plan Rose went after her friend as she followed the same way of running through the shallow water to get to the other side of the stream. Quick in the steps to catch up to the black tom as fast as possible so the two could return back home to safety before any of them could worry anybody.

Taking the path by the shore to run along the lake Rose eventually caught up to the tom who was sitting by the lake to stare down into the water. Thank the sea... Relief washed over her knowing that her friend was safe. Slowing down to a normal speed, she carefully approached her friend from behind.
" Lee...thank the sea you're okay. You k-know we shouldn' t be out here by ourselves."
she spoke softly, kindly as paws had frozen still right behind the black furred back.
" Everyone's gonna w-worry about us if we don't return back soon. So lets go back...okay?."
Rose reached out a paw and placed it on her friend back. Whatever had made Leech rush out like this on his own...they could talk about it on thier way back. Rose just...

wanted them to return back before anything bad happend...

flowered hope from this abyss
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Leech stared into the water, conflicted by his own thoughts. Rose appeared from behind in the worst possible time. He did not wish to see her right now, previous desire gone along with the wind. But she was there now worried like usual spatting out words that agitated him. But he tried to keep his cool, teeths tightly clenched. But Rose contunie to speak, and the fire started to boil inside of him.

"Everyone's gonna w-worry about us."

That was it. The last button to push.

Rose reached out a paw but Leech quickly brushed it of his shoulder as he stood up and turned half way around to face them, lips now curled up to reveal his long fangs.
" Worried about us?. When have they ever been worried about us!."
He hissed, although it should have been him and not us. Rose was different. She was kind and sweet, not damaged and broken.
" Or are you talking about Wave and Adder?."
he spat out thier names, thier old names like trying to insult them, refusing to accept and follow along with this new life he was suppose to accept because the adults had told him so!. Always the adults talking and deciding, controlling him, every single one of them!.
" You know they don't really care about you right?."
he contunied as he turned to face an confused Rose who just stood there, staring at him.
" Maybe they like you now because you're new to them but overtime they will grow bored of you, throwing you aside while giving attention to thier real children."
How awful of him to say such things, but Leech was lost in his emotions, using his tounge to cut sharp and deep.

" W-why are such things..." Rose looked hurt, like he had cut the rot of her own insecurities. Leech snorted, tail starting to lash back and forth.
" Because all adults are like that!. I told you they cant be trusted!. I warned you about your mother!, and look how that ended up!. What makes you think Wave is so different. She is not!. None of them ever are!"
He took steps closer to his supposed friend, giving a long glare at her before snorting and walking right past her. Open your eyes already!. They will never care about us!. We can only rely on one another!. He wanted to yowl at her, to plead almost but he kept his tongue shut between clenched teeths.

" Y-you are wrong...not all adults a-are bad...W-Wavesong is not like that..." Rose tried to make her case, to defend softly what Leech just had said. That just angered him more. Fury increasing inside like fire, no like a livid tide he would attack!.
" Shut up Rose!. You don't know what you're talking about!, always a such naive fool!."
He snapped through a snarl, as fur started to bristle. He did not wish to hear it, for her to defend them who had done nothing but hurt him. To pick side with them over him. Leech dug his claws into the dirt, tail lashing like a tornado behind.
" I knew it!, all along i knew you where no different from them. I thought you of all cats knew better than to get swayed over by thier venomous lies!. But i had wrong!."
She was gonna pick them over him, to forget he even existed. She was gonna abandon him just like his mom had done, just like how everyone had. He was gonna end up alone, again.

His eyes started to wide over this realization, over this fear that came crashing down to overwhelm.
" Just leave me be!. I have always find you to be nothing but an annoyence anyway!. Being your friend has been nothing but suffocating!. "
So just run back to that perfect family of yours!.

Leech was livid with emotions, lost to the touch of reality. A moment of silence, soft sobs heard behind before paws approched closer triggering. " Lee, pl-please, i'm so-" Rose was right behind him, reaching out a paw to touch, to reach him but instead was faced with a livid Leech who swiftly swung around and pushed her right of the edge of the shore and right into the water.
He snarled as he pushed her and only after a tear-eyed Rose fell into the water Leech realized what he had done.

" Rose!."
suddenly anger was shifted into fear as he rushed closer to the shores edge to search for his friend in the water but there was no sign of her., no,no,no!!. What had he done?!. He needed to save her!, quick. Leech prepared himself to jump into the water by crounching but then he froze as he meet his reflection. Brother!, brother save us!. He heard his littermates voices inside of his head, seeing them alongside his own reflection as past memories kicked in and forced themself to the surface. One of them leaned in to whisper into the ear of his reflection as this memories replayed itself inside his head. Why didn't you save us?. Why did you let us die?.

Terrified Leech backed away from the water, eyes wide and shaky, and with a trembled whine the kit turned tail and run away from there, away from everything, to get as far away from the water as possible while leaving Rose behind to drown in the water......

and it was all his fault.

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i will find your scent again if i sleep in infinite space
Leech had been upset before but never like this. Rosepaw took a step back when her friend started to lash out over the new found family she had got adopted into. Rosepaw had always been a kind soul who tried to have an open heart with understanding over the other party. But right now she was honestly confused to why Leech was saying such hurtful things.
" W-why are such things..."
It was shown across her soft features that words had cut deep. He had dug right into her own insecurities, her fears of not being good enough, not even to this new family Wavesong had been so kind to welcome her into. That ways would return back to how it had used too, that she was unlovable no matter where she got placed....

She knew that Leech had little trust in adults, mothers in particular. There was a pain there so deep rotten into her friend's soul. Rosepaw knew he had a valid reason for thinking the way he did, for saying the things he did but despite it all she refused to have the same mindset he had, to think of everyone as bad and unworthy of redemption. Even if her mother had treated her poorly, she still even now loved her even if Leech had right about her in the end how she would eventually disown her. But that did not meant that Wavesong would do the same... it did not mean that all mothers were like that. Rose had seen it with her own eyes how affectionate a mother could be, how Wavesong was to her own children. That kind of mother love she wished for, having hoped to recieve from her own mother if just being patient enough, to do her best to be a good daughter.

" Y-you are wrong...not all adults a-are bad...W-Wavesong is not like that..."
she tried to make her case softly to her friend, not wishing to anger him any further then she already had...but she felt like she had to defend her, that Wavesong in this moment was not being judged fairly. She wished for Leech to see that. Maybe he was just trying to look out for her not wishing to see her hurt anymore so was just trying to protect her but if so he should know that she was okay. Wavesong and Adderfang were both good parents. She knew if they ever would grow bored of her it would be her fault and not them. She hoped to calm her friend down to stop this heated argument but...what she just had said just made things worse.

Everything got out of control as Leech told her to shut up which made her freeze, and what followed were arrows coming straight out from her friends mouth that stabbed her right in the chest. She was being told she was no different from those who had hurt Leech before that...thier friendship was suffocating him. Had this been how he had felt this whole time?. Had she just ruined the only friendship she had ever had?. Rosepaw's lip started to tremble, and a soft sob left her trembling mouth. She was hurt by his words but that was not enough to break this friendship up, she needed him. It was her fault!. She had to fix this before it was too late!. Hesitantly, as tears run down soft cheeks the cinnamon took careful step closer as she tried to reach out a paw, desperately.
" Lee, pl-please, i'm so-"
hurry!, she had to hurry and apologi -

Her eyes went wide as Leech suddenly pushed her of the edge of the shore, and with disbelief over what just had happend stared at the black furred tom with tears still streaming down her face before breaking the surface of the water that swollowed her whole. The cold bite her like a frostbite paralyzing her body to move and get to the surface. She fell deeper and deeper as darkness seemed to want to claim her soul. It was over for her. The coldness almost seemed comforting in that moment. All she needed to do was to close her eyes and it would be all over. Don't give up.

A voice so loud suddenly gave her strenght to fight. Rosepaw remember Foxtail's previous training from before and she started to kick at the water as she moved her legs to start swiming up towards the light again. She struggled but faught with all power she had until her head broke through the surface. She coughed up water and panted heavily, her whole body freezing and struggling to keep up, to keep moving. She was struggling to keep her head above the water as she splashed around.
" H-He-l-lp...."
she tried a weak attempt to call for help as her voice was stuttering from the cold. She didn't know for how long she could keep up this fight as each shaky breath she took felt like a heavy stone was being crushed against her lungs. She knew it wouldn't take long before the water would claim her again and this time for good.

She could only hope that someone had heard her weak cry out for help, or spot her in the lake. Hope, was all she had.

occ //aaaah this is finally done! just to make it clear leech has run away and won't be found! he is gone for his new life in SHC!


Leech run out of camp for some time for himself, Rosepaw saw and followed, and the two ended up in a argument that went out of control and Leech pushed Rosepaw into the water leaving her in there to drown before running away from the scene!

flowered hope from this abyss
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Wavesong's frown deepened as she scanned the camp, worry settling in her chest like a heavy stone. She had seen where Crescentpaw and Rushingpaw were, but Rosepaw... Rosepaw had somehow slipped away. Where had she gone? Just moments ago, the young molly had been here, Wavesong was certain of it. She had watched her helping around camp, even offering her an encouraging wink every now and then. Rosepaw had been putting in the effort, proving she was there for those around her. For her friend, too. Though he was far less appreciative of them all.

She only hoped he would adjust in time. She knew how much Rosepaw cared for him. But now, where were they? A cold unease trickled into her heart as she prowled the camp, keen eyes searching for any sign of her newly adopted daughter's pelt. Rosepaw was smart, she knew how to stay safe... But the longer she searched, the tighter that fear coiled around her chest. Then she caught her scent. Wavesong let out a breath of relief, wasting no time following the trail. She'd be there, surely. Maybe she'd even be interrupting a moment between the two, but a quick peek wouldn't hurt. She just needed to make sure they were okay--

Then she heard it. The faint sounds weren't okay. An arguement, maybe? She couldn't hear what was being said. Her paws moved faster. A splash. A cry. Something hit the water. Her heart lunged into her throat as she broke into a full sprint, chest heaving as she burst onto the scene, but there was no one there. No one. Except... A small form, flailing in the water. " Rose! "

She didn't think. She moved. Wavesong leaped into the water without hesitation, the cold biting into her fur as she swam hard toward the struggling molly. " Calm yerself, young'un! Kick dem legs o' yers! Ye got a good pair! Yer doin' good! I'm here, I'm comin'! " Her words were firm but soothing, guiding, urgent. The moment she reached her, she grabbed her scruff, pulling her close. " Come on, keep kickin'. Yer doin' good. No worries, yer not in the way fer me. " Her voice was muffled through the fur, but the reassurance remained steady.

" Almost there, almost there, m'love. " Relief only came when her paws touched solid ground. With a final, strained pull, she hauled Rosepaw onto the shore, panting. Then the questions came, fear spilling from her like water from her soaked pelt. " Wha' happened? Are ye okay? Were ye alone? Is Leech okay?! " Her eyes darted toward the water, was he drowning?!

Panic surged anew, and without another word, she was moving again, paws splashing forward, ready to dive back in.

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad
Reactions: ROSEPAW.
i will find your scent again if i sleep in infinite space
She was fighting for her life in the water but strenght was giving in and for each new kick she made in the water felt heavier then the kick before. Just when she was about to give in as the hope had faded inside a voice called out her name in alarm followed by encouragement to not give up, to keep on kicking....New rebirth strenght keept her head over the surface as the back legs keept on kicking just to stay above the water. She did what she was being commanded, listening to Wavesong voice as she used it as guidence to swim towards her with front paws that was splashing up water as she clumpsy moved herself forward as she rememberd the lesson taught from the past right before coming here to this new home.

Back then Wavesong had encouraged her to, help her from the shore. Rosepaw eyes were filled with panic but also relief when she finally reached the molly who had came for her rescue again.

Now with the comfort from Wavesong helping her into the shore Rose used the last strenght she had left to kick closer to the safety of land although she no longer could feel her legs. Once they reached the shore at final last Rosepaw was out of breath and collapsed straight away as she started to cough up all the water she had taken in. Her whole body was shivering violently from the freezing cold water, and her mind was racing unable to fully grasp what had just happened.

It was not until Wavesong mentioned Leech's name that she actually remembered she had not been alone out here...that Leech was suppose to be here as well.
" I-I-I do-don't k-k-kno-ow."
her voice was trembling from the cold as she tried to make any sense. Paniced, her gaze lifted up as she tried to find the black furred tom anywhere but he was nowhere to be seen...had he....fallen in too?. The thought that Leech actually had pushed her into the water was far from her mind, unable to accept that to be the truth at the moment.
" Lee... W-wa-ater....water!!."
she made no sense of anything as she spoke through her shock but her paniced gaze that drifted back out at the water was enough to clarify. Leech most be in the water!, and he couldn't swim!.

Rosepaw made an attempt to get up so she could hurry back into the water and save him!, but her legs gave in halfway and she just fall back down. She had no strength left in her legs anymore. She was forced to watch helplessly as she was shivering like a leaf.

flowered hope from this abyss
There are sounds of splashing in the river, and from where Pigeonpearl is fishing, she can hear it. It causes the fish shes about to scoop out to dart away and she curses under her breath, a frustrated paw slamming in to the water. She makes her way towards it in a sprint, ready to give whoever it was a piece of her mind...

Until she comes across the tail-end of Wavesong dragging a half-drowned Rosepaw to the shore. "What happened?!" she demands, not expecting an answer as she draws closer to the shore, ready to help if Wavesong needed it. "Fuck," she hisses under her breath, her heart beating wildly. What does she even do here?! Wavesong is running back to the shallows and she moves closer to Rosepaw, inspecting her over. Cold, shivering and sopping wet, but theres no wounds, at least not that she could see. Shes still not sure what the hell even happened...

She croaks something about Lee and water, and thats just their luck. That kit was still out there.

"Stop moving, sit down and try to catch your breath, Wavesong didn't save you for you to drown again." she instructs Rosepaw, a little too unintentionally harsh with her biting tone, as the apprentice tries to get back up only to crumple back down to the ground. Her paw raises awkwardly to against Rosepaws back, trying to get any water out of her lungs and at least be a soothing presence to the shivering apprentice... Even if she was the furthest thing from that, moreso a towering presence of anger than anything. Her eyes turn to Wavesong, who was scanning the shallows and ready to go back in. Shes freezing, and... If Leech is out there, we'll need more help. Could she even carry Rosepaw to the camp? She'd have to swim with the poor girl to get to camp anyways, best course is to bring the help to her.. "I'm going to get Jinglemoon for her. If we can't find Leech now, we'll have to go downstream... Have anyone who comes across help you." Pigeon turns tail and sprints away, heading straight for their medicine cat. He'd be much better than she would be in this situation, and besides, she couldn't sit there and lie to Rosepaw about finding Leech. She knows the power of the water, understands it very well from her time in the Shipyard, and many times when cats who were unsteady swimmers were swept away... They wouldn't return. False hope was never ideal, but she did hope that their search wouldn't overturn a dead body.

All she could do was run.

[ @Jinglemoon ]