DON'T CALL ME NICE // treasure hunting


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Rose had gifted him a stone the other day which was a rather odd gift to be honest because what was he suppose to do with a stone?. Throw it at somebody's face?. Actually, that might not be that bad of an idea especially when he had heard the trouble this sisters had caused Rose just for picking that stone for him. Ugh, he swore one of this days he was gonna bite off all of thier ears, Sunflower in particular because out of the three she was the biggest pain of them all. Tch. The way how that family worked. How Rose could endure through that every single day was beyond him. Leech wished his friend at least could have a bit of a backbone to fight them back. Whatever, it was up to him to put them in thier place he guess.

But not today. He would wait for an opportunity to get back at them, for now he was busy walking in this stupid sand trying to find something to give to Rose in return for It might be the most stupiest gift he had ever recieved but it was also the only gift he had ever been given from somebody so...unless being gifted worms from his deceased littermates counted... He grimaced at the thought and quickly brushed this memories away as he concentrated on the search instead. He knew Rose liked shiny, pretty things so it shouldn't be that difficult to find something, right?.

He had said that, hoped for that but after having been out for quite sometime to dig into the sand, to lift up rocks and even at some point considering if a crab would be a good enough gift Leech was still out here having find nothing.

" For crab sake!, I hate you - you stupid sand!. "
he would growl to himself as he kicked up sand with a forepaw, his whiskers twitching in annoyence. Maybe he should just give up and give the stone back to Rose instead...yeah, that would make him the friend of the year for sure.

"What did the sand do to you?"

The disdain is clear within each syllable. Bay is not normally one to care much for the matters of kits — evident in his own mind echoing kits, ugh —, for their antics are much too boring for someone like him to care about; he has things to do, after all, so he doesn't normally have the time to entertain immature fantasies. Or so he thinks... something about this angry furball's outburst calls for Bay, and he simply must investigate. It will just be a quick moment.

That's what he tells himself anyway.

Nimble paws are used to the muted grains settling around him with each and every step. Bay doesn't remember much of the times before his arrival here, and that fact can only mean one thing: none of had been interesting enough to take up space in his mind. The Shipyard is a playground for grown-ups; so much to scavenge and so much to discover, with the water providing a quick way to cool off at the end of the day.

If it wasn't for the cold season, the sand here would be warm to the touch. Bay settles into it: first his front limbs, then his belly, and finally everything else. Considering how much he likes it, he ought to "defend" it from this kit's vicious opinions.
"It's just lying here. You're bothering it."

Admittedly Downy would not claim to love the sand. It reminds her too much of the box her twolegs left out for her and her siblings and their... business. And any reminder of that unsettles her for - just how many cats have made dirt where she stands, on any given day?! Luckily it seems this feral cluster of cats is a little more civilized, designating places for them to make their messes. Whatever the case, Downy fathom enjoying the grainy stuff. Though as she stands opposed to Bay, who slowly reclines on the shore to prove a point, she struggles to make any counter to his argument. For that means agreeing with a child... and that alone is embarrassing.

"Could we - should we..." Downy says as she happens upon the situation, equally too awkward to part from it. Her tail sweeps the ground behind her, "... be asking why he hates the sand?" Maybe it suffocated his whole family somehow, and living atop it is just one giant nightmare inducing existence. Or, maybe, they just don't like how it feels on their paws. Downy thinks both options are valid to the same degree, if she's honest.