Rowan is settled. Bound where she is broken, heart still bleeding from what she witnessed - but settled. Serpent tries to not trouble her younger friend with the unavoidable. She folds her own worries and doubts beneath layers of mossy bedding, creating a nest built to be thrown away. Comfortable for a short while, and then dismissed after all is said and done. She tells Rowan that she will be back soon - just that she must speak with Hawthorne and check with the rest of the... Clan. (It was an awkward said statement; one where she had to catch herself from saying the wrong thing. How different this would be, she wonders, than how the Colony once functioned?)
Regardless, her paws carry her inwards, towards the center of camp. Hawthorne is still there, still steady despite the unrest, still lively despite the exhaustion. Serpent feels as if she could sleep on her paws as she basks in his radiance and warmth, as if his mere appearance could sanction her the security to rest again, despite the surprise and hardship they've faced. She tilts forward as soon as he notices her, wasting no time to touch her nose to his again, brushing through to hold their cheeks together. Their kits thump uncomfortably in her belly and her claws flex into the ground.
"My love -" she murmurs, and there is an ache in her tone. Her shoulders shake as she weathers another wave of her body's discontent. This one is sharper than before, growing in intensity and strength. She will be unable to escape her own nest soon, she knows. "Hawthorne, when will you join me once again?" Her voice trembles. Serpent is too careful for once, edging around the demands her tongue is so used to. "Surely you will not watch the sun rise - there are others who can do that in your stead. I -" a long beat as the tenseness goes away and she is afforded a moment to breathe. "- the kits. I don't think they liked so much excitement. Or - at least, they didn't like missing it." Soon. So soon, her ears fold back and she winds her tail around his.