Private DISBELIEF CONTEXT // owlbark

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i imagine you're still out there
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"Thanks for taking me out..."

She says it nonchalantly, as if the two of them haven't aimlessly wandered the forest for several minutes now. The gratitude is belated, used only as a manner to start something. A conversation, an argument, anything. She likes Owlbark, she likes that he has more fang-and-claw than diplomacy... but by StarClan, he doesn't talk much! Is he treating this outing as nothing more than a chore, she wonders; to attend to the medicine cat as if she's a fragile feather so close to breaking? Her mate died, and she has had to live with the knowledge that his murderer breathes still. If she were little more than glass, she would've shattered already. She's strong, she's sturdy, she's -


"... Y'know, you didn't seem that impressed," she starts something, anything. Her tail lashes as she takes a break from their stroll, nosing a few stalks of something-or-other. Leaves, stems, everything that shouldn't grow in this weather but does. "With Juniperstar, I mean. Over Brightpetal being her... deputy." Serpentberry would admit that she feels slighted, too. Was it because StarClan already dubbed her a medicine cat? What are the rules with these things? Her claws yank the plant from the cold ground. "I mean... he is awful young, isn't he?"

"You're welcome." It was a curt and almost mumbled response from Owlbark. He was not very fond of Serpentberry as a companion. She was nosey. She was talkative. As a medicine cat, though, he was very impressed with her abilities. He intended to keep her from any harm for this reason alone.

So, yes. This outing was a chore for him. A very important chore in his opinion. He also can't help but feel a small amount of pity for her situation. The loss of a mate (he would assume) was a deep wound. He himself had never taken a mate, and never truly saw himself taking one in the future. The small part of him that desired connection with others, a part that he ignored, wanted to explain her behavior on the loss of her mate. It wanted him to ignore the fact that, despite his silence and avoidance of eye contact, she was prying for information.

His ear pricked at her question and his fur prickled in agitation. The reminder of that young cat standing up on the High Rock with no clue of what he was doing made Owlbark flex his claws into the damp soil. He eyed Serpentberry plucking er herbs and could not help but note the proud gleam in her eye at his reaction. "I had hoped it was not that obvious," he said, again almost under his breath. "I'll admit I am questioning Juniperstar's decision. He seems so unsure of himself. I'm not sure if that's what the clan needs in its infancy." Something of the rage and frustration boiling in his stomach made words flow from him. He kept his tone even, but knew that if she kept prodding he would not be able to keep so calm.

"What about you? You must have opinions on the matter despite being sequestered away in your den." The brown tabby tom had been keeping his eyes trained on their surroundings, but now they focused on Serpentberry's face.

  • ooc: -
    51 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    open to peaceful interactions
    penned by muddly
  • toyhouse
She can see how her begging for conversation does not grab him so readily like she hopes - not until she mentions Brightpetal and the downright peculiar decision making done by their leader. His face remains stone-still, but his ears firm in their stationary position, and his fur ripples briefly, as if a small breeze has only disturbed his spine. Serpentberry makes no verbal note of her excitement, that she has found the way beneath Owlbark's pelt - but she grins nonetheless, as if she doesn't need to. She looks back to him, a thin and useless stem caught between her teeth, and she watches his claws fidget with the ground beneath.

His opinion is made clear; there is no use of a kitten saddled with responsibility when the Clan is hardly older than even the youngest among them. She holds his green gaze evenly, nodding along with his words only to fuel them further. "Absolutely, Owlbark, I agree. Trust me, as a mother I can understand the... exhaustion, yes, of raising three little ones all on their own -" she skips the grief and fury in her gaze, flashes of them each blinked away for the sake of the conversation, "- but surely there are better cats in the Clan? If not better... older? Brightpetal is hardly larger than a tot," she embellishes, though she knows through the grapevine that the tom is nearly eight seasons old already. "His mind cannot be much different than the apprentices, don't you think? And they can be so... foolish..."

She trails off, her gaze falling to find a new leaf fluttering in the wind. She leads him to walk while they speak, adding an even toned, "It would not fair well if Brightpetal was convinced to bow to Sable or any of his lackeys..."