It was a crisp, calm night, not particularly freezing, and the warmth from inside Lovebug's nest felt as if it was coaxing her to sleep—but how could she? The excitement of her first catch still reverberated within her bones, and all she could think about was what her second catch would be like. And her third, and fourth, and fifth, and how could she possibly sleep if the thrill of the hunt still sat so high on her tongue? Lovebug rolled over, probably for the fiftieth time that night, restless and jittery. All she wanted to do was get back out there and pounce on something—something that was even better than that toad she had expertly snuck up on (she blissfully ignored the lack of awareness it seemingly had to begin with).
Rolling over again, Lovebug immediately perked up when she came face-to-face with Rowan, her best friend, snoring softly in her own nest. Solo hunting trips were something she realized she couldn't do, but maybe with a partner...? Rowan was usually very set on following rules, but even she wouldn't mind a quick night hunt, right? And I haven't hunted with her before yet! I can show her all the awesome techniques I've learned!
Mind immediately made up, Lovebug slowly and quietly got to her feet, careful not to wake anyone else around her. She tiptoed over to Rowan, eyes glinting with excitement, and reached out a paw to poke her. "Rowan," she whispered semi-loudly, immediately glancing around to make sure no one else heard. As the snoring around her continued uninterrupted, Lovebug once again poked her friend. "Rowan?"
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