Open The Farm Diggy Diggy Hole ꩜ Intro

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


If Something Can Be Remembered, It Can Come Back.
Played by

Status: Diggy, Diggy

The small cat franticly dug at the ground by the fence. She could smell something in the ground, something...something that she needed to find. The grass blades in front of her were a blurry mess of color from her failing vision but she paid it no mind, it had been like this for moons. She grabbed the dirt in the hole she was digging into her mouth and shoveled it out behind her, flinging it aways a way into the pile she had already accumulated, little yips more reminiscent of a dog than a cat leaving her mouth. The joys of growing up around the creatures since she was a small kit, she picked up more of their mannerisms than her fellow cats.

The cat named Miley shoved the entire front half of her body into the hole, small tail wagging about a mile a minute. She scratched at the walls, flinging the dirt behind her and out of the hole. She was so close she could taste it. She wiggled backwards and sneezed in the open air, slowly blinking one eye after the other as she stared at the wood of the fence. For only a moment before diving back into the hole. Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig. She would find what she could smell and she would drag it out of it's hiding hole if it was the last thing she did.

  • OOC:
  • Miley
    - Black/Cinnamon Chimera w/ high white ꩜ She/Her ꩜ Barncat ꩜ Penned by Snowy ꩜ 24 moons
    ꩜ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting

Clover swore she'd heard a dog outside the barn - a small one, she figured, but it had to have been a dog. Why else were there yips outside the barn, and why had nobody gone to investigate? Were dogs that frequent of visitors to the barn that older cats didn't care? She wasn't sure of the feelings of other cats... but personally she was going to see what was going on. Any dog that made sounds like that had to have been small, right?

The closer she got to the source of the sound, the more uncertain she felt... What if it was a bigger dog, and she was woefully unprepared to fight it off? She almost missed a chunk of dirt flying her way, turning her head towards the dirt chunk's origin. A wagging tail inside a hole in the ground... but far too catlike of hindquarters for it to be a dog. What were they looking for so intently under the ground? Even her own digging had been mostly for fun, never really looking for something.

Well, she wasn't going to find out just standing around, right? Moving closer, but leaving a safe distance from the hole the other cat was nearly disappearing into, she asked, "So, uh... what're you looking for down there? Anything particular?" It must have been something important... Maybe help was needed?
  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Clover(paw) she/her & windclan
    lh red lynx mink w/ white spotting
    8 moons
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    Slight suppressed southern accent

    penned by pastelskulls
    template by scarlet
Slow Down, Just Breathe
The sound of digging is no stranger to Honey's ears, twolegs and dogs dug holes around the farm all the time. It wasn't unusual. It was very normal, in fact. What wasn't normal to her ears was the soft yipping. Had the twolegs gotten a new dog? One that did not bark with the resounding booms that were so prevalent with the ones that stayed with the sheep?

Curiosity, as it so often does, gets the best of Honey and she slowly pads along the top of the fence towards the sound. She spies Clover first, then what's unmistakably another cat's tail poking out of what was surely a rather sizeable hole for a cat to dig.

"What are you two doing?" The molly let out a hum of amusement as she craned her neck to watch the two. "Digging your way to twolegplace, maybe?"

A look is given at Clover before her gaze is drawn to the slowly growing pile of dirt as the other continued to dig under the fence. "Was that you just now? You sounded like a dog! How'd you do that?"
All We Have Is All We Need

✿—Future Moor Runner Of WindClan

✿—Dilute Calico Shecat With Green Eyes And A Floppy Ear