Dizzys Info Den (Characters, Rolling Charts, Etc!)


New Member
This user plays a HP.

Okay! I suck at characters hubs so this will probabaly end up out of date at some point, but Discord can only pin so much and it's already starting to look chaotic as hell over there, soooo, yeah lol. Here you can find my rolling charts, art, and any info on my characters that I've decided is relevant.

Feel free to messege me about potential romance- I'm a sucker for gay battle cats and can usually be sucked into just about any m/m pairing (male presenting is fine, too, for afab characters!). Even if I don't have someone available there's a chance I'd be down to make a cat XD

PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD-- this is for my own personal storage. I am always open to DMs on here or discord if needed! <3



I love rolling dice to determine random outcomes/events/etc with my characters. When roleplaying with me you DO NOT have to do this as well, it's just an optional thing I like to do! As a general disclaimer, while I do have these charts written up to follow, it is ultimately at my own discretion how I choose to interpret rolls, or if I use them at all.

Dizzys 1d20 Chart For Basic Stuff

Nat; 1
crit fail (you probably hurt yourself)
2-3; major fail (not even close)
4-6; basic fail (you didn't embarrass yourself, you just couldn't do it)
7-10; minor fail (nearly had it, you were so close)
11-12; flawed success (did it poorly)
13 -15; average success (did it competently)
16-19; great success (didn't break a sweat)
Nat 20 crit success (fucking show-off)

Dizzy's 1d10 Chart for Intensity/Effectiveness (as a note, a 1d10 may also be rolled to determine the 'scale' of various other things outside of this chart, such as the quality of prey)

1 - minimal (barely noticeable)
2 - mild (you're aware, but it's not a big deal)
3-4- moderate (noticeable but manageable)
5- average (clear but not overwhelming)
6- significant (it's hard to ignore)
7-8- intense (serious impact, requires focus)
9- extreme (nearly at the limit)
10- maximum (pushed to the absolute limit)

Shadowclan Hunting Guide (Please note that 'difficult' prey items require multiple cats to bring down, and thus are not included on hunting charts)

– Roll a 1d20 to determine successful or failed hunt
– If successful, roll a 1d3 to determine prey species (bird, mammal, fish)
– Now, roll die according to species to determine what you caught. The higher you roll, the more impressive/sizeable the prey you capture.

If mammal prey, roll a 1d9
1- Anole
2- Skink
3- Mink
4- Muskrat
5- Salamander
6- Toad
7- Frog
8- Squirrel
9- Rabbit

If fish prey, roll a 1d7
1. Clams
2. Mosquitofish
3. Killifish
4. Mudminnow
5. Flier
6. Perch
7. Sunfish

If bird prey, roll a 1d47
1. Hummingbird
2. Kinglet
3. Chickadee
4. Siskin
5. Wren
6. Sparrow
7. Junco
8. Warbler
9. Pewee
10. Pipit
11. Flycatcher
12. Phoebe
13. Vireo
14. Titmouse
15. Finch
16. Bluebird
17. Swallow
18. Martin
19. Towhee
20. Mockingbird
21. Starling
22. Catbird
23. Thrasher
24. Robin
25. Waxwing
26. Tanager
27. Lark
28. Cardinal
29. Jay
30. Blackbird
31. Thrush
32. Nuthatch
33. Swallow
34. Sandpiper
35. Plover
36. Snipe
37. Nighthawk
38. Bittern
39. Cuckoo
40. Tern
41. Killdeer
42. Dove
43. Flicker
44. Quail
45. Grackle
46. Crow
47. Bittern

Thunderclan Hunting Guide (Please note that 'difficult' prey items require multiple cats to bring down, and thus are not included on hunting charts)

– Roll a 1d20 to determine successful or failed hunt
– If successful, roll a 1d3 to determine prey species (bird, mammal, fish)
– Now, roll die according to species to determine what you caught. The higher you roll, the more impressive/sizeable the prey you capture.

If mammal prey, roll a 1d9
If fish prey, roll a 1d7
If bird prey, roll a 1d47

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– Male (amab)
– 22 Moons
– A tall, muscular dark grey and white tabby with dark amber eyes and many scars.

– A gruff, quiet tomcat who comes off as intimidating even when he isn't trying to. Covered in scars, his aloof bluntness can give the wrong impression at times, but in reality he's just an awkward socializer. He *could* be classified as a 'gentle-giant' with certain cats, but it'd be an inaccurate representation to describe him as such to just anyone. Ghoststrikes past is one painted with the blood of others, and he knows theres too much red on his paws to ever be considered much more than a monster.

– Was born to a city colony a few hours away that was at war with the stray dog population in their city, called The Coalition. Was essentially a child soldier, otherwise known by his colonymates as 'frontline fodder' expected to be lost to the dogs in distractions skirmishes and lead offs. Most died before their first year, but every now and then you ended up with some who managed to survive– cats like Ghost. He only escaped when his colony was destroyed, sending him running for his life only to eventually end up here…

– Has good leadership qualities, but has zero interest in ascending any ranks. Exceptionally capable. Unnervingly quiet and agile for a cat of his size. Naturally wary of others. Quiet and prefers to be alone. Highly protective of those he lets close to him. Natural soft spot for kids (they remind him of the 'brother' he failed to protect)

(Trigger Warnings for violence, child soldiers, mass death, branding etc)

-- The Coalition is a massive cat colony that existed a few cities over, in a community where there was a huge stray animal problem. The smaller colonies in this area were tormented by the dogs, who not only competed for the same resources, but also started hunting the cats during times of desperation. This caused the remaining colonies to come together to form The Coalition, a strict, militaristic group that's sole focus was defeating the dogs and taking back twolegplace for themselves.

-- The Coalition had two different classes of cats living within it, defined by a very clear line. The first were the cats of the Shoulder Mark, who wore the branding scar of their rank on their shoulders. These were ranking cats who had rights, opportunities for advancement, and that others would generally give a shit about if something happened to them. These cats usually made up the majority of the patrols, council, or leadership positions. Then there were the cats of the Hind Mark, who wore the scars of their ranks on their flanks. These were the fodder cats, who lived in the worst part of camp and were thrown the scraps to fight over. They were sent out in squadrons ahead of the patrols to distract and chase off any dogs so the others could work, often losing their lives in the process. These cats have almost no opportunity for advancement in the ranks, are not allowed to challenge anyone of Shoulder Mark, and are often sent on suicide missions. Every now and then one is promoted within their Mark to give the group hope that they can one day get out if they work hard enough, but nobodys actually ever made it.

-- Training for Hind Mark kits begins at 2 months old, and they are on active duty against the dogs as early as 4 months.

-- Most Coalition Hind Mark cats don't make it past their first year.

-- While cooperation and some sense of allegiance is fostered among those of the Shoulder Mark, the same cannot be said for those of the Lower Mark. Because food and nesting materials and medicine is so much scarcer among them, there's often a high sense of competition among the cats of the lower class, and they tend to stick closer to their family units or the few friends made during training (though most don't last long given the death rate). Those who survive end up like Ghost-- solitary and ready to strike first.

-- Ghost wears the Hind Mark, but it's well camouflaged against the wall of other scars that now cover him, courtesy of living so long against the dogs, and being buried alive beneath a building.

-- The 'Marks' are X's that are placed on a kit when it is still in the nursery. Cats capable of bearing children in the Hind Mark are offered Exemption from patrols if they become permaqueens instead, helping to replenish the ranks. All Queens from the Shoulder Mark are also required to give one kit to the Hind Mark from every litter (unless it's a solitary birth).

-- The Coalition is now presumed to be destroyed after the majority of the cats were killed when Twolegs destroyed the abandoned buildings they were using as a camp.

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