Backwritten ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐„ ๐…๐ˆ๐‘๐’๐“ | ๐˜ง๐˜ถ๐˜ซ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ

This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.


bad decisions make good stories
he is a wild child with a wanderer soul that dances with the stars. he has a free spirit, a reckless mind, and a rebel heart that isn't meant to be tamed. love his wild and you will never lose him.
The petite chimera had dragged poor Fujimoto on a little side quest to the graveyard close to camp, grinning cheekily and using sweet words to convince the daylighter (which took little convincing, and Lostmoon was a child at heart and was pouting childishly).

Sue him.

He was emotional, okay? Leave him alone! He was pregnant! He had special rights!

And well, thinking about everything but the body buried in the ground beneath his paws. He bit the inside of his cheek enough to draw blood, swallowing the coppery ichor with a grimace, stomach rolling unpleasantly.

"Hiya, Zhinnie," Lostmoon muttered, flopping on his sideโ€”right on top of the unkempt dirt with a hollow grin, tucking his head between his paws to stare at the dried flowers he'd left some weeks ago. Right. Goodbyes.

That was the entire reason for this visit, wasn't it?

He swallowed the painful lump, tucking his nose beneath his paw when his grin turned watery. I'm leaving now, Zhinnie. He thought with a broken whisper, tears dotting his waterline edge. Wish me luck, okay? He wasn't sure what awaited them, but he was oddly excited, if not bittersweet leaving behind the memories he shared with his late husband.

Don't โ€ฆ Don't let the nest bugs bite, okay? He chuckled something meek and depressing, shredded ears flat against his helm. I'm still mad at you for leaving me pregnant, y'know, but I can't stay mad at you for long โ€” not with that stupid handsome mug. He snickered wetly. You'll always be with me, right?

When no response came, Lostmoon sighed, shaking his head with a soft laugh, squinting pink owlish hues. "Take care, okay? I promise I won't name our kits after food." He giggled, remembering when Lostmoon teased the other about naming their kids' squirrel and bird.

He peeled him off the bitter ground with a shaky hum, raising a paw to rub his eyes furiously. "Coming, Fujimoto?" He called, putting up a cheeky facade, pink eyes squinting with the soft curl of his lips,

"We have an adventure waiting for us."
  • ooc
    โ€”โ€” @Fujimoto
  • 832134662baa9c3d5b8935bc3fa976c98dfc568d.gifv
    still, there is this terrible
    to be

    still, there is this
    at being
    left behind
  • lostmoon he/him
    โ™ก a petite black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera with pretty owlish pink eyes and vitiligo
    โ™ก caregiver of skyclan
    โ™ก forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    โ™ก speech thought attack
    โ™ก peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomteaโ€‹

Fujimoto had rarely, arguably perhaps never entered SkyClan's graveyard before. It felt like trespassing in a way, not knowing most of the cats buried beneath the soil and knowing he himself would not have his final rest in SkyClan's lands. Fuji imagined if he were to meet an untimely end it would be far into his old age, when his bones ached and protested against even visiting the Clan anymore. Wrapped in the warmth of his twolegs and sent peacefully into the stars.

That wouldn't be such a reality anymore, though. With him running off into the journey he might not even make it to their destination still breathing, instead having to follow them from the stars. But as he looked over his shoulder, following Lostmoon, he knew his Clanmates equally faced the same fate.

Lostmoon fell to rest over the marked grave of his mate, and Fujimoto carefully watched their surroundings. The Caretakers safety would come before his own discomfort of course, ears twitching whenever Lostmoon laughed or sniffled in the silent, one-sided conversation. How Lostmoon could laugh in a time like this, Fuji cannot imagine an answer, but they are glad to see him still manage a smile.

"Hmm? Oh, yes! Did you two have a nice... talk?" Fuji manuevered the question awkwardly, rising to Lostmoon's side in gentle comfort.